By Steve Beckow, June 13, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
An extract from a new book, What is a Soul Contract? To be released June 15.
⌘ Does Chance Rule Our Lives? ⌘
Does anything in our lives happen by chance?
SaLuSa: In reality nothing of importance happens by chance even though it would seem that way. You all have life plans that are purposely meant to further your evolution and usually do so, as you have Guides who make sure you follow them. Freewill is something that is usually exercised before you come into a life, although it is true to say that the final word is yours. (1)
SaLuSa: Your existence is not some freak accident, but of a careful design intended to give you every opportunity to move off the wheel of rebirth. (2)
SaLuSa: Every aspect of your lives is planned, and you are each part of soul groups that come together with the purpose of gaining experience.
We hear some question where freewill comes in, but there would be no plan unless you exercised it prior to incarnating. Freewill is still your prerogative, but having agreed to a plan for your life you are drawn to those people and experiences that will help fulfil it. Your Guides are also very active in keeping you on track, but the final word is with you. (3)
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: Every soul will have discussed their needs prior to incarnating and know the nature of challenges to be presented to them.
Progress is therefore orderly and done in such way that no soul is faced with more than they can deal with, and you always have your Guides with you who oversee your progress. Often what you call coincidence is set up for you to ensure you do not miss an opportunity to carry out your life plan.
Remember that you are powerful Beings, and as the vibrations increase you will find that what you set your mind on will almost certainly manifest at some time. Some events are already part of your life plan but you still have freewill where many things are concerned. Providing it does not go against your Life Plan, there is every possibility you will experience what you have in mind.
For example you will also have arranged who you will meet who can fit in with your needs and that covers your partner to be. Equally, if it has been decided that marriage is not for you, then it will not happen. It applies all round to everyone and covers events that will ensure you experience exactly what you need to continue your evolution.
As you mix with others who are also experiencing according to their Life Plan, you do not in fact know the true soul from the outer appearances, but only the body that they have for that particular incarnation. Neither can you know if they were for example a Royal or a peasant in their last lifetime, and in fact in that sense you never know who you might be meeting.
Few souls have an awareness of the nature of their previous lives, and it ensures that they devote their time to the current one without distractions. Every Life Plan is especially made for your needs and to ensure that karmic responsibilities are met. Those who have lagged behind may face more challenges as they often have more karma to clear, and until it is they cannot move very far forward. (4)
SaLuSa: Life is not meant to be a random experience and where someone appears to have little in the way of challenges, it may for example be one that gives them a break.
You need a restful one at times, yet it will still prove beneficial and the opportunity is not lost to find some spiritual gain. An idyllic life may be one where you spend a lot of time away from the cities and all of the activity, to be next to Mother Earth in the countryside. (5)
SaLuSa: You may feel that many of your experiences are uncalled for, but we assure you that they are all connected with your life plan. Have you not been made aware that there is no such thing as coincidence, and that is the reason why they are so important to you?
Naturally some coincidences appear of no real significance, and may be of minor importance. However, where you experience the harsh reality of life, it is for your spiritual understanding and development. (6)
Saul: There are no accidents or coincidences. Every occurrence and every opportunity that you experience during Earth life has been prepared or allowed for before you incarnated. (7)
SaLuSa: Of course there are amongst you people who have been wronged as you would interpret it, and do consider themselves “victims.” However, this is all by arrangement and you are a willing partner to the karma being played out.
No matter how severe the circumstances, the fact remains that you were aware of your agreed life plan before you incarnated on Earth. Many will argue against it, convinced that they could not have agreed to suffer or indeed see others suffer.
Be assured that when you pass over and return to the astral planes, you will clearly understand all facets of your life. You will review your life, and this can be a sobering time when you find out how well you have done where your life plan was concerned. (8)
I don’t know my mission. Should I be concerned?
Matthew: Please do not feel concerned if you do not know your life mission! Only a relative handful of Earth’s peoples know about soul contracts, and simply following your inner voice – your soul’s messages to your consciousness – naturally leads you in your mission. When the time is right, and it will vary from person to person, you will know where you are most needed and can most meaningfully serve, and you will feel confident to fulfill that purpose.
Please do not feel that you must play what you consider to be an important role in the changes underway – each of you is important! You may think that by comparison with others, you are not contributing enough; but simply by BEing who you ARE at soul level, even if you are not consciously aware that you are doing so, you are fulfilling your mission and radiating light to all whose lives you touch. (9)
(1) SaLuSa, July 24, 2015, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(2) Ibid., Dec. 16, 2009.
(3) Ibid., Sept. 18, 2009.
(4) Mike Quinsey, Nov. 4, 2016, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(5) SaLuSa, March 19, 2010.
(6) Ibid., Aug. 9, 2010.
(7) Saul, July 22, 2009.
(8) SaLuSa, April 3, 2009.
(9) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 7, 2009, at https://www.matthewbooks.com
Does Chance Rule our Lives? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/14/2022 01:33:00 AM