Your Infinite Worth | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart

September 30, 2021

Your Infinite Worth

We are all challenged daily by learned behaviours and adopted beliefs. We saw our parents freak out at bills they received in the mail, we heard them call the neighbours stupid because of one thing or another, we saw people having meltdowns in the office, we heard of people going postal, we heard of people retaliating because of some loss they felt they had suffered, we heard of people who felt demoralized and who chose to respond with retribution.

We've heard of all these things. We've done some of these things. Some of them are bad enough to land a person in jail, apparently. Some things get someone taken to court.

Where do we draw the line? We draw the line at all of these negative things. They're like viruses in our heads, these thoughts, they keep not only us but the rest of the world sick. Yes, they are floating around in the collective unconscious, just waiting to find expression. Don't let them express through you. Don't let the demons tantalize you into blowing your stack. You don't need to.

Learn not to be reactive.

Yesterday, almost as if it were a test because I've been working on this series of channelings with Ivo and Athena, I was driving to the grocery store. I was stopped at a light and a man drove by with a truck and all of a sudden there was a smash and he was out of his truck, picking up an aluminum screen door off the road. I looked and thought, “Geez, you should tie those things down better,” then when I could turn left, I moved forward. Suddenly the car went up and then back down again, front tires, then rear tires.... I realized that he still had one screen door on the street and I'd just driven over it. I panicked a bit and drove to a nearby side road and then went to check my tires. They seemed fine and they're still inflated today so as far as I can tell, no harm has come to them. I was relieved. I realized with these doors sliding around, it could have been worse. The doors didn't go flying, thank God because I had my window open and could have been hit, and my car wasn't even scratched. I considered myself very fortunate and drove on to the store.

Sometimes it's about what DOESN'T happen that you have cause to celebrate. Maybe that's where you “get your way” because people want to get their way in life, don't they? Well, I got my way. I was unharmed and my car was also unharmed.

Ivo: My love, this was a good incident for you. You realize that you did not react in anger either.

Me: No, I seem to be getting over that. I believe that's CPTSD still.

Ivo: For those listening to this video, it would be worthwhile to make a list of the things you tend to react to. For example, the items on this list. Then take note of times you have recently had a reaction.

your expectations were not met
something fell short of your desires
how you deal with people you feel are stupid
dealing with arrogant, entitled people

Perhaps you should consider that you have learned to deal with these things the wrong way.

Perhaps you should consider that when you feel you are right, you indulge in all kinds of erroneous behaviour afterwards.

There are better ways to deal with situations like these, for example by being grateful as Sharon was with the screen door incident last night. She was grateful all came to no harm for her and her car.

Me: So what if it hadn't? What if one of my tires was punctured and I was standing on the side of the road without my cell phone to call for a tow truck. I'm still on the 5 year free towing service for Kia's but I don't make a point of carrying my phone with me because I don't like being tracked.

Ivo: Still the cell phone is not necessary. You could write the number down on a piece of paper you carry in your purse or perhaps put it in the glove box of your car. You could ask a passerby to call 911 for you and report your car on the side of the road.

Me: Yes. Good idea.

Ivo: A situation like this, perhaps you would call it a near miss, gives rise to the implementation of protocols to be taken. You ask yourself, “What if....” What if I had needed to call a tow truck? What if I didn't know the number of the roadside assistance because I didn't have my cell with me? What do I do then? You can implement plans to make your life a little easier.

Many of you do what you call “freaking out” because you do not take measures in preparation for such events, so you are unprepared. This often leaves you in a panicked state.

Is the number for roadside assistance, or even a local towing company on your speed dial?

Do those of you who live in colder climates carry shovels, bags of dirt or cat litter and blankets in case your car is stranded?

Do you have first aid supplies in the home in case your child becomes ill? Do you have a plan to help this child if it becomes ill during the night? (Me: I might add, folks, that the proper pronoun for child is “it” if you haven't specified its gender. LOL Yeah, it sounds weird but Ivo's correct.)

Do you have a plan in case your pet becomes ill during the night? Where will you take it?

Do you have enough groceries stocked up in your home to last your family a few weeks?

How do you achieve a sense of security in life then, if you never work to achieve it?

What if there are 10 days of darkness and the food stores and banks will close. What do you do then if you have not made preparations for this? What about the gas pumps? Is your car beneath half a tank if the pumps are shut off, or perhaps if there is a spike in prices you do not want to pay? Perhaps the prices will drop again in a week but for now you do not want to pay them. What, then, do you do?

Do not become a victim of circumstances beyond your control. Be forward thinking and not reactive to sudden events you did not anticipate.

Me: Yes, I've stocked up a lot of things I need. The extra room and the basement are full of things in preparation for whatever may come. I have a butane burner and 3 extra canisters of gas as well as the barbecue.

Ivo: Now many are staring in the face potentially more harmful situations such as job loss. They are attempting to keep you in victim consciousness, and that is what this video is about: not being a victim any longer. Be prepared for as many eventualities as is reasonably possible, and learn to be grateful if not for what happened, then for what did not happen.

