Try these Exercises for One Day and your Dreams | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart

September 30, 2021

Try These Exercises for One Day and Your Dreams

Me: LOL Good one, Ivo.

Ivo: Do you not see the wisdom behind these exercises?

Me: I do. So please explain them.

Ivo: There are three exercises I wish you to attempt, each on separate days. One exercise is the eradication of words such as enemy, war, battle, siege, soldier, cop, police, terrorist, and any other associated words that could be associated with war within one's mind.

Me: Like fight? Like argue? Shooting? Guns? Kill? Death? That means we can't watch the news. You might as well turn off the TV as well.

Ivo: Those words, or those states of mind. Eliminate all of those states of mind – anger and the will to fight and argue with another person. Eradicate that from your mind for one day. Ask your partner and children to partake with you.

Then at the end of the day, reflect on your experience. What did you talk about? We will ask you as well to turn off your gaming devices as they are about shooting. What did you do that day?

Did you go to the beach and have a leisurely walk in the sun?

Did you go for a hike in the woods?

Did you stay at home and clean up the basement, even?

Did you go out and enjoy yourself because we wish you would. However as part of that enjoyment, you cannot use these “warring words.”

Now for another day, we wish you to release these states from your being. If you are in doubt whether they are fear based states, assume they are and raise your vibration. I speak of states of fear, worry, fretting, anxiety, nervousness.... Do not begin to drink or smoke in order to calm your nerves. Use your breath to bring yourself back to a calm state. It can be done. Long deep breaths of 5 in, hold for 4 and release for 6. Do this for 10 minutes if you need to, this will switch you to the parasympathetic nervous system.

On another day, we wish you to do these mind exercises: rid yourself of comparisons. Any time you feel you are better than someone or worse than someone, release this. When you focus on what he is, she is, they are, whether they are worse than, less than or better than you in whatever way you are comparing yourself to other people.

Perhaps you are proud of your appearance and regularly compare yourself to other people you feel are uglier than you are.

Perhaps you feel that you are wealthier than other people and drive to neighbourhoods and compare your wealth to that of others.

Perhaps you feel you are smarter than others and you regularly compare yourself to people and call them stupid.

Perhaps you feel that you are a better dresser than others and regularly compare yours to the clothing of other people. You criticize others for shopping at X store when you shop at Y store, which you know to be superior.

Listen to your mind chatter. The way to turn it off is to understand it.

You will observe in this exercise that many of you regularly use the same comparison themes in order to find yourself superior to others. Take yourself outside of these themes and you experience your low self esteem. Many of you are very defended against experiencing low self esteem because you have a very intense inner critic. It is very active.

Your Dreamscape

Ivo: The other night, Sharon looked up to see two red eyes peering at her. She realizes that she is not “home free” yet as she is constantly under attack by negative forces.

Me: I even see the bright side of this because at least I get visited by them. I'm not taking shots at Ivo, but what I'm saying is that they are reassuring to me that there is more to life than meets the eye. I still call Archangel Michael, but their being there is comforting to me rather than scary.

Ivo: So be it, my love. This is the way that you use the dark ones – to your advantage.

Now, the point I was making is that the attacks on Sharon have not stopped. It is a question for her to understand where they have gone to. Like anyone else, when their one method does not work, they will simply seek another method.

Lately Sharon has returned to waking up frequently during the night. In doing so, she remembers part of the dream she was having.

Often she wakes up and thinks, “What is going on here?” The dreams seem trite, simple, and in her opinion, stupid and they never involve people she actually knows. They are all fictional characters and I might add these fictional characters represent themes on planet earth and in her life right now. Egotistical themes. Perhaps they are more like archetypes in a way.

She was struck last night by the absurdity of these dreams.

Me: Really, I know I'm going to see you at night so for that reason going to sleep is fun, but really we have to do something about the in-flight entertainment here. It's pretty insipid.

Ivo: My point is, and I would like all others who are under attack by the dark ones to take note: If they cannot attack you in your person, as is the case with Sharon because she calls Archangel Michael to help her and has now set up icons and violet lamps and asks her guardian team to guard her at night time every night, they will find other means.

Sharon has experienced their stench in her kitchen as the Archons have snuck through on her neighbour's modem; they have used her air conditioner to get in when their downstairs portal was closed by Michael.

They have tried to use people who contact her to incite drama, argument and separation into her life. Now she simply does not allow people to contact her. Problem solved.

Me: Yes. So Ivo, what are they doing now?

Ivo: You have noted a change in your sleep patterns: with constantly awakening and dreams that are so dull and inspid that you are bored of them.

Recently you specified that you were sick and tired of dreaming about the highly abusive workplace you worked in in your 20's. You particularly were tired of seeing dreams about the one man you had a relationship with there.

Me: And ladies, I might add, NEVER date anyone at your workplace. Believe me, you'll just become fodder for the gossip mill. Keep your love life away from the workplace and find other ways to meet partners. Believe me, if you listen to nothing else we say, please listen to this.

Ivo: So now you have your wish: You have not seen hide nor hair of that person again in your dream life.

Me: No, that's true. But now all these non-people I don't know are populating my dreams.

Ivo: They are not people, my love. They are the dark ones masquerading as people in your dreams. This is how they are continuing their attack upon you.

