Take a New Path in Life that Eliminates Suffering | Liberty

Take a new path in life that eliminates suffering

Today I will answer your questions about how to take a life path that excludes suffering.

I hear your doubts and your distrust, dear ones. Many of you believe that it is impossible to be human and not experience pain and suffering. What if I told you that your suffering is something that is not real?

You may say: how is it that they are unreal if we experience very real pain, more than real?

We all understand this, my dears. We see it all and we all know it. And sometimes it’s very painful for us to watch you experience this pain again and again, falling into the same pits along your path, although this can be completely avoided.

When I say that your suffering is unreal, I mean that it is not created for you by objective reality. There is nothing like this in the reality God created for you.

My dears, you were created beings who were not meant to suffer!

Your suffering is something projected by yourself!

This statement may seem strange and not very convincing to you - but it is true: everything that happens to you in life is created by you yourself. Because you are powerful, my dears.

And you create your own destiny, although sometimes you yourself don’t realize it. Everything that makes you suffer, everything that you would like to change and don’t know how to do it, all of this was actually created by you.

Karma: the law of cause and effect

The fact is that the law of cause and effect operates in the world. But you don't always see these cause-and-effect relationships. You do not always attach importance to some of your actions, or words, or intentions that took place in the past, perhaps quite distant.

But if you begin to think thoughtfully about your life, be aware of your thoughts and actions, if you remember some of your actions, thoughts or even just intentions from the past, you will definitely find that thread, that energetic connection that stretches from this the past to your current events - those events that, perhaps, do not suit you very much, or even create discomfort and suffering in your life.

Sometimes there are very interesting and even funny collisions. Let's say that once on your way you met a person in whom you did not accept something, condemning him or even laughing at him. Then you didn’t even think that later you yourself might find yourself in his place - you or your children. You may forget that you once laughed at someone or judged someone. But now you are suffering in exactly the same way as that person suffered then, or even more.

You may not remember that episode from your past. But the law of cause and effect operates whether you remember it or not, whether you are aware of it or not. The point is that any energy emitted by you returns to you many times stronger. Because you are powerful, my dears.

When you release dissonant energy, it comes back to you amplified. When you emit the energies of Light and Love, light and love return to you greatly enhanced. Do you understand now why you need to be very careful about the energies that you emit? Because they will come back. Thanks to your power, they will return strengthened.

This is how you create what is called karma. Karma is the consequences of the energies you emit. They can stretch from incarnation to incarnation, from life to life, and manifest themselves in the form of the same lessons until they are worked out.

What is working off karma? This is a discharge, or more precisely, a transformation or neutralization of these dissonant energies emitted by you. You must work through everything that you radiate into the world around you. If you emit dissonant energies, they will come back to you for a reason - they will come back to you to work through.

Your choice: ascending or descending spiral turn

This is how it was and how it continues. This has been going on for many, many millennia. But before, throughout all these millennia, people had only one way to work off karma - through pain, through suffering. Because in pain and suffering, energy is transformed.

But again, you choose how to transform these energies. You choose how to deal with this pain and suffering.

When pain and suffering come to you to work out the dissonant energies you have emitted, some of you understand what the lesson is and move through this pain with acceptance and gratitude, maintaining love and light in your soul. In this way you transform dissonant energies into Love and Light. This means that pain and suffering will no longer return to you, and your lesson will be completed, complete.

But other people, finding themselves in a situation of pain and suffering, begin to only intensify the radiation of dissonant energies - through rejection of the situation, feelings of guilt or blaming others, anger, irritation, or apathy, despondency. And then they only deepen their lesson, because next time these dissonant energies emitted by them will return on an even larger scale.

Do you feel like it's moving in a spiral? The dissonant energy you emit circles around to come back to you. If you neutralize this energy, turning it into light and love, the circle turns into a spiral that leads upward. If dissonant energies, returning to you, become a reason for the emission of new dissonant energies, then the circle turns into a spiral leading downward.

And so you either spiral upward, ascending into the Love/Light of God, or you spiral downward, descending into even greater depths of matter, into even greater density, into an environment of even lower energetic vibrations.

Because dissonant energies are low-frequency, low-vibration energies. Dissonant energies are everything that is not Light and Love. And Light and Love are the purest energies of the highest frequencies, the highest vibrations.

Where the energies of Light and Love are, there is no suffering; suffering is low-frequency energies. And depending on how you go through these sufferings, you move either up or down, either towards light and love, or into even greater darkness. You see, dear ones, you create everything yourself. You see how strong and powerful you are.

So, for many millennia it was like this. The dissonant energies you emitted always came back to you for processing. This was the only mechanism for working out the low-frequency, dissonant energies emitted by you. They came back to you in the form of pain and suffering, and then you made your own choice of what to do with them. There was no other way.

