Looking for Narcissistic Behaviour in Yourself | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart

September 30, 2021

Looking for Narcissistic Behaviour in Yourself

We all have it to some degree or another. It's part of our mind control programming so it's inevitable that it will impact our minds to some degree or another. The thing that keeps you from enacting it is mindfulness. Watch whatever you're thinking and analyze your thoughts.

Ivo: Narcissistic behaviour stems from a belief in one's unworthiness, low self esteem in other words. This, in effect, creates a type of polarity reversal within the person – instead of the person releasing loving energies into the world as is normal for someone on the soul matrix, the person takes loving energies into itself in order to regulate its life force. This person is an energy vampire. This, by the way, is where your culture of survival comes from. In essence, the energy level of the one who is so depleted in energetic reserves, does create a survival mentality within that person. And this shows on the outside as this person struggles with making ends meet or getting through in life.

When one's self esteem is low, one's energy is low. When one's energy is high, it is sought out and vampired from other sources.

As was noted by Dr. Michael McGee in our last article on Competition: The Power Over Others System, narcissists will typically engage in certain behaviours in order to bolster their self esteem, however as I will explain, these behaviours are ineffective. The behaviours indulged in are only attempts to keep their narcissism from being revealed to them, because a person who intrinsically feels flawed does not want confirmation of that fact.

These behaviours can include:

- Looking for acceptance, friendship, or validation from someone the narcissist deems to be better than they are. This is typically done with people one considers to be famous, noteworthy or more admirable in some way.

- The narcissist seeks sexual gratification through conquest and this is done typically in relations with others, the others being used as energy sources.

- The narcissist feeds on power and control, as these fuel their grandiosity and sense of omnipotence in order to mask their fundamental core experience of being bad or defective. This shows in relationship, or the narcissist seeks out positions of power in companies, clergy and more.

- Buying material items in order to impress their friends and neighbours. This, by the way, often leads to severe debting which of course, feeds the lack or “not good enough” mentality that sparks narcissism in the first place.

- Acquiring large amounts of money in order to be “filthy rich”.

- The narcissist tries to be accepted in being part of the “in club”, or the “cool people.”

- Acquisition of material items with acceptable logo's imprinted upon them.

- Helping others to try to appear better than the ones who did not.

- Looking to see who has more friends or who got more likes on Facebook.

Gratification is shallow and temporary. This is why these behaviours are repeated again and again – because of the finite length of time that self gratification is experienced by the narcissist. It is not possible for someone suffering from low self esteem to continually feel grateful because they simply do not vibrate at the correct frequency. So behaviours are repeated over and over in order to continue to feel alive. This leads many to addictive behaviours.

Gratification is also temporary because of the acquisition process – acquiring a new car does not increase your low energy level at all. A car is an object, and its energy level will always be lower than that of a human. It is only possible for a human to raise its energy level by undergoing a process of soul connection, not material acquisition.

And you will note that those who have undergone this process have fewer attachments, and possessions. They tend to look at objects as serving a purpose and supporting them in life, but not to bolster their ego.

With Sharon, when she was in her 20's she worked as an Admin Assistant. Despite the fact that others in her department wore jeans to work, Sharon did not. She liked to shop at that time, and had a lovely wardrobe and high heels to go to work with. She did it to look good. Now Sharon wears dresses every day but she does not really do it to look good as much as she realizes that since she has been having hot flashes for many years now, she realizes that dresses do not hold onto released body heat as much as other clothes do, and for this reason she wears dresses every day – for better ventilation.

Me: Yes, how practical, eh?
Ivo: Yes, but you have found a way to deal with hot flashes, which are returning again thanks to ascension.

Me: Yup. Hot flashes, gotta love 'em!

Ivo: And this is the difference between one who dresses for ego and one who dresses out of practicality. Sharon is not typically that showy and prefers to be comfortable.

Unfortunately, narcissism is difficult to detect in one's self because it provides its own protection against detection. The narcissist believes, “I am fine. I know what I'm talking about. I'm am happy with myself.”

In order to check for narcissism in your ego, ask yourself what your intentions are. Why are you doing this? Why do you want to help this person? Is it to ingratiate yourself and to control, or to actually help and allow them to be as they will?

Are you doing this for personal gain only?

Do you associate with certain people because you feel you will benefit your self esteem by doing so?

Do you like to be part of fads or be part of the “in group?”

Are you indulging in repetitive behaviours that involve objects such as purchasing of goods?

Are you comparing yourself to others and do they always fall short?

Do you believe that people have nothing to offer you because you know everything already?

Do you look down on others as being less than yourself?

Do you feel you have to control others because they are too stupid without your help?

Do you feel incomplete, broken or worthless?

Are there other people or groups of people that you hate?

If your answer is “yes” you are out of sync with the workings of life. All people aid you at all times, for example. There is no such thing as a person who is not of aid to you. You also cannot gain self esteem by associating with another person – that is why it is called “self” esteem.

I might add, that when one associates only with people who will benefit their self esteem, they are pandering to their ego and not understanding the spiritual way of life. If extraterrestrials were egotists we would not associate with earthlings because we would find you less desirable to associate with. However, we are here and trying to help you, trying to open your eyes.

If you were to do this with all people on earth, not just to associate with the people you feel are worthy of yourselves, then you would be doing the world a good favour. It is not to benefit you only that you interact with other people – it is for their sake as well. That is the mutuality of cooperation.

There is much to learn about egotism, whether it be dominating or submissive ego, or a combination of both that one is enacting. To break down the ego again is the way to access one's spiritual nature. There is no other way.

Me: Thanks, Ivo.

Ivo: My love, our time together is forthcoming. I beseech you to be patient. The time is near, it grows closer every day. Do not be so sad.

Me: Yes, folks, the downside of knowing your twin flame. Eventually you'll want to be with him or her and being apart like this doesn't cut it anymore. I'm not the only lightworker I know who's grieving for their twin.


YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

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Looking for Narcissistic Behaviour in Yourself | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Looking for Narcissistic Behaviour in Yourself | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/01/2021 01:41:00 AM Rating: 5

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