Being Who You Are | Heavenletters
SEP 10 2020
God said:
From the vector of My heart comes My love. Wherever you are, whoever you are, whoever you think you are or the world thinks you are, you are the direction of My love. Furthermore, you are the receiver of My love and the disseminator of it. You are everything to Me. I more than embrace you. I am within you. You you are My beloved Self. I know no strangers. I know only My Own, and all are My Own. We are One bound in love which is the same as to say that We are One freed in love. Love can go anywhere. It does go everywhere.
You are the love of My heart. I cannot say this strongly enough. I love you in Me, and I love Me in you. I love, and you are My love resting on Earth. You are the light of the world, and so am I. We work in tandem. We don’t make a move without the other, as if there were other than the Oneness of Love.
We use such figures of speech, and yet We divulge Ourselves in Silence. Our power is not in the thunderclaps. Our power is in the Silence from which the thunderclaps come.
We are the Power. We are the Source of All That Is Good. We serve the Universe and all who abide within it. We abide together within Our One Self.
We have such an intimacy. We have an excruciatingly beautiful and divine intimacy. There is nothing like it. When you as perceived individuality love to see a drop of dew on a leaf, We are intimate, the perceived you, I, dew and the leaf.
When you breathe in fresh air, We breathe together as One. You are My Oneness brought to Me in a myriad of ways, and, yet, Oneness can only be Oneness. It cannot be less than Oneness. Oneness is Mine, and it is yours, and, so, it is Ours. It is Our Oneness. We are Oneness Guaranteed. We are Oneness for Eternity. We are permanently established in love. There is nothing for you to know. There is everything for you to be. You roll over in Our love, and it is good.
If I am Almighty, then you also must have My Almightiness. Whatever I AM, you ARE. Potential is Reality, beloveds. If Christ and Buddha and all the Great Ones lived Divinity on Earth, then so can you. What is Divinity on Earth or in Heaven but love, love not loud or branded, just simple silent love echoing in waves of itself. Oh, the power of love. Therein lies Our Almightiness. Therein lies Our Beauty. Therein lies Peace. Therein lies Our Simplicity. Therein lie Our Hearts, Our One Heart, Our One Love stirs the pot of the world, and it is good.
Your purpose is the same as Mine. We serve the Universe. We culture it. We love it. We internalize and externalize the Universe, you and I as One wield Oneness right and left. We are the baton of love. We set the beat of all hearts. We beat to the tune of love. We are the intention and extension of love. We are alike.
We are greater than your individuality has dreamed of. The inseparable Oneness of the proclaimed Us is all-consuming. We are consummate love, and We are nothing but. Any seeming else that drifts across your vision is illusion. It is only a mask of the world. It is not the real thing. The real thing is love, and you are learning the mastery of love which is simply being Who You Are.
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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
Being Who you are | Heavenletters #3526
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/10/2020 11:53:00 PM