Genesis 1:27
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
Balance. As God is, so were we created, in balance and in love. The Feminine aspect of God has long been toiled with. Not the physical display of that which she represented. Her very essences. An essence that allowed for and supported internal realizations and internal truths. And that essence was supposed to be allowed to be. If everyone adhered to that…listened to that, what would be the need for external leadership. We would embrace, acknowledge and understand that which came to us from within us. With everyone doing the same thing. We would all be speaking the same language the language of love. And know no different nor would we want to. A trip in nature does the same thing as a hug from a loving mother. Help you remember that that you matter. Help you see that you have purpose. Helps you heal from the wounds of world. Reconnect you to your own truth. So you see it’s not about form, or what something looks like, that determines what it is. But rather what is there as an essence. It’s motivations, it’s divine purpose. For this reason nature and wisdom always sings the same song. Having and Being are the same. In balance. When not in balance, while still containing both; masculine (having) and feminine (being). One chases the other endlessly, assuming the identity of the other whilst forgetting about it’s unique divine protocol. This breeds envy, jealousy, and control. Not knowing it’s true wholeness, fixated on form.
Balance | Ananda
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/28/2021 01:12:00 AM