The Riverbanks of Your Life | Heavenletters
MAR 11 2020

God said:
Did you ever think you would be exactly where you are now? Did you dream of how connected you would be with the world? Did you ever really think that you would age and go through all the milestones that you have. Once you were fifteen, then twenty, then thirty, etc. And, still, all the while, you are you. You are you through the thick and thin of life. You are you. Does this not perhaps tell you that you are something more than your body and the individuality that moves along with your body – and beyond?
There is a constant that runs through your life, and it is you, this you that you hardly dare believe in, the Eternal you, the Truth of you, the Soul of you that runs through your life like a river. This river never dries up. It runs through your life, ever-flowing, filling the riverbanks of your life.
Whatever sturm and drang you may be going through, the Eternal you is not going through it. The Eternal you is always strong in the background, and The Eternal you calmly paddles a canoe down your life and does not get excited or frantic the way the individual you skimming the surface of life may.
Beloveds, I understand you. I understand your fears and your emotions, and how hard-hitting life in the world can seem. I am trying to ease you into another mode where the individuality of you, too, may find the way to paddle a canoe through the river of life, where you will hear a different tune, where you will paddle in joy and rise above the concerns that pursue you now.
I am telling that you that you can outdistance the surface of life. I am telling you that you do not have to be beleaguered by it. You do not have to be aggrieved.
Beloveds, when you abide in Eternity, how much will snags upset you? When you know, really deep-down, know that you are eternal, what obstacles will overshadow you? Ah, but, yes, your body and the mind of your body get upset, and you, human that you are, feel pain and believe it is yours to stock in your heart.
Now, have compassion for yourself and others, and not be tormented. See further than the eye can see. Lean back and love life in all its variety. Sail on life and keep your rudder straight. Be your own lodestar. Ride up and down with the waves of life, and keep your balance.
Animals run on instinct, yet you have choice as to how you deal in life. You have choice. You are a human being. You are the Highest of the High. You are the son or daughter of a King. You are not a roustabout.
The world may seem like a wild kingdom that scares you, and yet you don’t have to be frightened. Peace also exists. Joy exists. Goodness exists. The matters that frighten you are in the minority. They are only a small per cent.
You can deal well with whatever in life lands at your door. Wait until it lands before you give yourself pain. Worry and fear are their own pain. Sail above them. You already know from experience that when heartbreak reaches you, your heart does not break. It bends, and it recovers. You can choose to recover quickly. You do not have to wear the black of mourning for a year. You will get over heartache soon or late. Might as well get over it soon. You do not have to suffer. You are Bright Light.
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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
MAR 11 2020

God said:
Did you ever think you would be exactly where you are now? Did you dream of how connected you would be with the world? Did you ever really think that you would age and go through all the milestones that you have. Once you were fifteen, then twenty, then thirty, etc. And, still, all the while, you are you. You are you through the thick and thin of life. You are you. Does this not perhaps tell you that you are something more than your body and the individuality that moves along with your body – and beyond?
There is a constant that runs through your life, and it is you, this you that you hardly dare believe in, the Eternal you, the Truth of you, the Soul of you that runs through your life like a river. This river never dries up. It runs through your life, ever-flowing, filling the riverbanks of your life.
Whatever sturm and drang you may be going through, the Eternal you is not going through it. The Eternal you is always strong in the background, and The Eternal you calmly paddles a canoe down your life and does not get excited or frantic the way the individual you skimming the surface of life may.
Beloveds, I understand you. I understand your fears and your emotions, and how hard-hitting life in the world can seem. I am trying to ease you into another mode where the individuality of you, too, may find the way to paddle a canoe through the river of life, where you will hear a different tune, where you will paddle in joy and rise above the concerns that pursue you now.
I am telling that you that you can outdistance the surface of life. I am telling you that you do not have to be beleaguered by it. You do not have to be aggrieved.
Beloveds, when you abide in Eternity, how much will snags upset you? When you know, really deep-down, know that you are eternal, what obstacles will overshadow you? Ah, but, yes, your body and the mind of your body get upset, and you, human that you are, feel pain and believe it is yours to stock in your heart.
Now, have compassion for yourself and others, and not be tormented. See further than the eye can see. Lean back and love life in all its variety. Sail on life and keep your rudder straight. Be your own lodestar. Ride up and down with the waves of life, and keep your balance.
Animals run on instinct, yet you have choice as to how you deal in life. You have choice. You are a human being. You are the Highest of the High. You are the son or daughter of a King. You are not a roustabout.
The world may seem like a wild kingdom that scares you, and yet you don’t have to be frightened. Peace also exists. Joy exists. Goodness exists. The matters that frighten you are in the minority. They are only a small per cent.
You can deal well with whatever in life lands at your door. Wait until it lands before you give yourself pain. Worry and fear are their own pain. Sail above them. You already know from experience that when heartbreak reaches you, your heart does not break. It bends, and it recovers. You can choose to recover quickly. You do not have to wear the black of mourning for a year. You will get over heartache soon or late. Might as well get over it soon. You do not have to suffer. You are Bright Light.
Permanent link to this Heavenletter: – Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
The Riverbanks of your Life | Heavenletters #3437
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/11/2020 11:07:00 AM