By Steve Beckow, November 8, 2020
Written before reading the Mother’s own message! (1) She answered the question.
Just as the Mother used the Pause to have us reflect upon ourselves and where we’re going, so now I think she’s using the election for a purpose as well.
Not the only purpose, to be sure. But a particularly important one.
I recall hearing that Japanese swordsmiths created their matchless swords by repeatedly hammering the steel, refolding it, putting it back into the fire, dousing it in water, and repeating the process until the sword was tempered, balanced, etc.
Well, it isn’t the most inviting image, I know, but I think that’s what may be happening to us.
What does tempering mean? If I recall, one draws the impurities to the surface with fire and aligns the iron particles by hammering. Isn’t that what’s happening to us?
We’re either in the fire or in the bucket.
And the supports we clung to in the old environment are being removed. Are we not being moved more and more to reliance on the Self and on the Mother? On the Divine? Is this shift in reliance not what’s intended?
Vasanas or core issues will come up. (2) Automatic, residual behavior patterns will also be triggered. (3) Life will seem like hell at times.
If upset is predictable, the only thing not to do is project our vasanas onto others. The other day, I told a friend I was toxic and nothing we did together had much chance of success at that moment. I asked for time off until I’d gotten through what was triggering me. Thank heavens, she gave it to me. And after it passed, I was fine again. (4)
To summarize, then, my hypothesis is that the Divine Mother is using the events surrounding the American election to temper us.
Is this the time when the corruption of the deep state is to be revealed for all the world to see? If it is, I need to get ready for it and isn’t that exactly what the Mother may be doing?
(1) “Linda Dillon: Universal Mother Mary – My Divine Pause and the American Elections,” November 7, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/11/07/linda-dillon-universal-mother-mary-my-divine-pause-and-the-american-elections/
(2) You’re welcome to use the upset clearing process on them: “How to Handle Unwanted Feelings: The Upset Clearing Process,” April 25, 2011, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/04/25/how-to-handle-unwanted-feelings-the-upset-clearing-process/
(3) On residual behavior patterns, see “Cleaning Up the Residue: The ‘Work’ in ‘Growth Work,’” August 23, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=312749.
(4) I discovered that what lay at the base of my wholesale support of the white hats, whom I think President Trump serves, was my memory of my Dad slugging my Mother. The white hats become my Mother and the cabal becomes my Dad.
Is the Mother Tempering us? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/08/2020 11:50:00 PM