Today I have prepared a small collection of channeled information about what is HAPPENING ON PLANET EARTH as a whole and what is the current dislocation of dark and light forces.
The era of pain, suffering, lies, poverty, manipulation, violence, lawlessness, humiliation, slavery, etc., etc. IS DESTROYED.
From the ashes of the era of psychopathic cabals, a NEW AGE OF TRUTH AND PROSPERITY OF HUMANITY is born.
In this God-blessed time of changing eras, it is ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT not to flap your ears and be constantly on alert.
Otherwise, the wonderful wind of change can throw you, along with the cabal and 3D, into the abyss.
The storm that will destroy the remains of the old world will be very powerful.
Without INNER STRENGTH and CLARITY, it will be impossible to resist.
Cabal is clinging to life with all his might!
Of course, this is understandable: a matter of life and death.
Nowadays, psychopaths are forced to try especially hard when it comes to manipulating humanity, because they need to BUILD TIME in a battle that they have long lost.
Be very careful and LISTEN ONLY TO YOUR HEART!
If you now LISTEN AND TRUST ONLY YOUR HEART, then there is a GUARANTEE that after the STORM begins and then subsides, which is approaching us at a tremendous pace, when the dust settles, then you will find yourself where you dream!
If you allow yourself to be manipulated now, if you don’t show vigilance now, if you don’t stand firmly on your spiritual feet now, then after the storm, there’s no telling where you’ll be taken.
So, briefly about what I want to share today and then in more detail on each point.
1. Results of 2023: the flow of “WATER” (truth) will soon destroy the weak dam of illusions, lies and deceit of the cabals.
2. WOLVES in sheep's clothing: how the servants of the cabal are trying to cover up the traces of crimes against humanity and pretend to be saints. Be vigilant!
3. CHANGE OF ERAS: how not to fall into the trap of cabal and not allow the old 3D energies to take you with them to hell. Make your choice!
4. Migration “policy”: what is behind the true plans of psychopaths.
5. CIVIL POSITION: how not to accidentally become an assistant to psychopaths (cabal).
6. It's time to put the HOUSE IN ORDER: where one goes, everyone goes there.
Take matters into your own hands!
7. Human DIGNITY: a flock of sheep or the civilization of the New Golden Era?
8. Regain your divine birthright: HUMAN DIGNITY.
9. FOUNDATION for a new humanity: living in the old way wills no longer work.
The time has come for DECISIONS and ACTIONS!
So, let´s go!

Source: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/fundament-dlya-novogo-chelovechestva/#ixzz8OWHlXO72
What will the awakened part of the Earth's population remember most about 2023?
First of all, the revelations of the crimes of globalists in various areas of your life have begun.
And although they have not yet become widespread in the official media, they have already begun to make their way through alternative sources, in which brave and dedicated journalists, politicians, scientists, and doctors are trying to convey the truth to the masses, citing irrefutable evidence to prove their words. data.
And there are more and more such facts and evidence every day.
They, like a raging stream of water, are ready to “break through the dam” of lies and deceit, which is held with the last of their strength by news channels controlled by globalists.
Thus, it is no longer possible to hide the monstrous statistics of deaths and various diseases that mass “vaccination” brought to people.
No matter what the representatives of the pharmaceutical giants who advertise the vaccine say, people are beginning to judge its qualities by what they see with their own eyes.
The same thing happens with the so-called “green agenda”.
More and more people are beginning to understand its purpose, and also to see those who profit from it.
Thus, in many countries around the world there are mass protests of farmers who are trying to be forced out of their ancestral lands and deprived of their jobs.
And such protests find wide support among people who do not want to exchange healthy and natural food for humans for something that destroys their body, leading to irreversible consequences.
Also, the monstrous plans of the globalists for gender reassignment, starting from childhood, early sex education and attempts to legitimize pedophilia began to meet with increasing opposition from the population.
Despite the widespread and widespread propaganda of LGBT people, this movement is rejected by the vast majority of normal people who want to preserve their Divine nature.
But if all of the above problems are solvable by people who are able to exercise their free will by refusing vaccines, artificial foods and sexual perversions imposed on them, then ending military conflicts throughout the planet still remains beyond their competence.
Clinging to power and trying to keep the Earth and humanity in low vibrations, the globalists unleashed another military conflict, this time in the Middle East.
