Twelve signs of the Zodiac - twelve journeys of the Spirit. Capricorn.
Capricorn: Servant. “You are the one who puts into practice the laws of the Spirit”
Sun's passage through the sign of Capricorn:
December 22 – January 20
Dear ones, I am now addressing you, those born in this incarnation under the constellation Capricorn. You are patient and wise, you are persistent and strong, you are resilient and persistent, and you are simply destined to pave the way for the Spirit in the very depths of the material world!
Your mission may seem too modest to some, but it is the most honorable. Yes, you embody what others have discovered. You are realizing what others have brought to Earth from the Divine home.
But you are practitioners. You are the ones who do!
You are not just performers. Your task is to be imbued with all your soul by the knowledge that you received from others, perceive it as your own and serve them with your work.
You are representatives of a very earthly sign, dear ones. This means that you are deeper than others immersed in matter and more closely connected with it. But this does not mean that the heights of the Spirit are inaccessible to you!
You, like all other people, are not from Earth. You, like all other people, come from your Divine homeland. But your task as spiritual, angelic beings is connected with the deepest immersion in matter precisely because you, like no one else, are able to work at these deep levels. They are able to introduce the laws of the Spirit there and do it in practice.
But since you are so deep in the depths of matter, you need intermediaries to perceive the laws of the Spirit. This does not mean that you cannot perceive them directly from the Divine source - you can, like all other people. But for this you will need a lot of effort, which you better direct to what you are stronger at - the implementation of these laws in practice.
It doesn’t matter how and what exactly you do - the main thing is that you live according to the laws of the Spirit, carry within you the knowledge of the system of these laws, which you can perceive through other people in any way convenient for you. Then you will set an example by your behavior, then you will build your life, the life of your family, your work according to these laws.
Carry these laws into the most mundane, most concrete, practical activities! And let other people, thanks to you, learn that building houses, sowing grain, assembling machinery, and selling others the things they need can also be done according to the laws of the Spirit!
You live in the thick of earthly life. Don't envy those who soar at sky-high heights. Don't tear yourself away from the Earth. You are doing very important work here. You fulfill the mission of serving the Almighty, doing the most mundane, ordinary things.
In past incarnations, you were respected people with high status. You have retained this inner greatness. Therefore, you can be an example for others - others will listen to you and respect you.
? For what purposes do you use this respect?
? Aren't you just chasing prestige and high status?
? Do you remember that your main task is to introduce the laws of the Spirit into the material world?
Ask yourself these questions. Set new goals for yourself - the goals of a spiritual being who stands very firmly on Earth. Climb the steps of the Spirit from the very depths of matter - slowly but surely. And then you will fulfill your honorable mission.
Characteristics of a Capricorn not awakened in Spirit
Unawakened Capricorn is characterized by isolation and secrecy . He does not open his feelings, and sometimes does not consider the sphere of feelings important to himself. He is not frank even with those closest to him.
Capricorn, who does not follow the path of the Spirit, is characterized by arrogance . In this way he tries to compensate for his isolation and inability to open his feelings. It seems to him that people will not communicate with him at all if he does not put himself above them so that they begin to take him into account one way or another.
Capricorn appears outwardly cold due to the inability to express feelings, although internally he may not be at all insensitive.
Mistrust is a characteristic feature of the unawakened Capricorn. He was used to trusting only his own experience. Everything new and incomprehensible is either rejected or accepted very slowly, with difficulty.
Capricorn, not awakened in the Spirit, is prone to bad mood, pessimism . After all, if he does not develop, then he sees no prospects for himself, loses meaning in life and, moreover, very often remains lonely.
Capricorn, who does not follow the path of the Spirit, tends to worry about little things , which he inflates into major problems. He suffers because of them, but does nothing, but only gets stuck in the emotions of sadness and hopelessness.
Capricorn with unprocessed karma is often obsessed with a thirst for power , the pursuit of high status, positions and careers at any cost. Unable to realize himself in any other way, he tries to do this through his own elevation and the subjugation of others.
Grudges and inability to forgive are traits often inherent in unawakened Capricorns. This is due to the fact that they are stuck in the past and inactive in the present.
Unawakened Capricorns are stubborn and categorical , they always stand their ground and do not want to admit that they are wrong. They are unwilling to listen to others, are unable to give in, and may express disagreement to their interlocutor without even really listening to him.
Capricorns with unprocessed karma can be unceremonious , they do not take into account the feelings and interests of others, and are capable of using another person for their own purposes.
Envy and jealousy are characteristic features of Capricorn who does not follow the path of the Spirit, especially if he is not successful or has suffered defeat in some way. In this case, he does not forgive other people's happiness and other people's successes.
