Lee Carroll on the Coronavirus
March 4, 2020
Posted by Suzanne Maresca on Golden Age of Gaia

March 3, 2020
Hello, everyone. The topic of the day seems to be the Coronavirus. Kryon hasn’t spoken at all about it, and this, in itself, is very telling. Kryon speaks about Earth changes, the Shift, and the changes in consciousness we are having.
But, almost exclusively, Kryon hasn’t spoken about things we create. It’s our free choice, as humanity, to choose whatever we do and learn from it, or not.
However, the fact that Kryon has not spoken openly in channel about it, tells me something. He didn’t speak of the earthquake-caused nuclear disaster in Japan, either. Again, he told us, many times, that the real electricity-producing power is going to be the push-pull of magnetics.
Kryon called a nuclear reactor “the most expensive and dangerous steam engine in the world.” Japan has stopped building them. We are learning.
So, by Kryon’s silence, and what I have sensed in the Field, I wanted to discuss this virus.
Kryon has given me some insights (as is always the case), and I think history will eventually show us that, no matter what any government tells us right now, you will eventually find that this virus, mainly from bats, was being studied in a Chinese laboratory and unintentionally got out. Now we are seeing the results. The numbers are heartbreaking, and the stories are typical from a government run in fear and denial. We will know a greater truth as time goes on.

As of today, I wanted to give you some virus numbers that you may not have seen all together in one place. There is a lot of fear-based news that seems to make anything negative, worse than it is. This often makes it difficult for Lightworkers to stay balanced and send light, as we are told we can do.
Today, March 2, there are over 86,000 cases worldwide, and 80,000 of them are in China! Another almost 1,000 are from an outbreak on a single cruise ship. The other 5,000 or so are spread out in over 65 countries. The USA has 84, with two deaths as of this writing.
The Chinese are really taking the brunt of this and our hearts go out to them! There have been over 2,941 deaths worldwide due to this virus, and 2,835 are in China alone. The other 106 are listed as occurring everywhere else in the world. So again, China needs our compassionate action and healing light-energy at this moment. I can’t imagine the sorrow there.
When you see a list of how many cases there are now, the remaining low numbers are spread out over 65 countries. Again, I feel that there is more here than it seems. More than ever before, ordinary people, even in countries with difficult political systems, are starting to have a much larger voice than ever before. If there is a buried truth here, we will know it sooner than later.
Meanwhile, I’m still traveling and looking forward to Iceland in a week or so. I’m encouraged by the labs that tell us that the virus cure is known and is being tested. We got through Swine Flu, SARS, and now, we will also get through this.
Please send love, compassion, and healing energy to those affected and suffering from loss.
And then later, watch what the real effect of this may be for our planet, which has nothing to do with disease, but everything to do with an evolving consciousness and transparency.

Blessings to you all!
March 4, 2020
Posted by Suzanne Maresca on Golden Age of Gaia

March 3, 2020
Hello, everyone. The topic of the day seems to be the Coronavirus. Kryon hasn’t spoken at all about it, and this, in itself, is very telling. Kryon speaks about Earth changes, the Shift, and the changes in consciousness we are having.
But, almost exclusively, Kryon hasn’t spoken about things we create. It’s our free choice, as humanity, to choose whatever we do and learn from it, or not.
However, the fact that Kryon has not spoken openly in channel about it, tells me something. He didn’t speak of the earthquake-caused nuclear disaster in Japan, either. Again, he told us, many times, that the real electricity-producing power is going to be the push-pull of magnetics.
Kryon called a nuclear reactor “the most expensive and dangerous steam engine in the world.” Japan has stopped building them. We are learning.
So, by Kryon’s silence, and what I have sensed in the Field, I wanted to discuss this virus.
Kryon has given me some insights (as is always the case), and I think history will eventually show us that, no matter what any government tells us right now, you will eventually find that this virus, mainly from bats, was being studied in a Chinese laboratory and unintentionally got out. Now we are seeing the results. The numbers are heartbreaking, and the stories are typical from a government run in fear and denial. We will know a greater truth as time goes on.

As of today, I wanted to give you some virus numbers that you may not have seen all together in one place. There is a lot of fear-based news that seems to make anything negative, worse than it is. This often makes it difficult for Lightworkers to stay balanced and send light, as we are told we can do.
Today, March 2, there are over 86,000 cases worldwide, and 80,000 of them are in China! Another almost 1,000 are from an outbreak on a single cruise ship. The other 5,000 or so are spread out in over 65 countries. The USA has 84, with two deaths as of this writing.
The Chinese are really taking the brunt of this and our hearts go out to them! There have been over 2,941 deaths worldwide due to this virus, and 2,835 are in China alone. The other 106 are listed as occurring everywhere else in the world. So again, China needs our compassionate action and healing light-energy at this moment. I can’t imagine the sorrow there.
When you see a list of how many cases there are now, the remaining low numbers are spread out over 65 countries. Again, I feel that there is more here than it seems. More than ever before, ordinary people, even in countries with difficult political systems, are starting to have a much larger voice than ever before. If there is a buried truth here, we will know it sooner than later.
Meanwhile, I’m still traveling and looking forward to Iceland in a week or so. I’m encouraged by the labs that tell us that the virus cure is known and is being tested. We got through Swine Flu, SARS, and now, we will also get through this.
Please send love, compassion, and healing energy to those affected and suffering from loss.
And then later, watch what the real effect of this may be for our planet, which has nothing to do with disease, but everything to do with an evolving consciousness and transparency.

Blessings to you all!

Lee Carroll on the Coronavirus | March 4, 2020
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/04/2020 09:45:00 PM