By Steve Beckow, April 17, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Some things we’re never going to know. Like the Divine Mother’s essence, for instance. She told me on An Hour with an Angel in 2012:
“My essence … is far beyond what you can imagine.” (1)
What do we do in a case like this? Our automatic tendency is to turn to metaphors.
We compare a thing that is unknown to a thing that is “known.” (2) A lion is like a monarch.
I have a whole backlog of information on how I should act around a monarch, most importantly, to treat the monarch with respect. This metaphor alerts me to treat a lion with respect too.
Thank you, we say to ourselves; I “got the message.”
We have Therapeutic Metaphors and Metaphors We Live By. We turn to metaphors to help us understand most unknown phenomena we encounter.
The drawback of this strategy is that we never meet the unknown on its own terms. We only learn what we already know. Nothing challenges our paradigms or world view.
Unless we’re willing to lay down our paradigms and world view, we’re condemned to walk in the same rut forever.
And we all know that every paradigm and world view we ever had may very well be called into question very soon.
The fall of celebrities and leaders, the Reval, med beds, replicators, the arrival of our star family, our own travel to the stars will stretch our worldview and challenge our paradigms.
We’ll have to encounter many realities and reality itself on their own terms.
Anyone afraid of death will have survival concerns. Others not afraid of death will worry about losing their identity. All will suffer some trauma to their cherished beliefs and hopes and dreams.
We may as well start limbering up now.
Never mind the metaphorical knowledge, which is only suggestive, how much do we really know?
I really know very little. I know what the purpose of life is (enlightenment). I know what love is. I know that I am pure and innocent at my essence. There may be more but not many. And that is all I know. But those are valuable things to know.
I’m satisfied. I’ve accomplished all I wanted to accomplish. I don’t regard anything I’ve produced as needing to be carried forward. I have no attachment to it even though I’m happy with it.
(1) “Transcript of the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel, May 7, 2012,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/the-2012-scenario/what-role-are-the-angels-playing/transcript-of-the-divine-mother-on-an-hour-with-an-angel-may-7-2012/.
(2) I actually discovered on Feb. 13, 1987 that I knew almost nothing. The only thing I knew for certain is what I had realized in a vision on that day, that enlightenment is the purpose of life. Everything else I only thought I knew.
Encountering Reality on its Own Terms | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/17/2021 09:08:00 PM