Unborn Invisible Unutterable Unheard-before | Pine Cone

(Written with an intention to post, and NOT POSTED)

Inside UIUU for~every~where, away from this physical-role Karma suffering “You don’t like me” Matrix ‘whatever-sick self-hate compete-village’ something connected loosely in one hand-less can trim the grass, sweep the floor, and smell so sweet aires, yet the moment I, even intend to share(utter) inside paradise of Kind-responsive Humbling Awe miracles, untoward tiny 3D “You don’t like me” Physical-role ID Matrix something connected loosely appears, not working in one hand again as no grass trims itself, no floor sweeps itself, and no aires sweeten itself, in our sad, but true shared “I don’t like me again” mirror double hostile environment.

What is, not said remains Duality-motif hidden under all these UIUU bare bones Death Paradigm tiny minuscule limited gender Duality physical-role karma suffering evil criminal 3D ID hostile environment “We don’t likee” hate each other altogether field of dumbed down insane Mortal fantasy mixed up World of total consuming anxiety, that no one can see, and no one can hear, because it’s all we drink, eat, and breathe. My last two posts “Sexual Desensitized Insensitive Mortal Activated Narcissists", and “Poignant Dark Focus Brilliance" taken together combined with experiencing more evident 3D Duality tiny Id hostility about Goddess Gaia, and divisive favor for more mortal OP Discl site back-up infiltration led me to surrender completely to inside UIUU(Unborn Invisible Unutterable Unheard-before paradise of Kind-responsive Humbling Awe miracles of Delight.

I can’t tell you about it, because, as long as you don’t like me we have to trim the grass, sweep the floor, and smell our, own unsweet foul aires altogether here. It’s the least I can do is to try to tease you into Love Listening what remains hidden from 3D ID limited “You don’t like me” deaf and blind insane Mortal Undead-zombie communication, and I can add to this Tiny Goliath-tease, that it’s, really more than OK “You don’t Like me”, because I used to think, all we had going for each other in competition is “I don’t like you, either”, ever so Mortal Consuming anxiety each other, uneasy, UIUU unreally?!@#$%^&*()_+ No foot notes to kick me out either…;))

I lay me down in total Humility green pastures surrender Blue Pearl intention to give up the Mortal Ghost completely, and experience what willing UIUU kept promising me in wordless notions from, evidently repenting in these last two posts. I am here to hear~tease anyone to Love Listen precious tears in evidence of your own sweet airs hidden under UIUU wordless intention in Delight invisible bonding Immortal Light Existence UIUU in front of for~every~where Effulgence enlightening Awe inspiring miracles, similar as Mortal WWJD surrender when his gender-‘he’ up and disappeared, and left UIUU Ascension up to UIUU us-before invisible gender-free Immortal-miracles too.

‘What about you” is the same as ‘what about me’ WWGOWGA, so bye bye here is hello for~every~where something connected loosely in one hand-less can trim the grass, sweep the floor, and smells so sweeten aires as Kind as Kind can become totally responsive it will make “I love you/you Love me” us cry together, here and/or there in the twinkling of single eye vision UIUU tears of precious Joy. Maybe rich fertilizer is what’s missing here in, all this pretentious Lightworker motive to hide our dirty repentance, and maybe my repentance fertilizer is what helped lay me down in surrender to green pastures; I mean who, ever really knows who is who among us, right, all you hidden Dark desert-dry light-soiled “Slow boiled froggie” non-fertile “You don’t like me” Mortal-banger favorite-gender gang Mother-worshipping Dog Darn Goddess-godless Physical-role 3D tiny ID hostiles?

Can we imagine that it’s perfectly OK; mirror double alright to “You don’t like me” enough, right into Surrender to green pasture sweet aires WWJD miracle, and who knows maybe it takes two repenting posts like those UIUU, combined with insane mortal motive increases, like the cherry on top to give that last push to what would, otherwise have been a regular Satanically-correct Mortal double-ass politco Christo-assass-in-nation Goliath-homicide Lightworker-Feminazionist-deception Mother Mafia Mortal Money Motive Court-less-censuring Dark-hidden ex-father with a voice/pain Whistleblower snowblower frozen-cold suicided. The ole gender-hate “He’s baaack” and so are you, all too with me; can ya feel it in our rich hidden fertilizer pretentious 3D Tiny “You don’t like me” ID-aires working Gaia-gender-vengeance Goddess-godless overtime/doing, more Karma Earth-fail Platos Cave Sex-slave intellectual ‘no Love Listening’ barbarian Time?

Enlightenment allows us to share the Darkest, right along with the Brightest, and this inspires another full-on Universal Light-dichotomy UIUU Poesy Prose wordless-attempt helpless-example surrender, called “Ego rides four Dark Horses”:

“Become a tiny cell, like a marble among other colorful marbles, and soften and get fluid and plump, like a grape. We can hydrate and become a fountain together in any shape the energy forms in the Toroidal flux lines of God’s will. Inner Realm Interconnect in special intelligence and dance and flow in the magic of effervescence. We are for~every~where timeless, peaceful, and content in the living water cascading all around us-less. We become the water of God’s Crystalline will, and no Mortal vessel holds us in one shape.

We smile and slide close to each other with smooth cushioned resilient skin, that appears as Light to reflect our Life for each other. We are conscience, and have a conscience within consciousness as we bathe in the music, colors and Light of innocence emerging, growing, flowing and changing. We sprinkle around in the fountainhead of the souls of Immortal Love that we are, ever transforming in energy inside timelessness. We become becoming, glitter inside, and inspire each other in God’s Living water, our tears, and Joy.

Hydrate you old dried outside ego-raisin mind, jump off your four dark horses, and sneak away out the back of the saloon, and give back the Conscience you stole from the bank in the dusty ghost town where lives our ego. Jump off the four galloping Dark horses; leave this dusty no-name town on foot, and jump into the water in the fountain of our Oversoul. Stop being always thirsty from your anger/fear/pain/shame riders. Learn to say “You’re right, I’m Sorry” once again. Get off our Sex-slave lonely dusty road; you’ve been kidnapped right out of bed, and can’t remember to pray in all the excitement.

God please help; I can’t co-operate with you; please stop these galloping horses!!!” Ever spend a day riding these Dark horses? When I feel in a slump, tired out of energy, chances are I’m angry and don’t know it. When I’m bored and listless chances are I’m angry and don’t know it. When I’m depressed chances are I’m angry and don’t know it. When I’m lonely chances are I’m angry and don’t know it. When I’m scared chances are my ego may be inside gambling, outside horses tied at the bar in the dusty ghost town of my raisin-dry mind, and the bank has been robbed of my Conscience.”
Unborn Invisible Unutterable Unheard-before | Pine Cone Unborn Invisible Unutterable Unheard-before | Pine Cone Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 3/28/2019 08:27:00 AM Rating: 5

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