Deeper and deeper into the center Credit: Ute Possega-Rudel
By Steve Beckow, May 27, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
What we need these days is news that’s reliable and usable and what we’re getting all too often is dissing and gloating, hissing and taunting.
To the lightworker folks who are into memes and extremes and calling it news – in the long run, that leaves residue and simply provides grounds for the next round of opposition.
I guess all of us have our points at which we drop off from whatever is going on, telling ourselves this is not going to end in a good place.
Where we’re going as alternative news-gathering and news-reporting outlets is, in my opinion, just such a train wreck waiting to happen.
We’re building Nova Earth and, yes, that means the deconstruction of the edifice we all contributed to over millennia. It means a change of planetary management. But it also means restraint.
The extremes of the left or right, whether it’s fascism or communism or just plain extremism hiding behind the cover of an outer enemy – none of it contributes to the situation.
I wrote this article before listening to Allison Coe. But we have the same sentiment. Thanks to Nicole and Sitara.

Hitler rose to power by extremes. He did so at a time of extreme hardship – and he had the answer. But all the Nazis got from it was the world combining against them and ruin.
In my opinion, we need to stop the memes and the extremes. Honestly we do.
I’m calling a stop to it in my locale, in the little bit of space I have sway over. I withdraw my participation from extreme news-gathering and reporting.
Everything I’ve learned, everything I know tells me that all the things we desire live in the center. Where is the spiritual heart? The center. From where does love spring? The center. Is there more to be said? Have you experienced the love that lives in the heart, in the center? You won’t be disappointed.
So my declaration is that many folks in society are indulging in thoughts, words, and deeds that take them to extremes. I’m not going there. Vax, Anti-Vaxx, Antifa, Anti-Antifa, call yourselves whatever you want – if you’re operating on the extremes, I’m not with you. I’ll see you on the other side. And let that be my contribution.
Yes, I won’t be in the know. But the knowledge going around is not worth knowing.
The momentum I want to build is a momentum that comes from and is compatible with the center.
Compatible with the Center | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/28/2021 01:07:00 AM