AAM: Those Who Are in a Position of Stewardship…
March 4, 2020
Posted by by Steve Beckow on Golden Age of Gaia

In the course of continuing research into my financial responsibilities after the Reval, I’m coming across so many memorable passages.
Here’s Archangel Michael giving a description of the events that will ensue with and after the Reval. He compares them to dominoes.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, , May 27, 2016.
Those who are in a position of stewardship, of beginning projects that lead the way to the building and the re-creation of what Nova Earth is truly about … become the spokesbeings for many.
Then the safety, security, and welcome factor for the star family becomes more [important].
And then the anchoring of the cities of light becomes greatly facilitated.
And then the adjustment of the, shall we say, stragglers or those who have resisted or who have even been recalcitrant, that have chosen to remain, that work is [also] achieved and underway. (1)
And then, because of that shift of what many think of as the expanded heart consciousness, the knowingness, the bliss, and, yes, moments of ecstasy, you have a planet that is no longer the same. (2)
Now each of these could be thought of as a singular event but it is really a chain reaction at the same time.
The leadership who are the stewards are the ones who are holding the vision and leading the way so all of this can occur in an orderly – well, our idea of orderly; the Mother’s idea of orderly – fashion so that it does not create further chaos, further turmoil, further upheaval.
Now it is upheaval but what we would call it is “upliftment.” What we would call it, instead of revolution, is spiritual advancement, evolution. But happening in terms of what humanity is used to at a fairly-rapid pace.
So I wanted to begin there to give you an overview of what is happening right now. I’m not talking in the distant future. I am not talking in the next years. I am talking about right now. Is this clear?
(1) By the pillars! The pillars are lightworkers whose agreement is to remain until the last stragglers have boarded the train and then to turn out the lights and shut the door. Gatekeepers assist the willing to ascend; pillars the unsure and barely-willing!
(2) Higher dimensionality brings an immensely-different world. The love, bliss, and peace that we feel creates a whole new scene. We’d never have a thought of harming another.
March 4, 2020
Posted by by Steve Beckow on Golden Age of Gaia

In the course of continuing research into my financial responsibilities after the Reval, I’m coming across so many memorable passages.
Here’s Archangel Michael giving a description of the events that will ensue with and after the Reval. He compares them to dominoes.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, , May 27, 2016.
Those who are in a position of stewardship, of beginning projects that lead the way to the building and the re-creation of what Nova Earth is truly about … become the spokesbeings for many.
Then the safety, security, and welcome factor for the star family becomes more [important].
And then the anchoring of the cities of light becomes greatly facilitated.
And then the adjustment of the, shall we say, stragglers or those who have resisted or who have even been recalcitrant, that have chosen to remain, that work is [also] achieved and underway. (1)
And then, because of that shift of what many think of as the expanded heart consciousness, the knowingness, the bliss, and, yes, moments of ecstasy, you have a planet that is no longer the same. (2)
Now each of these could be thought of as a singular event but it is really a chain reaction at the same time.
The leadership who are the stewards are the ones who are holding the vision and leading the way so all of this can occur in an orderly – well, our idea of orderly; the Mother’s idea of orderly – fashion so that it does not create further chaos, further turmoil, further upheaval.
Now it is upheaval but what we would call it is “upliftment.” What we would call it, instead of revolution, is spiritual advancement, evolution. But happening in terms of what humanity is used to at a fairly-rapid pace.
So I wanted to begin there to give you an overview of what is happening right now. I’m not talking in the distant future. I am not talking in the next years. I am talking about right now. Is this clear?
(1) By the pillars! The pillars are lightworkers whose agreement is to remain until the last stragglers have boarded the train and then to turn out the lights and shut the door. Gatekeepers assist the willing to ascend; pillars the unsure and barely-willing!
(2) Higher dimensionality brings an immensely-different world. The love, bliss, and peace that we feel creates a whole new scene. We’d never have a thought of harming another.
AAM: Those Who are in a Position of Stewardship | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/04/2020 09:46:00 PM