Now, in a new time for all humanity, a different path has become possible for you. You can transform dissonant energies without pain or suffering. You no longer need disharmonious situations in your life to work them out. You can avoid this!

You already know how important it is to stay away from low frequency vibrations. How important it is to refrain from emitting dissonant energies - everything that is not Love and Light. But you don’t always succeed in this, dear ones – and don’t blame yourself for it. You are people, you live in the material world, in a human shell, so you cannot completely avoid the radiation of dissonant energies.

You must gradually move towards this - but do not reproach yourself for mistakes, for the fact that you sometimes stumble. We understand perfectly well that you are provoked to this by the world in which you live, by the dense environment that exists around you.

But now you have at your disposal a wonderful mechanism for working with dissonant energies - a gift that has become available to you only in the new era. Now you can simply neutralize dissonant energies before they have time to make a circle and return to you to create some destructive processes in your life. You can turn them into light and love by simply not allowing them to complete this cycle!

Divine gift: a mechanism for neutralizing karma

You can neutralize these dissonant energies immediately as they are emitted. But for this you need, firstly, to learn to track these energies. This needs to be done every day. This is daily work. This should happen constantly, in the course of your normal life.

Every moment, monitor what you emit into the world around you!

Track your thoughts, actions, words, feelings, intentions. Notice when you are emitting that which is not Love and Light, do this throughout the day. And use every moment during the day when you can be alone to neutralize these energies. If there is no such moment during the day, do it in the evening, before going to bed.

But first you must ask God to make this gift available to you. Remember that you have free will. In order for something to happen in your life, you must express your will. If you do not express your will, then God cannot give you a single gift, because in this case it would mean that He is acting against your will or, in any case, without consent with it.

This is how God respects your free will. Show your will, ask God if you want to receive the Divine gift of neutralizing karma, available to people in the new era.

Connect mentally with your Divine source and say, always out loud: “Dear God, I ask for access to the gift of a new era - the Divine mechanism for neutralizing karma. From now on, may all dissonant energies that I emit be neutralized before they can cause harm to me or anyone else.”

In this way you will create intention, which is effective energy, directed force. With this intention, you will set into motion the mechanism of neutralizing karma. Even if you emit dissonant energies, you will no longer allow them to create karma.

As you learn to track the dissonant energies that are emitted from you, you can instantly direct light from your Divine source to them. At first, you will need time to be alone with yourself. But gradually you will learn to do this - no, not automatically, because in the world of Divine energies nothing is done automatically, everything requires your intention, that is, force, directed energy - but easily and quickly.

Just do it, don’t expect everything to resolve itself! You are the active force in this world, you are no one else.

So, you know the mechanism by which you can no longer create karma, which means you can no longer attract pain and suffering into your life.

But you, of course, will ask: “What should we do with the karma that has already been created in the past? Is it possible to neutralize her too?

Yes, my dears. And this is also the greatest gift of the new era. You can not only prevent the creation of new karma, but also neutralize the karma that you created in the past and is now coming to you for processing.

If you have already found yourself in a situation that causes you pain and suffering (no matter what it is), remember that the gift of neutralizing karma that you now have does not in any way replace the need to move through this situation with love and with gratitude.

Yes, dear ones, do it - accept the traumatic situation with love and gratitude!

Even if it seems to you that it is impossible. You can do even the impossible! Remember that you are powerful. And immensely loved, no matter what happens to you, and no matter how you behave.

Remember that in this way you are transforming energies that were once created by yourself. Remember that this is a lesson that needs to be completed so that it does not happen again in your life. And to complete it, we need Light and Love, dear ones, we need these energies from you. This is the only way you can end this situation for your highest good.

If you want, you can ask God to show you where the energy threads stretch from this event into the past. You will definitely remember something similar - when you were a source of dissonant energies similar to those that are returning to you now. You can also turn to God, to Spirit, to your Divine Self with a request to help you neutralize these dissonant energies and break these threads stretching into the past.

Then mentally envelop your current uncomfortable situation with the energy of light and love. Shine light on it from your Divine Center. Let all the dissonant energies contained in it be neutralized, dissolving into the flow of Love/Light.

From now on, do this without waiting for the situation to start causing you pain and suffering. Do this as soon as you feel that something negative may unfold in your life. Do this as soon as you feel any mental discomfort that has arisen for no apparent reason. The reasons may be in the past, and your discomfort may be a harbinger that a new lesson is about to be taught.

This way you will prevent the situation from developing into pain and suffering. This way you will get out of a situation that is already causing pain and suffering, easily, quickly and with minimal losses - on the contrary, even with new gifts for yourself.

