(Golden Age of Gaia)
I could easily blame my experience on something outside of me but I would be giving away my power to it, whatever it is, being the cause of my suffering.
You are the healer, motivator, and eradicator of anything that you maybe feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally.
You are the proprietor of your own Soul. This earthly life is your Soul’s business, and your prior agreement to experience this life with whatever contracts were chosen by YOU.
To give your power away to the imagination can be bitter sweet depending on where you choose to create from. Be it, Fear or Love.
Perhaps the “work” involves letting go of thoughts and ideas that further support beliefs that are outdated and distract you from the true work.
Letting the mind go altogether.
We always have a choice in what we give focus and energy to. We have all heard the term “thoughts create your reality”.
This ideology requires your belief.
If you believe in thoughts that aren’t necessarily in your best interest than perhaps you are being called to question your beliefs.
We have been giving our power away as a conditioned structure for so long, and once you wake up to another realization a new set of beliefs come into fruition, where believing is seeing, and not the other way around.
We have been dumbed down, stripped, naive to our innate capabilities. The teacher is the mind, body, identity. When this teacher awakens, the realization that your power comes from within is undeniable.
The most fear I have ever experienced began and ended in my mind. My reality mirrored that. I also knew that my own fear was going to bring me closer to GOD.
And it did. It’s easier to question the unquestionable when you are stripped to your core.
What else is there? What else is left?
All you can do is Surrender. Why give your power away to what you can do to fix your circumstances, or diagnose your outcomes externally.
What if the ”lesson” is to go through it, feel it, let go of trying to control it. Perhaps you might even realize that while you are the creator you are also the savior of your experiences.
It’s comforting to connect with ”others” who are experiencing things of a similar nature to you. It gives you a stronger sense of purpose, or the inclination that you are never alone.
But the truth is that no one can do it for you. ONLY YOU CAN DO IT! No one can take away what you are being called to walk through.
And if by some slight chance you receive “help” it will be a temporary relief for a mind that will always hold onto the memory and try to relieve or reenact it.
What would be the point in that? What are you here for if someone could so easily take away your lessons of letting go of who you thought yourself to be?
You have to be stripped to your core.
Empowerment is how you experience life free from worry. Free from doubt. Free from fear. You have to go through the fires of purification to dissolve into spirit.
Ownership of your complete and total experience means that it is YOU, experiencing you. A wild epiphany, but a powerful one.
That means you always have the power within you.
There is no-thing separate from that. You are meant to let go of separation through countless initiations of coming home,
REMEMBERING that you are not separate, you are WHOLE, part and parcel of EVERYTHING.
All you can do is Surrender | Jessica Woods
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/02/2022 08:50:00 PM