Thus, having pitted first the Slavs and now the Semitic peoples against each other, the Dracoreptilians and their henchmen in power collect a generous “tribute” from people in the form of aggression, pain and suffering - the very energies that are necessary for the survival of these creatures.
And this remains the biggest problem for people, since the deployment and cessation of military conflicts no longer depends on them.
Such issues are resolved at the level of state leaders, most of whom, being proteges of the globalists, are also not free in their actions.
Therefore, the main task of the Earth's population in 2024 should be to replace the criminal leadership of their countries, at all levels of government, with honest and decent people who can stop the madness of NON-humans who have taken over your planet.
And this must be done as quickly as possible, since representatives of the deep state, unlike people, are in a hurry to implement their plans.
May the coming year 2024 bring the complete and final Victory of the Forces of Light, many of whose representatives are now embodied in physical bodies and dispersed throughout your planet.
I want to draw your attention to one more feature of the past 2023.
And it lies in the fact that recently the contradictions within the camp of the globalists themselves have noticeably worsened.
Some of them, feeling that they are losing, try to cover up the traces of their crimes by playing cards that are unusual for them.
And here lies a great danger for you, since pure human souls are very trusting and always try to see the good in people, often turning a blind eye to their weaknesses.
We have already talked many times about the fact that half-truths are sometimes more dangerous than lies.
Likewise, “wolves”, having dressed in “sheep’s clothing,” do not cease to be wolves.
Therefore, now you need to be especially attentive to those who suddenly suddenly change their minds, “repainting themselves into different colors” on the fly.
Most often, this is done not because these people have realized their mistakes, and sometimes crimes, but out of a sense of self-preservation, since their intuition tells them that they have lost.
Carefully follow not the words, but the deeds of famous media characters who influence the minds of people who are accustomed to trusting them.
Now that the struggle between the Forces of Light and Darkness on Earth has reached its peak, you need to be on your guard so as not to allow the puppets of the deep state to beat you through flattering and correct speeches, as well as dubious “concern” for your well-being and safety.
You need to be especially attentive to everything related to digitalization and artificial intelligence, which are presented to you in a beautiful “wrapper” of inevitable technical progress.
In fact, it is these modern innovations that are driving humanity into slavery, allowing the powers that be to completely control your life and destiny.
Try to get to the bottom of everything - to see the goals and objectives of every action of the leadership of your countries.
Don't be fooled.
Check the vibrations of the people you depend on.
Listen to your Heart and your Soul, without allowing your Mind to keep you within the framework of three dimensions and follow the lead of people who do not inspire complete trust in you, no matter what they promise you.
Unite in communities of like-minded people, thereby expanding your opportunities in finding worthy people who can replace the current leadership of your countries.
Your efforts will definitely bear fruit, and only your inaction will play into the hands of the globalists, who now already feel insecure and uncomfortable.
Now you have almost all the information regarding the current state of your Earth.
Unlike many other people who are subject to “hypnosis” by the official media, you know that your planet is now at the junction of two eras.
But this time, such a change of eras implies not only political, economic, financial, social, cultural, but also - and this is the most important thing - energy changes .
And you not only know about it, but you also feel new energies, applying them in your daily life and in your meditative work.
In other words, the entry of the Earth into a new energy era is no longer just words for you, but your own experience of living in completely different realities.
More than one of my messages has been devoted to the fact that the awakened part of humanity will have to live simultaneously in two dimensions - in two parallel worlds.
And now that time has almost arrived.
Now each of you has to make your choice: continue to “simmer” in the events of the three-dimensional world, mentally and emotionally completely immersing yourself in them, or abstract from them, observing them from the heights of the fourth, and sometimes the fifth dimension.
And if you choose the second, this does not mean that you will not participate in these events.
It’s just that your participation will be something completely different.
While physically still in the three-dimensional world, you become an energetic bridge between the Light Forces, which tirelessly work for the benefit of humanity on the subtle plane of the Earth, and other people.
By your very presence you are grounding high vibrational energies so that they can “reach out” to the rest of the population of your planet that has not yet awakened.
But if you approach your mission consciously, purposefully working with diverse energies of high vibrations, then your participation in the events taking place on Earth will be invaluable.
You can not only minimize their tragic consequences, but also speed up the transition of the Earth to the Fifth Dimension.
Therefore, always remember that as soon as you descend to the level of the average person, passionately discussing what is happening, emotionally emptying yourself, your vibrations rapidly drop, which means you are no longer able to positively influence the course of events.