Yes, Sharon, the video of the young man who lost his sister is very sad. This is how those who are unawake will learn – by experiencing this catastrophic level of event. It is sad but the sister's soul had sacrificed her life in order to save the others from extinction. Do not allow your family to experience similar circumstances, please. Be prepared and please make the correct choices.

So, how do you react under these circumstances:

your expectations were not met
something fell short of your desires
how you deal with people you feel are stupid
dealing with arrogant, entitled people

Sharon was disappointed when Merlin fell sick when she was due to go up north to look for our home. She ended up having to nurse him for 10 days instead of doing the travelling she wished to. She realized that she can just move the date up after Merlin is well again.

Sharon could have been annoyed last night when the screen door incident occurred. Instead she was perplexed as it was unusual and grateful that nothing had happened to her and her car.

How do you deal with inconsideration? Sharon asks you not to message her because she is not open to friendship yet still the message does not reach everyone. Sharon simply understands that some do not care what she says, and these are not people she wants to be friends with, and otherwise they have not heard her request not to message her. The other thing is she is grateful for the people who listen to her requests.

Me: I've never wanted to be a Hollywood star and I've never wanted to be in the public eye. I do plenty every day: yesterday I worked for 12 hours at this, so I'm doing enough. I'm always looking for ways to keep doing what we've always done but to push our agenda forward. I had opened up to doing personal channelings which caused me to deal with a greater level of social anxiety, which I've had all life. Challenge it as I may, it never seems to go away. I suspect it may have something to do with being an empath because generally I'm a pretty confident person. It's the one thing that still perplexes me about myself, so I figure the cause is rooted in being an empath. I don't like a lot of interaction with people because it can be very overwhelming, and that is also part of being an empath.

Ivo: Yes, my love. You must recognize these things and if you wish to see them as limitations, then do so.

Me: Well, I do. And this, really, is another reminder for those who are trying to stop reacting – often times you have developed protective responses to being an empath because this was never acknowledged about you earlier in your life – and you need to respect that about yourself. I can't do too many people. It's that simple. It's like standing in Times Square on New Year's Eve for me, and frankly that's one place you'd never see this empath either. These protective responses can even go as far as addictions. I used addictive behaviour to help change my emotional state when I wasn't able to set boundaries. Now I set boundaries and have less problem with addiction.

Being empathic and not realizing it creates a whole new scenario and can be interpreted as things like “social anxiety” like I just did. You develop a lot of avoidant behaviours because life gets overwhelming when you're picking up on everyone's stuff. When you're also an Indigo like I am at an earthly level, and you're meant to transmute negative energies, then you still spend your life running from negativity when in fact you're magnetizing it to you all the time. So the thing to do is to keep clearing your system, transmuting negative energies, clearing your air space in your home, and send negative people white light because they might stop complaining and just get happy for a while. This will give you a break.

Ivo: It becomes a lot more complicated understanding yourself as an empath, especially when one has been abused and is prone to maladaptive behaviours in order to protect oneself. Arguably, there is no protection from negativity because you are all connected through the earth grids. It is a question of continually clearing yourself and realigning chakras. Also understanding that the reaction you are having can be because of energies you pick up from someone emitting them, so empathy is very complicated especially on a negative world such as yours.

Me: (feigning surprise) You don't say?!

Ivo: LOL. I am saying, my love. I realize you are being sarcastic and this is your own reaction to look at. There is lack of acceptance in this sarcasm, you are angry about this.

Me: Yup. I am. It's something that has affected my entire life adversely yet I didn't know what it was. I just thought something was terribly wrong with me. It ultimately sent me to the shrink's office and got me put me on antidepressants. I felt everybody's stuff. I've walked beside people angry at their partner and when I mentioned it, they denied it. Everyone keeps telling you you're wrong but you know you're right. And eventually, both partners in that relationship cheated on each other. No anger there, eh?

I know who I can connect with more easily and who I can't. I sense people like they're in a cardboard box lined with styrafoam from some, and from others there are no obstacles to connecting with them. You have to ask, though, do you want to connect with someone so energetically open? What ramifications will it have for you? I still rely on what I've learned intellectually to help me. Children tend to be far more open. Far moreso, unless they have parents who caution them about everything and then you can sense their energy is contracted.

The guy who delivers my stuff from UPS I sense fear from because he's vaxxed and I'm not and I told him so. So he's confirming this by handing me my boxes at arm's length. I feel his fear of me and he confirms it through his behaviour. I'm not scared of him, so it's not me I'm feeling.

Ivo: However for those who are less empathic, understanding your reactions, the reactions that are actually yours, is easier. For the empath, the first job is to determine if the reaction is actually yours, and when you are alone you are more likely to be able to determine that. Also when your chakras are cleared and rebalanced then you are more likely to understand yourself as well – and that you do not have negative feelings. No human does, however on your world they are practised with gusto.

Me: Thanks, Ivo. Maybe we'll talk more about empathy since it's come up.

Ivo: I would enjoy that, my love.

YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

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Your Infinite Worth | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Your Infinite Worth | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/01/2021 01:32:00 AM Rating: 5

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