Yes, dear ones, you have received a completely new way of working out the dissonant energies of the past. You no longer need to wait until these energies begin to be processed forcibly according to the law of karma. You can neutralize them yourself, at any time. Because you now have a mechanism for this. And in order for this mechanism to start working, you just need to turn to God and ask for it.

And gradually what will happen is that the dissonant energies of the past will simply stop creating even the slightest discomfort for you. Because when a person lives in the energies of Light/Love, constantly emitting only them, all low-energy connections from the past dissolve and are interrupted before they begin to unfold in your material reality.

Pain and suffering are inappropriate for a man of the new era

This is a gift that is now available to all people. But most people, unfortunately, still continue on the path of suffering, although there is no need for this. After all, you choose for yourself - to continue on the path of suffering or to go through your life path without suffering, neutralizing the dissonant energies that cause suffering.

Remember, dear ones: God does not condemn anyone.

God does not condemn those people who follow the path of suffering. God does not condemn or punish. You already understand that your suffering is not a punishment from God. This is something you create yourself.

If you do not want to accept the gift of karma neutralization, that is your choice and you have the right to do so. God will not judge or punish him. But why should you live your life in suffering when it is not at all necessary? For a person of the new era, this is absolutely inappropriate, dear ones!

Leave suffering behind. You have already suffered enough for many millennia, throughout all your previous incarnations - dear ones, it’s time to stop this! Put an end to this. Take a different path - a path where you choose to ascend along the turns of the evolutionary spiral towards love and light, and not descend along the path of pain and suffering.

Make a choice, dear ones. Remember that everything depends only on you. Choose the path without suffering, the path of love and light, it is within your power. You have everything for this. You can live a wonderful, worthy life, without knowing need, receiving all the gifts of health, abundance, and happiness that are due to you.


Exercise 1

Stand in front of the mirror, see the reflection of your Divine essence in the depths of your eyes. Be sure to say the following affirmations out loud:

I am a beautiful being of Light – a particle of God. I am the Divine Spirit acting in a material shell. I walk the path of Love and Light. I am moving in an upward spiral of evolution.

I'm leaving suffering behind. I thank the past for all the lessons that I had the opportunity to learn. I thank the pain and suffering - they were given to me so that I could gain the experience of transforming dissonant energies into the Love and Light of God. I'm letting go of the past. Now I am walking a different path - without suffering, without pain, along the path of Divine grace and the acquisition of all the gifts God has prepared for me.

I deserve to live in peace, tranquility, and prosperity. I am worthy to create my own happy destiny.

Every moment of my life I radiate the beneficial energies of Love and Light, and thereby create for myself a prosperous, peaceful, happy present and an equally prosperous, peaceful, happy future.

Exercise 2

It is advisable to perform this exercise every evening, before going to bed, and, if possible, during the day, when you feel that, voluntarily or unwittingly, you have become a source of dissonant energies.

Be alone with yourself. If you want, close your eyes. Direct your attention inward, mentally connect with your Divine center. Imagine that there, in the depths of your inner space, in your Divine center there is a shining source of light. Or you can imagine it as the purest crystal, a diamond. This light source can neutralize those dissonant energies that you emit.

Now remember the uncomfortable situations you had during the day and the feelings you experienced. Don't be afraid to touch those feelings again. Then direct light from the Divine source onto them. Or you can mentally place these feelings into your Divine light source and watch them dissolve, disappear, transform into light.

Then imagine that you are in the arms of a beautiful snow-white angel, a shining being of Light. This angel is your Divine hypostasis. He stands behind you and hugs you, enveloping you in Divine light.

Look at yourself – a human being – through the eyes of this angel. Look through his eyes at the situation that causes you the greatest discomfort. Mentally envelop this situation in light. See in your mind's eye how it is enclosed in a luminous sphere in which all dissonant energies dissolve and transform.

Mentally return to your human form again. Thank your Divine Self for helping you neutralize karma.

If some undesirable situation happens and you become a source of dissonant energies, try not to delay doing this exercise. The less time it takes for these energies to be neutralized, the less likely they are to unfold in physical reality and cause you harm.

Be sure to do this exercise every night, even if it seems to you that the dissonant energies you emitted that day were very insignificant. Do not neglect this, because even a minor imbalance tends to grow into big problems if we do not remove it in time. Don’t expect problems - every evening, mentally review all the situations that happened during the day and fill them with the energies of Love/Light. In this case, you will constantly nip the unfolding of karma in the bud.

(Translation from book “Kryon. How to protect yourself from harmful influences and lead to a white streak")

To be continued...

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English
Take a New Path in Life that Eliminates Suffering | Liberty Take a New Path in Life that Eliminates Suffering | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 1/11/2024 10:49:00 PM Rating: 5

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