As a result, you energetically throw far back not only yourself, but also the collective consciousness of humanity, which now so needs pure energy “infusions”.
Be careful, my dear ones!
Carefully monitor your moral and physical condition, because now you have a huge responsibility for the fate of your planet and all humanity.
You are the same “locomotive” that pulls behind you a long “train of cars” with people who are still capable of awakening and freeing themselves from the shackles of the three-dimensional matrix, which is already bursting at the seams.
Many of you have probably noticed that in recent months the concentration of energies, and especially negative ones, has increased significantly.
Or, in other words, passions are now heating up everywhere, not only in connection with military events, but also in connection with migration problems, which I want to dwell on in more detail.
Why do official authorities say so little about them, literally turning a blind eye to obvious facts and sometimes heinous crimes on the part of so-called migrants?
First of all, because it was precisely this behavior of the migrants that was initially envisaged by representatives of the authorities of the leading countries of the world, who, at the behest of the deep state, flooded their countries with foreigners unable to adapt to the culture and living conditions of their new place of residence.
At first glance, this policy seems crazy.
But in fact, it has far-reaching goals, namely the destruction of European civilization along with its historical and cultural values .
Why are these values a danger to the deep state?
First of all, because they are humane and moral at their core.
This is what Dracoreptiles lack and what poses the main danger to them.
Having failed to completely crush the true Divine essence of man by planting in society artificial, and sometimes unnatural “views of life” for people, they decided to take a different path.
Having opened the gates wide for millions of people of different faiths, cultures, worldviews and traditions, they hope that the energy and physical chaos created in these countries will lead to the fact that the consciousness of people will be paralyzed so much that the globalists will be able to easily complete their program for the complete enslavement of humanity.
Fear and panic, which invariably arise when people of diametrically opposed views come into contact, are their best helpers in achieving their goals.
Violence, robbery and robbery are becoming common attributes of life in once prosperous countries, and the streets of their cities are gradually turning into dirty enclaves inhabited by foreigners.
Large cities, where migrants mainly flock, are especially affected by this.
So who are these people and why are they behaving in such an inappropriate manner?
The vast majority of them are clones, whose minds are controlled by their creators and who live according to certain programs that sow panic and fear in society.
It is these energies – fear for their lives and the lives of their loved ones, as well as a constant feeling of irritation and aggression against the invasion of strangers into their usual calm life – that lower people’s vibrations as much as possible.
And the larger the city in which this happens, the greater the dividends the Dracoreptiles extract from their migration “policy”.
Of course, one cannot classify all displaced persons as criminal elements, but even those who emigrated to the so-called rich countries of their own free will due to unbearable living conditions at home, find it difficult to fit into living conditions that are too far from their traditions , remaining in the eyes of local residents as dependents and parasites.
Thus, the dominance of migrants in developed countries was another attempt by the globalists to remain in power and slow down the Earth’s transition to the Fifth Dimension.
And in my next message I will tell you about what can be done to neutralize this phenomenon, which is so painful for many people.
Let's about the so-called migration "policies" of the deep state.
And now we will look at it more comprehensively: not only from an energetic, but also from a physical point of view.
Its physical aspect is that those political leaders who have “opened the floodgates” for “refugees” in their countries and who are doing everything to ensure that their numbers increase every day, count on the fact that the migrants they have benefited from will support their candidacies at the next elections.
At the expense of them, they are trying to stay in power, since they have lost popularity among their own citizens, whose interests they have not thought about for a long time.
And this state of affairs is now visible in dozens of countries around the world.
As a result, no matter how dissatisfied the indigenous people are with their leaders, it is increasingly difficult for them to remove them from their positions and it is increasingly difficult for them to resist the massive influx of migrants.
So how can you get out of this seemingly hopeless situation?
And there is only one way out: the unification of the indigenous inhabitants of these countries and the creation of governments that will protect their Home and their interests, and not the interests of strangers to the detriment of the local population.
What is happening now in developed countries is reminiscent of an invasion of locusts on agricultural land, which can destroy the entire crop and thereby doom people to starvation.
In the same way, migration policy condemns to spiritual and sometimes physical death thousands of people who find themselves hostage to strangers in their own home.
The gradual displacement of the cultural heritage and traditions of entire peoples leads them to spiritual “hunger”, and therefore to their disappearance as nations.
