How is a Lightworker Different from a Spiritual Seeker?
March 4, 2020
Posted by Steve Beckow on Golden Age of Gaia
In my opinion, one way in which the lightworker is different from the spiritual seeker is that the spiritual seeker seeks enlightenment while the lightworker intends to serve, whether enlightenment results or not.
Archangel Michael once made the following distinction in a personal reading:
“When you use the term ‘dramatic enlightenment experiences,’ you are talking about Nirvana. You are talking about the unity of all with One.
“It is not to say that you will not experience it, but you cannot ― well, you can if you wish; if it is your choice – simply remain in that state of unity, of Oneness. But you cannot be fully conscious and in service, in action, if that is where you are.” (1)
So we cannot be in service and lost in rapturous contemplation of the One. The two don’t go well together for any servant of the Mother; i.e., any lightworker.
Unless experiencing enlightenment is part of our mission, we may be called upon to subordinate it to the demands of our service agreements.
The request to put enlightenment to one side can also be mission-specific. For instance, I’m apparently a pillar so I need to stay here till the end. That affects my intentions.
“It is not just desirable, but in fact necessary, crucial – particularly because, Sweet One, I remind you, you are a pillar – that you not venture too far ahead of where people are.” (2)
So I’m not rushing ahead or taking shortcuts or hankering to finish the race. I’m just staying with the group because that’s what the service contract called “pillar” does. Not rushing ahead is a mission-specific requirement.
A spiritual seeker places nothing ahead of constant spiritual ascension, no matter how far they leave the rest behind.
Franklin Merrell-Wolff would be an ideal example of a modern western spiritual seeker who through determined spiritual practice became an adept and went, Michael tells me, as far as the Eleventh Dimension while still in the body. (3) Unprecedented.
Seekers tend to suspend all service contracts and concentrate on going inward. Or, for a very few, going outward. Pretty soon, they lose their appreciation and desire for that which to them is illusion. This is not the ideal mindset for serving, as Michael pointed out.
Before you think the servant will be left out, the reason we’ve been selected to serve is that we’ve been through the Ascension process already.
As the Divine Mother reminds us: “You are angels in form, and you have been birthed even prior to that as the essence of One. So you return to that while keeping your magnificent form.” (4)
Or in even more picturesque terms by Archangel Gabrielle: “You are angels in form dancing upon a planet which is an archangel.” (5)
“Angels in form” are already ascended.
If we hadn’t ascended already, we’d be focused on our own enlightenment; if we have, we can better serve the enlightenment of the ascending collective.
And we’ll regain our natural evolutionary level upon finishing this assignment. Probably more: We too will ascend. (6)
So servant or lightworkers will not lose out. We’ve agreed to be waiters at the banquet of Ascension. (7) We’ll get our meal later.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 14, 2012. Hereafter AAM.
(2) AAM, Jan. 18, 2020.
(3) See for instance, Pathways Through to Space. A Personal Record of Transformation in Consciousness. New York: Julian Press, 1973.
Steve: What level of Enlightenment or dimension did [Franklin Merrell-Wolff] achieve?
AAM: He primarily operates in the 7th to the 11th …
Steve: When did he break away from the third dimension. Which of his experiences was that?
AAM: Actually, he broke away from the restriction, shall we say it that way, of the third dimension long before he ever started to truly practice or write.
Steve: So he was always doing it as an ascended being?
AAM: That is correct. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 18, 2020.)
(4) “The Divine Mother: My Tsunami of Love Will Shift You Permanently.”), channeled by Linda Dillon, January 30, 2014, at
(5) “Video and Transcript ~ Archangel Gabrielle: Cooperation Comes Before Love,” April 11, 2017, at
(6) Terrestrial and galactic ascended masters discuss the fact that they too will be ascending. Here are the Arcturians for instance:
“We are in the process of shifting our reality. We say ‘we’ for all dimensions, realities and worlds are shifting into a higher frequency of expression. As it is for the least, it is for the greatest.
“Hence, as the third/fourth dimension releases itself from the shackles of the third dimensional reality of illusion and shifts into the fifth dimension of the light of cosmic truth, all the dimensions above the fifth also shift into their next higher dimensional expression.
“As we make this transition, there is a release, a letting go, of what has been our predominant expression of self. For example, we Arcturians are expanding our baseline frequency from the eighth through tenth dimensions into the eleventh and twelfth dimensions.” (The Arcturians through Sue Lie, Multidimensions, Aug. 21, 2014, at
And Gaia’s ascended masters:
“Some of you are already aware of the fact that a number of us – the Ascended Masters – are moving into a much higher vibration as a result of our own progress.” (Kuthumi, “11:11 Turning of the Tide,” Nov. 2, 2008, through Michelle Eloff, Nov. 2008, at
(7) “Starseeds: Waiters at the Banquet of Ascension,”April 28, 2016, at
March 4, 2020
Posted by Steve Beckow on Golden Age of Gaia
In my opinion, one way in which the lightworker is different from the spiritual seeker is that the spiritual seeker seeks enlightenment while the lightworker intends to serve, whether enlightenment results or not.
