Overcome the pitfalls and traps of the ego
Today we will talk about what the ego is - because many of you are asking such questions and want to know more about it.
Many even ask: “You encourage us to love ourselves - but isn’t that selfishness?” And others ask: “We must love ourselves - does that mean we can do whatever we want and indulge all our desires?”
Some of you think that loving yourself and indulging your ego are the same thing. And this is not the same thing at all. Moreover, these are essentially opposite things. Indulging your ego is not a manifestation of love; on the contrary, it is a manifestation of self-dislike.
Truly loving yourself means following the desires of your Spirit. This means loving your Divine essence. And only by returning to the Spirit, returning to your Divine center, can you come to true love.
On the essence and origin of the ego
What is ego? These are those aspects of your nature that have been unduly inflated due to the distortions that materiality creates. Many things in materiality are not what they seem. Many things seem important and significant to you, although they are not. And you end up putting too much importance on something that really doesn't matter.
For example, you think it is very, very important what impression you make on people. What people think about you. But other people tend to perceive only the surface layers of your being. Very few people see the piece of God, your true essence, through these superficial layers.
But you try to adapt to other people's perceptions of you because you think it's important to make an impression. And in this way you develop a kind of masks that are very different from your real face, from your true essence. You begin to embellish these masks in every possible way, paint them, and pass them off as your true self.
In this way, you feed your ego, that is, the desire to be liked, the desire to impress, and even the desire to rise above others. You are directing energy to these masks, which are not your essence, are not you, but are completely artificial layers.
And when you spend energy on them, giving them too much attention, they become enormously powerful. They even gain power over you! And now they themselves begin to control you and dictate to you how you should behave. You cease to be the masters of these masks. And as a result, you cease to be the masters of yourself and your life, because these masks begin to control you.
They begin to dictate to you how you should behave, what you should do, how you should act in life. And you stop noticing that these desires are absolutely contrary to the desires of your Divine essence, your Spirit. And thus you are divided into smaller fragments, instead of moving towards the unification of all your parts - human, Divine, all the disparate structures that have become fragmented as you journey into the depths of materiality.
Now the reverse process is underway - you must unite your disparate structures. But these masks fragment you even more. They create external particles, detached from the real you. It’s like puppets that suddenly broke loose from their strings and began to dance of their own free will, beyond the control of the owner. Pretending to be you, they do things that go against your true needs and sometimes harm you. That's what ego is.
Ego can arise out of fear. It seems to you that if you hide behind this mask, on which something majestic, significant, and even frightening is painted, then you will be protected. This is actually an illusion. The ego does not protect you. On the contrary, it makes you even more vulnerable. What seems like strength to you is actually weakness. The ego is what reveals your weaknesses to others.
And allows others to take advantage of your weaknesses. Then only the Spirit gives real protection. But in order for the Spirit to manifest itself, you need to throw off these false masks, free yourself from them and meet your real self.
The Dead Ends Where the Ego Leads
The ego can take so much power over you that it begins to seem to you that this is your true essence. You stop hearing the voice of your true Self, the voice of your Spirit. You hear only the voice of the ego, and you find yourself at its mercy.
But the fact is that the ego is what makes you suffer, be offended, feel dissatisfied. The ego is what makes you worry, worry, and want more and more and more.
One who is full of ego cannot tolerate the slightest humiliation or the slightest insult. Meanwhile, the one who is truly marked by the greatness of the Spirit, and not by the false greatness of the ego, only he can meekly and humbly endure humiliation. This just seems like a paradox. In fact, it is not.
The spirit is always full of love and dignity. When you connect with Spirit, love and dignity fills you from within. And this prevents you from being hit by insults or other “arrows” aimed at you, from which only the ego, but not the Spirit, can suffer.
If you are filled with the Spirit, then you may not even react to someone’s offensive attacks, someone’s swearing at you. Not because you will become indifferent - on the contrary: you will become so filled with love that it simply will not affect you. There will be no place inside you that can be affected by this. Because if you react to these “arrows” directed at you from the outside, it means that there is something in yourself that makes you react. These are the traps of the ego.
The ego can blind you. It can lead you astray - which it often does. It leads you into dead ends. It prevents you from seeing the most favorable opportunities that the Spirit has prepared for you along your path. The ego takes you away from your own happiness, from your success - from those gifts that are prepared for every person on his life's path.
But only a small part of people find these gifts. Because people most often walk with their eyes closed. This is not said as a reproach to people. The spirit does not condemn anyone - it only has compassion for those who have not yet been able to get rid of the illusions of materiality and live in darkness. But sooner or later all people, every single one, will find the Light and receive their sight.
You sometimes ask: why does fate turn out so poorly? Why are talents not realized? Why does a person endowed with talents, intelligence, and other positive and highest qualities turn out to be unhappy, a loser?
The answer is sometimes quite obvious, it is that such a person has an unbalanced ego. And therefore his Spirit cannot fully demonstrate all of its qualities as the Creator. Because he is shackled by these frames, squeezed into these “traps” that the ego creates.
A person, squeezed by these traps, gradually ceases to distinguish between where the voice of the ego is and where the voice of the Spirit is. He ceases to distinguish between the needs and desires of the ego - and the needs and desires of the Spirit. He begins to dance to the tune of the ego, which is never satisfied. He can fulfill all the desires of the ego - and it will demand more and more.