And in such a situation, my dear ones, energy work alone is no longer enough, since events are developing too quickly, and the migration “locust” no longer leaves residents of developed countries with any other choice but to act physically, protecting themselves and their families from the invasion of foreigners.
As you can see, the Dracoreptilians are in a hurry, realizing that they have almost no time left - the vibrations of your planet and the awakened part of the Earth’s population are rising too quickly.
Therefore, look for leaders who can resist the criminal migration “policy” of the globalists and unite the indigenous population around themselves.
Support those who have already begun to act in this direction.
The time has come to show your civic position in order not to allow the puppets of the deep state to control your lives and deprive you of your legal rights, providing unjustified privileges to those who came “with their own charter to someone else’s monastery.”
To complete the conversation about the migration policy of the globalists, I want to dwell on one more feature of it.
Why does the supposedly good goal of relocating unfortunate people suffering from poverty and deprivation to prosperous countries turn into misfortune and suffering for the inhabitants of these countries?
All for the same reason: the goal of the deep state is not to unite people, but to divide them along national, religious, social lines.
“Divide and conquer” - this favorite slogan of the globalists comes true always and everywhere.
Everything that happens naturally is always beneficial, but what is planted artificially invariably brings tragedy and destruction.
For example, until quite recently, the movement of people of different nationalities around the world occurred quite painlessly, since the initiative came from the people themselves, who wanted to expand the horizons of their knowledge in areas of interest to them.
The result of this was the mutual enrichment of people of different cultures and traditions, the exchange of experience and knowledge.
A person could easily stay to live in another country if he saw that it was close to him in spirit and that he was able to organically integrate into its cultural and social life.
But what is happening now has nothing to do with this picture.
The migration policy artificially imposed by globalists carries with it insoluble contradictions and inevitable separation of people, since the religion, culture and traditions of migrants arriving in developed countries are so different from the religion, culture and traditions of these countries that they are practically in no way compatible, and therefore are not adaptable to each other.
As a result of this, enclaves of foreigners are created everywhere, which grow so quickly that they sometimes conquer entire regions, and sometimes even cities, displacing local residents from their homes.
But all this can be fixed, my dears. You just need to make an effort to reverse this process.
And for this it is necessary to oblige the leaders of their countries to urgently pass laws that do not allow people who do not want to adapt to the realities of their host countries to stay in them, and send them back to where they will live in accordance with their traditions and culture and religion.
Any hospitality is good as long as the guest behaves with dignity in the house of the person hosting him, but it ends when the guest begins to drive the owner out of his own home.
And this is exactly what is happening everywhere now.
And here the Forces of Light will no longer be able to do your work for you - this requires not only your firm intention to restore justice and purity in your Home, but also your “hands” capable of bringing this intention to life.
Today we will talk about human dignity .
Why did I suddenly decide to bring up this topic?
First of all, because the events currently taking place on Earth are precisely the main test for every person to determine whether he has this quality.
The globalist program at every point is aimed at depriving a person of his own dignity, which allows him to remain on top in any circumstances.
If you take a close look at this program, you will probably notice that one of the defining words in it is the word “universal.”
So, for example, you have already gone through the stage of universal vaccination and are now at the stage of general chipization and digitalization.
So why do so many people obediently follow this program?
One of the main reasons for this is precisely their lack of self-esteem.
These people do not have their own opinion, self-respect, or even the ability to reason sensibly and logically.
In fact, most people are so accustomed to living according to instructions from above that sometimes they do not even think about the meaning and purpose of these instructions.
We have already talked a lot about the reasons for this, so I will not repeat myself.
My goal today is to show you how important and necessary it is for you to maintain your self-esteem now .
Only it can help you resist the insane plans of the globalists to enslave humanity.
A person who has such a feeling is like a “rock” against which all the attempts of the proteges of the deep state to drive him into a corner and force him to obey absurd laws that go against natural human needs and desires are broken.
As you can see, everything is developing so rapidly that many people simply cannot believe that all this is true.
This is what the globalists were betting on.
Who could have imagined just a few years ago that such abnormal and unacceptable things for humans as same-sex marriage, transgender propaganda, gender reassignment starting from childhood, advertising for eating bugs and artificial products, paying for services “in person” would be proclaimed the norm? social ratings, interference in natural processes, depriving people of sun and clean air, and much, much more.
But all this is not the fruit of human imagination, but facts that have already become reality in many countries of the world.
