Cosmic Children 2. Credit: kiplinggallery.com
By Steve Beckow, April 12, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I was looking for a particular quote on children on the Astral Plane designing flowers that might later be introduced into the Earth Plane, when I came across this delightful quote from a young, transitioned child, Elizabeth, describing life there in a nutshell.
In my opinion, Elizabeth explains in a few sentences how, when, and where the world will work for everyone.
Before we go there. I need to explain an aspect of the planes or dimensions.
We tend to equate the Astral Plane with the Fourth Dimension. It is and it isn’t.
Even though we and the afterlife are both in the Fourth Dimension, as our young commentator notes below, we on what they call “the Earth Plane” are in dense physical bodies and they’re not.
So we can’t simply equate their abilities, free of the body, in the afterlife with ours, ensconced in and hampered by the body (as long as it’s carbon-based).
With that note, here’s a young, transitioned Elizabeth, on the difference between there and Earth:
“You know, a great many of the sins of people on Earth were the fault of their bodies; as soon as they get bodies here that seem made out of air, they are so light and easy to use, people don’t feel the wish to do cruel and nasty things.
“There isn’t any need to tell a fib when everybody understands and is kind. There isn’t any need to steal when the air and light are food. There isn’t any need for fights when people have everything they want. Besides, you see, the stupid old Earth bodies were made to make people want things dreadfully [that] they couldn’t have.” (1)
Out of the mouths of babes.
It’d take a book to unpack what she just said.
Did she not just describe a world that works for everyone? (2) Such a world is as close as the Higher Summerlands of the Fourth-Dimensional Astral Planes. All you have to do is die to get there.
Or ascend. In a new crystalline version of that same physical body. One free of defects.
That world isn’t here for us yet for just the reasons Elizabeth gave: these dense physical bodies make our lives like moving through molasses, compared to theirs. Spiritual progress is difficult and, as she says, we’re always hankering after everything we can’t have! I want to visit India. I want a TR-6. I want to visit the moon.
“…as soon as they get bodies here that seem made out of air, they are so light and easy to use….”
Having been in my astral body, I’ve never been able to describe how light it is compared to this tank we rumble around in all day. “Made out of air” – perfect.
The astral body is a very strong conductor of emotion whereas the physical body, as it is now, is virtually a non-conductor in comparison.
“There isn’t any need to tell a fib when everybody understands and is kind.”
This is the result of the ocean of love they live in. All needs are satisfied. Greed is absent. There’s nothing to protect or hide and everything to share.
“There isn’t any need to steal when the air and light are food. There isn’t any need for fights when people have everything they want.”
We don’t manifest with speed; they do. We don’t draw sustenance from the air; they do. We don’t have everything we want; they do.
We endlessly pine after what we don’t have; they actually have a life – one free from all the health woes and unfulfilled desires that plague us.
Heavens, I don’t think I could have put the matter better.
Thank you very much, Elizabeth. I suspect you’re still on the Astral Plane; it’s only been about 120 years. If you are, you can probably hear me.
You give me the confidence to say what can sound like outrageous things, that are beyond our experience, in contexts unfamiliar to us, which need to be said and are just simply true.
(1) Child Elizabeth B. to E.B. Gibbes in Geraldine Cummins, They Survive. Evidence of Life Beyond the Grave from Scripts of Geraldine Cummins. Comp. E.B. Gibbes. London, etc.: Ride and Co., n.d. , 74.
(2) The actual phrase was first uttered by Werner Erhard.
Bodies that Seem Made out of Air | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/13/2021 03:28:00 AM