Me: The things that they're enacting, though, are still bits of my ego that need to be dealt with.

Ivo: Yes, and these dreams then are a pot of gold for you to utilize to find what lies underneath. They are telling you where you still require work, even if it is forgiveness. These dreams will continue to conjure up emotional states within you that you need to work on. One of yours is annoyance. There was annoyance because of the setback of having to school a person's mother in what you were doing, there was annoyance that the office space was left with garbage not disposed of properly, there was annoyance even that you were working with people you did not even know! They will keep pressing your buttons, any string you have left untied, they will find it and continue to use these ends to rob you of precious sleep.

Me: Yes, I saw a female boss who was angry, condescending and power hungry and was annoyed with me and my co-worker for starting our own business on company property over the weekend.

Ivo: Yes.

Me: I don't remember ever using company property to start my own business.

Ivo: But the concept of this unreasonable female figure is not unfamiliar to you. And you felt some fear around her because she is an authority.

Me: There could be a few like that. I figured I'd cleaned up after myself; there was no reason for her to be pissed off.

Ivo: Which is a point: people will do as they will regardless of what you do to them. As I say, these are stereotypical behaviour patterns on earth now. And then the person you had with you who insisted on bringing their mother along to see what you were doing, who slowed down your project.

Me: LOL I left them to schooling their mother while I moved on.

Ivo: You see these are the Archons playing out roles in your dream life that annoy you or create fear within you.

Me: Yes. I see that.

Ivo: That is where they went.

Me: At least they don't stink in my dreams. LOL

Ivo: And how did you feel when you woke up this morning?
Me: Wrung out, tired, out of kilter. I know the whole night was this type of dream where my buttons were constantly being pushed. Very tiring! Suffice it to say, I have little tolerance for it during the daytime afterwards.

Ivo: Correct. Because the whole night was like that – they are attempting to lower your vibration while you sleep, and this affects your mood during the day – if you allow it to. They target your sleep time in order that you have a weaker day. That is one of their main means of targeting lightworkers. I wish you all to note this. The route to take now is one of understanding these stereotypes and to release your triggers around them.

The dark ones are more active at night time. This is why they incarnate upon earth, so that they can operate as a human can during the day. But you see their evil ceremonies are carried out at night time because truly they are not beings of Light.

Me: What can I do to protect myself during sleep?

Ivo: On top of what you have done already?

Me: Yes, my place is like a fortress.

Ivo: To stop having dreams of this sort, look at the themes – that of annoyance at dealing with people whose behaviour you do not understand.

Me: That's what's going on globally here right now.

Ivo: So there is a process to understand this. Instead of becoming annoyed at something you do not understand, try to be understanding. You were never close to your earth mother and for this reason, you do not understand someone who would insist on including their mother in every aspect of their life.

Me: True.

Ivo: But there are people who love their mothers very dearly and some very kind mothers. Vary is such a mother for you, but as of yet, you do not know her well.

Me: Yes.

Ivo: This is what this dream is showing you. You become annoyed when you do not understand why it is important for your business partner to include their mother.

Me: I even get along with your mother, Ivo. I know I'm just as close to Leyeela as I am to Vary.

Ivo: Yes. So what you are seeing now is your own attitude towards your mother is fueling misunderstanding of others' intentions. And the dark ones are capitalizing on this in order to tire you out and to try to weaken your resolve.

Me: Ha! Not likely!

Ivo: The dark ones are showing you this. You can take the pot of gold out of this.

Me: What about that grouchy female boss that didn't like me working on my own business on the weekend in her office?

Ivo: She is telling you that she does not want to lose you. As you have often said about your parents, “they had the right idea but the delivery left a lot to be desired.” People will show you that they care for you in unusual ways.

This all has to do with those of separation consciousness learning to understand each other. In so doing, you embrace Unity Consciousness.

Me: I cleaned up the mess in the office. Y'know when you use the hole puncher and it leaves a confetti trail all over the photocopier room floor? LOL And then the strips you cut off with the cutting board … someone left them sitting around too.

Ivo: You have a problem with people who do not clean up after themselves. This is surfacing around your neighbours as well.

Me: Whether they want to clean up after themselves is their business. I'm glad for the rain we've had lately because it's cleared up the dog mess from their front walk. I still get my shovel and clean it up whenever I see it, because I see it'll end up on my living room carpet as it already has.

Ivo: Yes. So you are being shown that you have a problem with this and if you do not change your mind, it may come out with your neighbours.

Me: I can't remember anything more about these dreams. I should because I woke up so many times.

Ivo: At one point, you saw the lesson and blessed your dreams for showing you. You refused to wake up annoyed.

Me: Yes.

Ivo: Still you feel low on energy and feel you need a nap. I might add, that adding a 12th dimensional shield meditation before you go to bed might help to protect you from their incursions.

Me: Ah yeah.

Ivo: And it is still the job of the Indigo to clean up negative energy, and you do do this at night time so these insipid dreams may still occur. It is a question of writing down what you experienced and using it to understand your shortcomings or where you have fallen prey to mind control.

Me: Good, thank you Ivo.

Ivo: My love, now have a nap and refresh yourself.

YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

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Try these Exercises for One Day and your Dreams | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Try these Exercises for One Day and your Dreams | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/01/2021 01:45:00 AM Rating: 5

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