(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Judith Kusel
“I embrace every day as a new world to be explored. Let the timeless be in charge of my future.” (Deepak Chopra)
I was reading this this morning, and it just reiterated to me that in this present moment eternity unfolds, and it is up to me, in this present moment, to explore the new with a sense of wonder and awe, and inspiration. For we in this moment, as we build up the Equinox, in a moment when cosmic doors open, and when we truly can glimpse a new life, and new reality unfolding for us all, in the New Earth and the New Golden Age.
I was made so aware of it this morning, when I pondered on the last few weeks, indeed since February, when all seemed to go haywire in my life. When I was forced to shed schedules, and my comfort zones and literally was pushed into a type of chaotic state, where I never knew from one day to another what life would bring.
Yet, in the midst of chaos, are the seeds of new Creations to be found.
When all is disintegrating, all is a state of chaos, and seeming disarray – yet, what is happening, is that every atom, every electron, every single particle is busy reforming and reinventing itself, at this immensely powerful time of renewal in every sense and way.
The old is making way for new.
Change is never comfortable. Yet within the winds of changes, lie the opportunities, to allow the Divine Perfection to emerge and thus in deep surrendering, and become AS ONE with all which is flows and is in flux, we start to allow the Timeless to be in charge of time. For indeed at Universal levels time does not exist. Time is a manmade thing. When we start to become timeless, we start to step into the infinite and immortal Higher Self, which indeed exists in invisible realms more than it exists in the seeming physical.
The physical is but illusionary. It is but the tiniest fraction of the life force expression itself. When we just focus on the physical, we indeed made ourselves poor is spirit, for in truth the invisible has so much more to explore, to experience and indeed to live in, than the seeming physical.
This is the time of transcendence, and transfiguration, – for the highest we are raised in dimensional frequency and fully step into the 5D and then 7th, the less dense everything becomes. We start to operate on multidimensional levels and start tuning in to even higher dimensional states than ever before. These were never visible to our naked eyes in the Old Earth and old 3D – you just were blind to it all. We could only tune into this via our Third Eye and thus Clairvoyance.
When we catch ourselves wishing to hang onto the old life, the old fears, the old programming, etc., just let us take deep breaths, and center ourselves. And then allow us to step into the truth of who and what we in truth are, and then, when we regain our inner self and inner balance, then allow ourselves to dissolve into the New Experience, into timelessness, and allow ourselves to be reformed, reinvented, and reshaped, into the New WE. The New YOU. The new ME.
And together we are ever lifted higher and higher, into the 5th and then 7th, as the old disintegrates into no-thingness. In a few months, we will look back, and see how far we have come, how much we have grown on all levels, and how we now are adopting a totally new life, where inner peace, inner harmony, and inner balance, with unconditional love, reigns. And from this place of Wholeness, and Oneness we are cocreating the New Golden Age, with great love and devotion.
In the Present Moment Eternity Unfolds | Judith Kusel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/19/2022 11:15:00 PM