Getting Unstuck | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart

May 27, 2021

Getting Unstuck

More on “How Your Higher Self Communicates With You.” I love cranberry juice, but not the sugary sweet concoction in the grocery store. I like to make my own, and I add some stevia but I really like the tartness of it. I also regularly drink lime juice.

Before Ontario's harvest, in the spring, there isn't a cranberry to be found around here. I muttered one day, “I'd kill for some more cranberry juice.” I need frozen cranberries, I'd prefer organic but I'm not even going to be fussy right now because they're so rare.

I was in Walmart again and as I walked past the freezer section, which I seldom go into, I turned my head around and my eyes came to rest upon frozen cranberries. There, they tell you to turn your head at the right time. I bought 3 bags and now have my favourite drink again.

That's how your HS communicates with you. We've all had instances like this. A lucky find, we think. You were guided.

Okay, another comment on the requests I'm getting for channeling.

I had about a week and a half with serious channeling requests and appreciative recipients, now that the Matrix has figured out what I'm up to, it's sending me all sorts. I have my boundaries outlined on the page where the request form is.

But since you're listening, let me go through them again.

- Don't send partial payments. Send the full payment and don't bother with excuses like, “I didn't know”. I've had to charge enough people on this planet for services rendered as an office support technician, so I've heard all the 3D bullshit already.

- Don't use the form for anything other than what it's intended. Plugging your business or sending me text in Spanish which I can't read will only get your email tossed in the bin. I don't have time to deal with distractions.

- Serious requests only. Everything else will be binned. If it's not a serious request for a channeling, I'll delete it without reading it. One day you will figure out how annoying it can be to deal with people who don't have enough respect for others to even listen to them. There are people looking for help and your emails are just delaying the process. Think about the whole for a change, not just about yourself.

- Don't send me complaint emails. If you're complaining, you're out of alignment with heart. Figure out what it is you don't like and either forgive it or see the lesson it's teaching you.

The other thing I'm seeing is people following me on Facebook who are pro-vaxx. Why are you following me? You're supporting a program that's intended to cull 90% of the population. Do you think Ivo and I weren't warning you in every message we've put out here since 2016? Were you listening? Apparently not. If you're pro-vaxx, you've missed the entire point of our messages.

The other thing I want to point out is messages I'm getting from people who hate other earthlings and feel that they're so above them. These condescending messages are indicative that your heart chakra is shut and you need to heal whatever pain you're holding that makes you hate other people so much. Maybe you were abused somehow. The only way through that pain is by learning to forgive others. I had to do it with my parents.

For those of you who were abused, you have two choices: You can continue to blame, or you can learn to forgive. When you continue to be angry and to blame, you stay in pain. When you start to forgive, it works to release your pain.

It's yourself you're avoiding.

Blaming keeps your frequency low and in alignment with the Matrix. Forgiveness raises your frequency and aligns you with your higher self.

Take your pick. But don't send me emails telling me you hate all of humanity and they're less than human because you're so much better than they are. That won't get you anywhere with me. You're part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Ivo: If you believe that having been victimized by others gives you the right to condescend to others upon the planet, you are in a victim complex. The victim can often feel less than others but also can switch and become condescending to others and feel they are above all of them.

You are not above anyone because you were victimized. You are not beneath anyone either. The reason you think this way is because you have been victimized, are caught in the trap it has created within you, and you believe you are better than others because you do not want to look within yourself to see how you have been hurt. It is a defense mechanism against your inner pain.

You do not want to feel like you are less than others, so you encourage yourself to feel better than others by finding superficial means to continue this belief system. The fact is, lightworkers have come to earth BECAUSE of the way humans were treating each other, and this of course, was a ruse put over on them through the Negative Alliance that has dominated the earth. They would behave otherwise if they were of their right minds. However they are not, and for this they should be forgiven.

And if you are stuck in this unforgiving way of thinking, you are most certainly due for more incarnations upon earth, where more suffering will be attracted by you, in order for you to smarten up and realize that it is the ego that is making you feel like a victim, making you act so condescendingly, and making you hate others, not your soul.

The cause of the problem is your thinking. Change your thinking and your life will change. Forgiveness will change your thinking. Continuing to blame will continue to leave you powerless and angry.

When the heart is closed, the lower three egoistic chakras predominate. The heart must be open in order for you to see the higher truth of reality in third dimensional earth. You are trapped in the negative polarity and your victim thinking is keeping you stuck there.

You may be using alcohol, sugar or other substances or behaviours to mood alter – to make yourself feel better when you begin to feel your true feelings from having been victimized, because these are what you are hiding from. You must realize this is all a ruse that your lower mind is playing upon you.

When you open your heart, you will see life with love. And that is exactly what you need. The heart aligns with the fourth dimension, so a shut heart will put you in the third, not the fifth dimension as so many are want to believe.

You have been hurt and you are continuing to hurt yourself.

Me: I'm expecting a poison pen letter any day now. Not the first one I would've gotten from someone who projects all their shit onto others. I won't even read it. I'll just trash it.

Ivo: I know you can forgive the person who lashes out at you because you have undergone the very process that they must go through, and you have learned.

Me: I feel sorry for these people because I was there once. I know how awful it feels to feel victimized, but it's mind control and that's what we're here to do – go through and overcome mind control.

Ivo: Yes, that is what you are here for.

And yet another comment, so many of you want to do the work but you do not know how, or you believe you do not know how. When I tell you that you have studied and practised all you need to know on other planets and dimensions before you came to earth, then you cannot use the excuse you do not know how.

However, you do not remember how. But once you begin to do the work that you desire to do, your memory will come back to you. That is how to retrieve your memories of self: by doing the work upon earth.

Look at Sharon's example in the video, “Rescuing Dara,” where she astral projects her consciousness to China, goes into a base and steps into the bodies of 3 people, and raises their frequency to the point they can escape their captors in the base and become free again. You all know how to do these things. The Matrix has you thinking you do not. But that is false. You all studied before you came here.

Me: Thanks, Ivo.

Ivo: My love, you are truly the warrior of Love and Light.

YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

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Getting Unstuck | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Getting Unstuck | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 5/28/2021 01:22:00 AM Rating: 5

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