By Steve Beckow, October 11, 2020
The storm rages outside. What’s the 20/20 forecast from our sources?
Adamu pointed to the rude shock coming to those who see others as responsible for their ills.
“Those of you who have been watching carefully, those of you who have been using alternative media sources, will know that the last four years of the present Presidency have really been about putting everything in place, in preparation for a seismic shift in the political landscape, in what has been happening in American politics, because there has been so much dirty business and all of this is going to be brought to the surface.
“It’s going to be quite a shock for many, for those who have been attached to their other-responsible position. We see what is coming is that, if you [i.e., society at large] stay in the self-responsible timeline, [there will be] a big shock for the other-responsibles, an opportunity for grand awakening and they may take it or they may not.
“It will be interesting.” (1)
The Federation of Light also talks about the same “seismic shift.”
Federation of Light: an Announcement is to come soon that is to shock.
Blossom: Ok … deep breath … be bold Blossom … Is this to come BEFORE the elections?
FoL: Indeed, it is. …
B: So is the announcement or the lockdown the start of Phase Two?
FoL: The lockdown. …
We did not say that each Phase would be worse.
B: Well, you said things are to get a lot more Topsy Turvy.
FoL: And they are … yet, perhaps that is just for Phases two and three. (2)
When Mike Quinsey was channeling SaLuSa, he predicted a time of separation many times. For example:
“The battle on Earth would seem far from over, but in reality the Light has established itself sufficiently to create its own path to Ascension. The dark are losing their ability to prevent you from discovering your true Self, and instead of separating you from your Light, will find that it is you who separate from them.” (3)
Two years ago, he again discussed this time of separation:
“As you have been informed a number of times when the vibrations have reached a certain high point, those souls who have been unable to reach the same level will of necessity move to a different path to continue their evolution and those who can continue lifting up, will then go all of the way to Ascension. It is a natural progression that enables you to enjoy complete freedom in a vibration that is so pure that only the truth can exist. Meantime you will gradually change at each stage of upliftment, and progress will be unhindered as previously when you had to experience the presence of those of lower vibrations.” (4)
And Michael did as well. I’ll leave that rather-long quote for the footnotes. (5)
This may be that time.
So the Federation’s Phase Four brings a return to calm? And the beginning of the unfoldment of an era of peace and love? Mike thinks it does:
“The future is not yours to see at present but as unlikely it seems you have a glorious future ahead of you. In a manner of speaking you are setting the seeds for it as you go along even if it is not apparent to you. So try to look ahead with the expectation of some very acceptable changes, as slowly but surely the ‘rubbish’ will be swept away and the many positive changes that await you will come into being. …
“We speak with a great degree of certainty, having seen the true potential of a glorious future. As the vibrations continue to increase and you gradually enter the higher ones, this in itself will bring about pleasant and acceptable changes and your quality of life will move beyond recognition. The past will become best forgotten and your time and concentration will be on setting up a beautiful society where all people will be treated equally.
“It may seem unlikely in view of the chaos you are experiencing now but changes had to come to allow for the old to be cleared away.” (6)
There you have it in capsule. Rough and stormy seas ahead followed by increasing calm.
Gradually, gradually, the storm clouds leave (the time of separation) and our destination hoves into view. Not our final destination perhaps but the beginning of the more pleasurable side of our Ascension.
(1) “Adamu Speaks: Coronavirus (Part 4) – a Time of Choosing…,” October 9, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/10/09/adamu-speaks-coronavirus-part-4-a-time-of-choosing/.
(2) The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, Oct. 11, 2020, October 11, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/10/11/the-federation-of-light-via-blossom-goodchild-oct-11-2020/
(3) SaLuSa, April 13, 2009.
“Keep your sights ever on your upliftment, and know that what is around you will have little effect unless you allow it to be so. The world is slipping into two realities, and the division will take place in accordance with the Law of Attraction.” (SaLuSa, Sept. 7, 2009.)
(4) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self, May 25, 2018.
(5) Michael has also predicted that time. The quote is long:
Archangel Michael: Now the time of separation is very close. That is why we are speaking to all of you with perhaps a greater urgency than you’ve heard and felt before.
Steve: What do you mean by time of separation, Lord? SaLuSa discussed it years ago.
AAM: When you made the collective decision to ascend as one, it was spiritually a very mature and evolved decision. You have witnessed, individually and collectively, how many have [gone back] on that promise, that decision.
That does not mean that, yes, in the infinite and eternal existence of the Mother, she will wait forever because this is the unfoldment of her Plan. This is what the penetration with all of our voices into each and every one of you is about.
There will be those who choose to leave, to abandon their physical forms rather than ascend in physical form.
Steve: That is what you mean by separation – leave?
AAM: That is what I mean and I do not mean being spun off into an alternate world or Earth or Gaia or planet. I mean simply, abandoning the body, dying, leaving, and coming home. There is no penalty or shame or guilt. It is simply a decision.
But it is not the desire of the Mother that this [Ascension process] simply continue [forever] because what she also sees (what we all see) and what you’ve repeatedly said to us, even though we operate often in terms of eons rather than years, many of you are tired.
So we do not wish for those who have been stalwart and continue and practice fortitude and persistence along with love to reach the point where they abandon their bodies. And you are seeing that in many.
Steve: I can think of one person in particular that seems to be thinking of abandoning their body, so yes.
AAM: When it comes to a decision point of whether the recalcitrant remain or whether those who are determined to fulfil the Mother’s dream remain, make no mistake about it. Those who have been in the truth of their heart and service will be victorious. I cannot be clearer than that. (AAM, July 22, 2016.)
(6) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, October 09, 2020, October 11, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/10/11/mike-quinseys-higher-self-message-october-09-2020/
Forecast from our Sources | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/12/2020 12:01:00 AM