No matter how hard you try to fulfill the desires of the ego, it will never make you happy. You will only want more and more. The ego is like an insatiable womb, which no matter how much you feed, it still won’t be enough; it will still be hungry and will demand more and more.
The ego is what makes you demand perfection from yourself. God does not require perfection from you! God understands that you cannot be perfect. God forgives your imperfections. The ego is what prevents you from forgiving yourself and others.
Besides, the ego is what makes you dissatisfied with yourself and the world. Ego is what makes you waste your life on empty vanity and unnecessary actions. And all because it seems to your ego that if you live in peace, harmony, peace, it will be too boring. The ego requires some unjustified actions from you, which only take away your energy and sometimes lead to completely unwanted, unnecessary, and even harmful consequences.
The ego is always trying to get somewhere. It makes you run away from yourself. Not knowing that you will not find satisfaction anywhere except in yourself, and in the “here and now” that you have. The ego makes you run and run and run and run. But this is a run to nowhere. This is what drives you into dead ends anyway.
How to Balance the Ego
Return to Spirit, return to your Divine center, dear ones. Here's what you need to do first.
When you truly love yourself as a Divine being, your ego simply has nothing to breathe and nothing to feed on. It ceases to exist. Because you don't need it. Because you cease to be a mask - you become a real face. You connect with yourself and stop fragmenting into smaller and smaller particles.
You become a complete, beautiful being, led by the Spirit, guided by the higher Divine Self. This means that all your actions are harmonious. This means your behavior is harmonious.
Because you are the embodiment of Spirit in human form. And this human form, this human shell begins to be moved by the Spirit, and from this it becomes beautiful. It is no longer a puppet that twitches ugly. After all, the ego is precisely an ugly twitching puppet. Understand that ego will never make you beautiful. It can make you ugly. Only the Spirit makes you beautiful.
You need to stop listening to the voice of the ego. And start listening to the voice of the Spirit. And then you will gradually begin to be more balanced. Because the ego will cease to be the burden that pulls you down - away from God, away from Spirit, away from the enormous opportunities that are prepared for you as a spiritual being traveling in human form on the Earth. You will stop passing by those gifts that occur at every step of your earthly life.
But which you don't see now because the ego makes you want something else. The ego makes you worry, worry, the ego makes you walk with your eyes closed where you should walk with your eyes open.
Turn to God, turn to the Spirit. Ask for help. Say: “Dear God, dear Spirit, help me to learn to distinguish between the voice of the ego and the voice of the Spirit. Help me learn to distinguish between the desires and needs of the ego and the desires and needs of the Spirit.”
When you learn to discern this, you will learn to let go of the desires of the ego and follow the desires of the Spirit. Even if the ego's desires are ever fulfilled, they still do not bring satisfaction. And the desires of the Spirit are what always bring the deepest satisfaction.
This is what nourishes you, what gives you strength. This is what sets you on the most favorable path for you. This is what makes you who you are - a beautiful, majestic being. It is what makes available to you the greatest gifts of your birthright.
Exercise 1
Stand in front of the mirror, see the perfect Divine being behind your physical appearance. Say the following affirmations out loud:
I am a particle of a perfect God. I have always been, am and will be perfect as a particle of God.
I accept and forgive all my human imperfections. They are not my essence. My essence is a perfect Divine being.
My Spirit is a particle of the perfect God in me. I trust my Spirit. I give Spirit control of my life and my desires.
God wishes me well, the Spirit wishes me well. Every moment of my life I listen to the voice of the Spirit and follow the path suggested to me by the Spirit.
I let go of all desires imposed on me from the outside. I let go of everything foreign, superficial, unnecessary to me. I follow the desires of the Spirit every moment of my life.
I let go of myself and forgive all the insults caused to me by other people. I bless them to go their way, and I will go mine. I am protected by my Spirit and my angels along my path. Whatever happens, I remain in Light and Love.
Exercise 2
You can perform this exercise every time you are faced with a choice, you need to make a decision or simply decide what step to take, what action to take in connection with the desire to achieve some goal.
Be alone with yourself, you can close your eyes if you want. Breathe deeply and measuredly. Bring all your attention inside yourself, to the center of your chest. Mentally connect with your Divine center. You can imagine a golden or silvery glow there. Stay in the center, thinking that you are a Divine being of Light.
Turn to God, to the Spirit, with a request to help you distinguish the desires of the Spirit from the desires of the ego.
Remember the desire you want to fulfill, or the decision you want to make. While remaining in your Divine Center, formulate the question: “Is this the desire of Spirit?”, or “Is this in accordance with the intentions of Spirit?” You can also ask, “Dear Spirit, is what I am about to do now appropriate?” (Here you need to name what exactly you want to do.)
Don't expect any answer or try to predict it. Having formulated a question, imagine that you simply stepped aside and watched what would happen.
Usually the answer is whatever comes first to mind: “Yes” or “No.” In addition, you can determine by your feelings whether the answer is positive or negative. A positive answer corresponds to pleasant warmth, relaxation, and comfortable sensations in the chest and solar plexus. If the answer is no, there will be slight discomfort.
If you are attentive to your feelings, you will gradually learn to distinguish between “Yes” and “No”. In this way, you can check each of your desires for truth and compliance with the tasks of your Spirit.
(Translation from book “Kryon. How to protect yourself from harmful influences and lead to a white streak")
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
Overcome the Pitfalls and Traps of the Ego | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/11/2024 10:44:00 PM