Let’s Have a Cheer for All Those on Earth | Heavenletters
NOV 18 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
I am advising you to not take life so hard. Because something isn’t right or nice or fair does not have to be reason for your emotions to escalate. If you have perhaps been taking every untoward experience as an affront, now take one out of three to heart, and let the others go. Then one out of ten, and then none, beloveds. Your emotions are not meant to be the servants of others. If you don’t let hurts go, you keep them. You may keep them buried, but only to rise again. That isn’t what you really want to do, is it? Let hurts be water rolling off your back. Shrug your shoulders at them. What else is there for you to do?
Try as you may, you cannot correct everything in the world. Love the world anyway. Love your friends and family and co-workers anyway. They need your love. When your feelings are hurt, by your judgment, you decide a verdict and find another guilty.
So let’s have a cheer for all those on Earth as they struggle and grow and climb and fall and stumble and do the best they can at any given moment. Your best is far better now. Take care of others’ feelings, beloved, and by and large, you will, at the same time, be taking care of your own.
Your wounded feelings come from, not what is said or done, but from judgments you make. It’s true. If you thought a remark was meant to be a compliment, you would react differently to the same words.
Will you give others the benefit of the doubt?
You may say it’s only human to feel hurt when you are not treated the way you deserve to be. It is also human to make careless remarks and not really think about what you are saying and how your words or deeds might impact another.
So let’s support all in their climb to give only honor wherever they go. Support others, and support yourself in this challenge called life. Pull everyone up, and push no one down. Even if someone has pushed you down, find a way to pull them up. If someone were drowning, whatever you thought of him, you would pull him out of the water. Sometimes people are drowning in a pool of offense, and I ask you to pull them out and let that pool recede. I ask you to help Me make this world a safe loving place for all.
The person who mindlessly or even mindfully offended your feelings may well need love more than you do. Make it simple. Just consider that everyone needs love from you, and now give it. Give understanding. Give respect. These are what you want. You can give and give, not as a doormat, but as a strong caring person who finds love to give in all circumstances. And if you cannot find the love within to give, then at least find not offense. And if you cannot help finding offense, then walk past the offense. Simply nod, tip your hat, say goodbye to it, and keep going.
You have too much to do to stop at every slight. If you stopped at every slight, that might be all you do. You don’t need boxing gloves. If it happens that someone trips you, you don’t have to trip him back. Be accommodating whenever you possibly can. Even be magnanimous.
And if it is you who may have done or spoken an unkindness, say you’re sorry, and move on from it. Treat yourself in the way I encourage you to treat others. Give everyone a break. Yourself, too.
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Let’s have a Cheer for all those on Earth | Heavenletters #2891
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/18/2021 09:02:00 PM