By Steve Beckow, October 23, 2020
(Golden Age of Gaia)
A commentator whose work I admire recently said:
“Many will soon discover that they have ended decades-long friendships in order to defend rapists and traitors. It is going to be agony for them. They cannot be shielded from the consequences of their foolish choices. Let their stories of regret be a legacy to humanity’s future.” (1)
For a section of the population, I believe what the commentator says is relevant and applicable.
As a person who recently crossed the threshold from hostility to harmony, (2) it no longer resonates with me.
“Many will soon discover that they have ended decades-long friendships in order to defend rapists and traitors. It is going to be agony for them. “
Gotcha there. Rough bump. Really rough. And the more the ego is in control, the rougher the bump. But rough for everyone concerned.
“They cannot be shielded from the consequences of their foolish choices. Let their stories of regret be a legacy to humanity’s future.”
Sort of depends on what you mean by “shielded.” Legally, no. Intellectually, depends. Emotionally or experientially, not wise, but moderation is always in order.
Spiritually? I’d think, as with all things, it’d be a matter of balance. I don’t want to rob anyone of learning, but I also don’t want to humiliate and demean them.
And finally it’s a matter of forgiveness so that all can move on.
Maybe we can take a leaf from Michael’s book.
I sometimes disagree with him – if you can believe that. But listen to what an archangel says to his servant who has the gall to disagree with him:
Steve: What do I do when you and I disagree?
AAM: It does not matter. You are free to disagree. I am not wishing or directing to intervene in your process of growth and discovery. When you are in true relationship, I am not asking you nor would we ever guide you to be lock step with anyone and with anyone but yourself.
Now, where the disconnect happens is when you do not go deeply within your heart. Sometimes you get excited and your mental body rules. That is part of a process.
So I am not concerned about this.
Steve: Oh well, good. Then I can just leave it.
AAM: … I will never say I told you so! [My emphasis]
Steve: [Not really taking in the gift of his example] Protect me from ever saying that. The worst thing in the world is for someone to wake up and have someone say, “I told you so.”
AAM: It is an arrogant, hurtful, dismissive statement and even more harmful than when it is a statement is when there is a pervasive attitude in that way.
Steve: I totally agree. (3)
So I’m now free to disagree with him, right? Even though he knows full well that I’m mistaken.
Keep in mind that this is the same celestial being who, when I asked him if I needed to worry about corruption, replied:
Steve: How do I guarantee that corruption won’t set in [in the Michaelanglo Fund]?
AAM: First of all (laughing), WHO do you think you are working with, dear heart? (4)
Later we joked about it:
Steve: Do I know who I am talking to? Exactly!
AAM: So do you think a few rogues are going to beat me at my own game? … Not to worry, dear heart. You are mightily protected. (5)
I am (we are) “mightily” protected. The “Mighty Ones” are one of the names of the archangels. (6)
So this is an omnipresent, probably omnipotent being whom I’m disagreeing with. But he allows disagreement and he won’t throw it back in my face.
“They cannot be shielded from the consequences of their foolish choices. Let their stories of regret be a legacy to humanity’s future.”
Maybe. Maybe not. It depends. But I’m not going to lead with it.
Not throwing it back in my face is the example he’s setting for me, the way of being he’s demonstrating. I’m not sure how well I’ll do in imitating him, but it’s the road I’m going to travel.
Forgiveness, I think, will speed us along – and it’s the way of harmony.
(1) I’m not mentioning names because I don’t want the discussion to be about personalities.
(2) See “From Hostility to Harmony,” Oct. 2, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=313728
(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 13, 2020. Hereafter AAM.
(4) AAM, April 24, 2015.
(5) AAM, July 22, 2016.
(6) I can give you two examples from my life in which Michael has prevented serious harm or death.
He prevented me from being electrocuted in 1979 and put out what could have been a serious house fire I caused in my apartment in 2019.
Let me include our discussion of the housefire here for its educational value:
Steve: Did you have a hand in putting out the stove fire that I caused on February 6th [2020]?
AAM: Not just a hand, Sweet One. Now this is an example of when you ask about divine intervention. Now I am not suggesting that divine intervention is always so dramatic but, yes, this had the potential to be quite a disastrous situation and it would have served no purpose.
Steve: What did you do?
AAM: We simply put it out.
Steve: Wow, I’m telling you. I couldn’t believe what I’d created. Thank you very much for that! Anything further you want to say about that?
AAM: Yes, Dear Heart. BE CAREFUL. It is important that you realize because this has been a very simple, yet very dramatic example about how easy it is (because this has nothing to do with your returned memory, by the way) it has everything to do with how to be distracted.
Steve: The call came from [X] to come down and give her the book and I completely forgot I turned on the stove [with a pan and cooking oil on it]. Amazing! That’s a real wake-up call for me.
AAM: Yes, because you are living in a communal situation so it is not just your home. It is the community that is within this building that would be deeply affected.
Steve: Thank you.
AAM: You are welcome!
Steve: I also got protection out of that.
AAM: You are mightily protected. It is curious how often we can tell you this but now you truly know. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 20, 2020.)
The Way of Harmony | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/23/2020 10:00:00 PM