And only thanks to caring and strong-Spirited people with an unshakable sense of self-worth, you are still staying afloat, not allowing representatives of the deep state to introduce all these absurd innovations into legislation with the application of punishment to all those who disagree.
It is impossible to break such people, because they are ready to defend their human dignity at any cost.
Self-esteem is most often a natural quality, and you can observe this in the example of children: someone allows themselves to be humiliated and meekly obeys adults, while someone cannot be forced to do what he considers unworthy.
But you can still develop this quality in yourself if you put some effort into it.
I will tell you what you need to do in order to develop self-esteem.
Since it is based on such qualities as self-respect and lack of fear of “superiors ,” then first of all you should honestly and objectively answer the question of whether you possess such qualities.
It is quite possible that for some they are inherent in full, and for others partially, depending on the circumstances.
And this is quite understandable, since the three-dimensional world is multifaceted and many-sided, and few people manage to build their lives exclusively in black and white - too many “shades” and nuances are thrown at you by fate, testing the strength of your Spirit.
And to determine the degree of self-esteem you have, I offer you the following.
Try to remember the most significant episodes of your life, starting from an early age - what sank deep into your soul, and analyze the feelings that you experienced then from the height of your current understanding of yourself and the circumstances that caused these feelings.
What did you feel then: fear, humiliation, confusion?
Or maybe, on the contrary, you were proud that you didn’t experience such feelings at all?
Using these significant episodes of your life, try to trace how your character and your attitude changed as you grew older and went through new experiences.
Have you retained the first reactions of childhood and adolescence to similar situations, or have you gained self-confidence and developed a sense of self-esteem with age, getting rid of all types of fear?
And for some, it is quite possible that over the years, childhood courage and self-confidence, on the contrary, were lost and they were replaced by respect for rank and various fears.
The purpose of this task is to identify your natural qualities and understand how they changed as you grew up: they were lost or, on the contrary, they developed more and more.
And only after you answer these questions honestly, can you move on to the next step.
And it consists of energetically working out those qualities of yourself that prevent you from gaining a full sense of self-worth.
Use the practices and meditations that were given to you on this site.
Energetically dissolve your fears and other negative emotions inherent in you, mentally replay the unpleasant situations that you had to endure and in which you did not behave in the best way, replacing them with new ones.
In other words, try to build a new chain of those events in your life in which you were unable to prove yourself worthy.
But the main thing is to feel, literally live, these situations from a different perspective and experience other emotions, which are based on self-love, self-respect and self-esteem.
This work is not easy, but if you take the time to do it, remaining extremely honest with yourself, it will bear fruit and help you regain lost qualities or strengthen those that you already possess.
To conclude our conversation about human dignity, I want to draw your attention to one more quality of it.
It has the property of “multiplying” or, in other words, sharing its energy with others.
This is explained by the fact that, according to the Law of Similarity, people with similar qualities begin to be attracted to a person with self-esteem, as a result of which groups of people are created who are able to change a lot for the better.
A striking example of this is work teams, in which the tone of relations between employees is set by their leader or simply a strong personality who enjoys universal authority.
If this is a person who has self-esteem, and therefore respects himself and others, then he creates an environment in which those who are characterized by rank, hypocrisy, envy and other low-vibration emotions cannot exist.
Such people will feel uncomfortable in this team due to too great a difference in the level of vibrations with the rest - those who organically interact with the energies of high vibrations.
And vice versa, if the leader himself does not have self-esteem, but is obsessed with all kinds of fears and other negative emotions, then people of similar qualities and vibrations will be attracted to him.
Unfortunately, the second option is more common in the three-dimensional world, which gives rise to intrigue, envy, gossip, picking on your colleagues, resulting in stress, illness and constant nervous tension for many people.
Based on this, we can say with confidence that self-esteem takes a person beyond the three-dimensional world and is the dominant quality of the inhabitants of higher dimensions.
And the more people on Earth realize this and begin to forever get rid of thoughts and emotions characteristic of the third dimension, the sooner the Transition will be completed.
It is self-esteem that is the foundation on which the building of a new humanity is “built,” the main qualities of which will be inner Freedom, Love and Respect for oneself and others, and Faith in one’s own strength.
These are the people who DESERVE to live in the world of the Fifth Dimension.
And I wish all those who are deprived of this valuable quality to find it as quickly as possible, and to those who already possess it, to preserve and increase it.
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
Sky Connects with Earth: Divine Order Returns | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/11/2024 10:40:00 PM