Awareness | Heavenletters
MAR 16 2023
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Get your lifts from Me. I will lift you. The other things that lift you are momentary wisps of smoke. You know that. They lift you one day, and the next they let you down. You expect illusion to hold you up, but illusions are illusions and are illusive. They are vapor. The picture of a bridge doesn’t hold you up. A picture of shoes doesn’t cover your feet. Expectations are shaky.
Any expectation you have is a form of control. You don’t need control. That is one of your biggest illusions. That you need it and that you can have it. Control is such a source of frustration. You expect someone else to do something in a certain way, and when they don’t, you are fraught. And they expected something from you that wasn’t in your picture, and a cycle is born.
Note even how you feel when an expectation is fulfilled. You feel like you have won something. And yet there is little pleasure because you really know that you somehow interfered. A victory wasn’t really given to you. You took it. It is all masquerade. All fallacy.
Having something turn out the way you want is a little like winning a hand at poker or a throw of the dice. This winning cannot sustain itself. And if you have thought of winning, you also have thought of losing. It is more fulfilling to just be.
But even in a win at dice or the stock market, you think you have won Me. You think you have been favored by the Gods. You looked for that favor, and you found it. You feel favored. But I favored you all along. You don’t have to look for My favor or proof of it. That is looking over your shoulder.
Expectation is the same as playing the odds. But the odds are stacked against you because even when you win, you know you have won nothing but illusion, and you already had that.
The only thing you can count on is Me. You can expect Me. But the manner of My entrance, you cannot foretell nor ordain. I will come at your bidding, but if you are restricted to your presumption of Me and how I will appear, you may miss Me. In fact, that is exactly what you do. I am there all along, but when your particular idea of Me is not actualized, you don’t see Me, for you were looking more for your idea of Me than for Me.
You think I am to behave certain ways, or I do not exist. And so you refuse My offerings. Yes, you want control even of Me. And when you cannot control things or Me, you are perturbed.
Much of your life has been spent like this. An arrangement in life is not the arrangement you had in mind. You think something has to be a certain way. You think it has to live up to your expectation. It doesn’t. So, be done with expectations. Be done even with expectations of yourself. Flow with life. Don’t box it.
When you have expectation, you have pleasure or displeasure. Often your displeasure outweighs everything else in your life. What is displeasure but annoyance at what is not how you had expected?
Even when you deal the cards, you do not control how they come out.
Know that I favor you, and that you don’t need proof of that. Take My favor with you as you do your keys. Be aware of My favor. Being aware is not the same as expecting. Being aware is seeing, not predicating. Just as your senses operate, awareness does. It is not effort. As you are aware of air, or warmth, or sweet taste, you can be aware of My love.
My love you have. Awareness of it — you yourself have to allow.
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Awareness | Heavenletters
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/17/2023 12:33:00 AM