A Thousand and One Tales | Heavenletters
JUL 27 2020
God said:
I Myself have used the expression from the beginning of time. The expression could just as well have been from the beginning of time and space, even as I have stated more than once that time and space do not exist, no matter how much they may seem to.
Closer to the Truth would be to say from the beginning of imagined space and time, imagined-space-and-time have been imagined. We could have said from the beginning of the dream, from the beginning of story, from the beginning of a very fluid made-up tale entitled: The Many-Volumed Imagined Tales of Life on Earth Taken Very Seriously and other such titles.
The platform, the whole thing, is made-up and not real at all.
Of course, some stories you would wish with all your might to be true, and some stories you would wish to be erased, and, yet not one of the stories is true. They may be what you call real, yet from Infinity and Great Vision not one of the stories is true. This is Truth I tell you whether you agree with Me or not, which you probably do not.
Infinity is true. Oneness is true. The stories the Dream tells are fiction. Fiction believed true is still fiction. A blank page would be more representative of Truth. This is hard for My beloved children to digest as well. When you stub your toe, it hurts! What you call real life is A Thousand and One Tales of Dreams Dreamed of on Earth. Only in the World of Dreams are there such actions and inaction, yet, within the Dream, there are Themes of Truth. Love is Truth.
Running through the stories are Multi-Themes of Love. The stories may often be tales of love lost, yet, nevertheless, they are tales told with streams of love running through them. There are stories that embolden laughter, and laughter takes away the reverence of all the fictionalized stories, for humor notably says that life, as you know it, is a joke, one great joke, and you might as well laugh at it as cry.
It is so hard for My beautiful children to accept that they are living in a dream which often seems to be a nightmare itself and is a very long ongoing dream from which they do not awake, yet, each day, the dream seems to take flight from where it left off the night before.
There is a lot of great fiction out there with plots twisting and turning beyond what any imagination could think of, yet it is all imagination circling the plains of time and space. Sometimes imagination circles like predatory birds and sometimes like birds of song.
Oh, yes, your fictitious lives are also musicals with all the cinematic and operatic drama. Your very existence on Earth is drama. You, who are made by God, live in a world made of drama, drama upheld, drama exalted. Note the commonality of the words dream and drama.
Most everyone is so wrapped up in the drama of the moment to which there seems to be no end that the stories unfold and unfold, taking you with them, and you become all wound up in tension and suspense with occasional moments of relief. This is how it looks to you.
There are individual stories and collective stories. There are hysterical stories and historical stories.
Once in a while stories of True Truth get mixed in, stories such as mythology and fairy tales and occasional other truth-telling stories that arise in tales far richer and deeper than the stories many stories tell.
The end of the Paradise Lost stories, whether stated or not, return to Paradise Found, and the Truth is known once again at last.
“Ah,” you say, “blessed with Truth I AM once again. Once again I have alighted on Truth and left the whole concept of consequences. I have finished with fiction, and I have been restored to Truth and the lovely Universality of Oneness. Thank God, I am Home.”
And I say once again: You are Home from where you never really left. Only in your Dream did you ever think you had left. You have returned to where you always are.
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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
A Thousand and One Tales | Heavenletters #5294
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/27/2020 02:32:00 PM