Archangel Michael once made the following distinction in a personal reading:
“When you use the term ‘dramatic enlightenment experiences,’ you are talking about Nirvana. You are talking about the unity of all with One.
“It is not to say that you will not experience it, but you cannot ― well, you can if you wish; if it is your choice – simply remain in that state of unity, of Oneness. But you cannot be fully conscious and in service, in action, if that is where you are.” (1)
So we cannot be in service and lost in rapturous contemplation of the One. The two don’t go well together for any servant of the Mother; i.e., any lightworker.
Unless experiencing enlightenment is part of our mission, we may be called upon to subordinate it to the demands of our service agreements.
The request to put enlightenment to one side can also be mission-specific. For instance, I’m apparently a pillar so I need to stay here till the end. That affects my intentions.
“It is not just desirable, but in fact necessary, crucial – particularly because, Sweet One, I remind you, you are a pillar – that you not venture too far ahead of where people are.” (2)
So I’m not rushing ahead or taking shortcuts or hankering to finish the race. I’m just staying with the group because that’s what the service contract called “pillar” does. Not rushing ahead is a mission-specific requirement.
A spiritual seeker places nothing ahead of constant spiritual ascension, no matter how far they leave the rest behind.
Franklin Merrell-Wolff would be an ideal example of a modern western spiritual seeker who through determined spiritual practice became an adept and went, Michael tells me, as far as the Eleventh Dimension while still in the body. (3) Unprecedented.
Seekers tend to suspend all service contracts and concentrate on going inward. Or, for a very few, going outward. Pretty soon, they lose their appreciation and desire for that which to them is illusion. This is not the ideal mindset for serving, as Michael pointed out.
Before you think the servant will be left out, the reason we’ve been selected to serve is that we’ve been through the Ascension process already.
As the Divine Mother reminds us: “You are angels in form, and you have been birthed even prior to that as the essence of One. So you return to that while keeping your magnificent form.” (4)
Or in even more picturesque terms by Archangel Gabrielle: “You are angels in form dancing upon a planet which is an archangel.” (5)
“Angels in form” are already ascended.
If we hadn’t ascended already, we’d be focused on our own enlightenment; if we have, we can better serve the enlightenment of the ascending collective.
And we’ll regain our natural evolutionary level upon finishing this assignment. Probably more: We too will ascend. (6)
So servant or lightworkers will not lose out. We’ve agreed to be waiters at the banquet of Ascension. (7) We’ll get our meal later.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 14, 2012. Hereafter AAM.
(2) AAM, Jan. 18, 2020.
(3) See for instance, Pathways Through to Space. A Personal Record of Transformation in Consciousness. New York: Julian Press, 1973.
Steve: What level of Enlightenment or dimension did [Franklin Merrell-Wolff] achieve?
AAM: He primarily operates in the 7th to the 11th …
Steve: When did he break away from the third dimension. Which of his experiences was that?
AAM: Actually, he broke away from the restriction, shall we say it that way, of the third dimension long before he ever started to truly practice or write.
Steve: So he was always doing it as an ascended being?
AAM: That is correct. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 18, 2020.)
(4) “The Divine Mother: My Tsunami of Love Will Shift You Permanently.”), channeled by Linda Dillon, January 30, 2014, at
(5) “Video and Transcript ~ Archangel Gabrielle: Cooperation Comes Before Love,” April 11, 2017, at
(6) Terrestrial and galactic ascended masters discuss the fact that they too will be ascending. Here are the Arcturians for instance:
“We are in the process of shifting our reality. We say ‘we’ for all dimensions, realities and worlds are shifting into a higher frequency of expression. As it is for the least, it is for the greatest.
“Hence, as the third/fourth dimension releases itself from the shackles of the third dimensional reality of illusion and shifts into the fifth dimension of the light of cosmic truth, all the dimensions above the fifth also shift into their next higher dimensional expression.
“As we make this transition, there is a release, a letting go, of what has been our predominant expression of self. For example, we Arcturians are expanding our baseline frequency from the eighth through tenth dimensions into the eleventh and twelfth dimensions.” (The Arcturians through Sue Lie, Multidimensions, Aug. 21, 2014, at
And Gaia’s ascended masters:
“Some of you are already aware of the fact that a number of us – the Ascended Masters – are moving into a much higher vibration as a result of our own progress.” (Kuthumi, “11:11 Turning of the Tide,” Nov. 2, 2008, through Michelle Eloff, Nov. 2008, at
(7) “Starseeds: Waiters at the Banquet of Ascension,”April 28, 2016, at
How is a Lightworker Different from a Spiritual Seeker? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/04/2020 09:47:00 PM