Dogmatism, skepticism, and excessive conservatism are characteristic of Capricorn with unfulfilled karma. This is the enemy not only of everything new, but also of what is incomprehensible or unfamiliar to him.
Capricorn with unprocessed karma suffers from dependence on the opinions and recognition of other people . He cannot feel successful and happy if he does not receive confirmation of his worth from the outside.
The excessive seriousness of Capricorn is also a characteristic feature of a representative of the sign who is not awakened in the Spirit. Sometimes he doesn't even know how to laugh. Capricorn, awakened in the Spirit, becomes softer and easier in his perception of life over the years, and acquires the ability to rejoice, play, and joke.
Karmic tasks of Capricorn
Capricorn's first karmic task is to break out of the captivity of materiality. Capricorn is the sign most immersed in materiality, and sometimes this manifests itself in insensitivity to the voice of the Spirit.
In fact, anyone can hear the voice of the Spirit, regardless of their zodiac affiliation, but Capricorn may experience some kind of internal resistance to this. You are very realistic, sometimes skeptical, you are very earthly, you are practitioners, and everything that concerns the soul, feelings, emotions, and especially the life of the Spirit and contact with the Divine levels of reality sometimes causes you distrust, ridicule, and even fear.
You are afraid to tear yourself away from the Earth. You are afraid of becoming some kind of “strange”, not of this world. But if you set yourself the task of not changing your nature, not renouncing yourself, that is, remaining earthly and practical and at the same time taking at least small steps towards understanding the higher laws, you will be able to maintain the necessary balance.
Look for those knowledge systems that will help you in your practical activities. Do not give up this activity under any circumstances, but introduce elements of spiritual growth and development into it.
Read books about the spiritual laws of success. Learn from those who know how to bring spirituality into earthly affairs. This is your path. Going into the pure realms of the Spirit, into abstract knowledge, is not for you. But to build the earthly and everyday things taking into account the laws of the Spirit is just your business!
Capricorn is designed in such a way that already at the beginning of life, in his youth, he can be too serious, boring, as if he has already lived, faded, and even old. But if he overcomes karma and finds his path to the Spirit, he begins to come to life and even become younger! He finds joy in life and blossoms. But for this we must take at least the first step from the depths of materiality to the Spirit. And it's never too late.
Capricorn's second karmic task is to bring harmony to his emotional life.
Often Capricorn tries to build his life, including his personal life, solely on a sense of duty, responsibility and following generally accepted rules.
This in itself is not bad, but these qualities alone are not enough if the world of emotions, feelings, and the warmth of relationships is ignored. Without all this, relationships become lifeless, they very quickly cease to bring satisfaction, and therefore Capricorns often remain lonely - their partners and friends leave to satisfy the emotional hunger that has arisen elsewhere. And, of course, Capricorns themselves suffer from their own emotional stinginess - no intellectual pursuits can replace the world of feelings, which is why a bad mood becomes their constant companion, they can even fall into depression.
Search and find what brings you joy! Start noticing and appreciating how you feel about what feels good. Immerse yourself in these feelings, do not be afraid to accept and experience them.
An intellectual, detached assessment of your reactions and experiences will not replace your living immersion in feelings. Have you long forgotten what sincere laughter is? Find something that really makes you laugh, and laugh heartily, even if it's to yourself, the main thing is that you enjoy it. Have you forgotten the last time you cried?
Yes, Capricorns bravely endure troubles and suffering, they sometimes do not allow themselves to cry. First, cry over a book or movie that touches you.
Find living feelings within yourself - both laughter and tears, you have them, you just forgot about them! Give them the right to life - and you will understand how wonderful it is: to be alive and feel. You will understand yourself better, you will accept yourself as you are, which will allow you to understand and accept others, and begin to build truly warm, cordial relationships with them.
The third karmic task of Capricorn is to stop depending on the opinions of others and on one’s social status.
Capricorn is often too externally oriented - this is directly related to his immersion in material things and underestimation of his inner, spiritual life. Only that which has received a positive assessment from the outside and is confirmed by status, success, and achievements that are obvious to everyone seems valuable to him.
At first, this gives him satisfaction, but in the end it can lead to the loss of himself, because he begins to do not what he needs, but what others can accept and appreciate. This is an addiction, and a very scary one.
This is a loss of freedom - inner freedom, freedom of the Spirit. A spirit that finds itself in the grip of someone else’s opinion simply cannot express itself freely, openly and happily. Accordingly, there is no happiness in the life of a person who does not follow the needs of his own Spirit.
Try to mentally turn away from other people’s opinions, at least for a short time. Use the power of your Spirit for this - you have it! With this power, this light, this love, cut off your essence from the opinions of others! And ask yourself: “What I am doing now, what I have, what I have achieved, do I really need it? It makes me happy? Does this bring me satisfaction? Or is it necessary to be recognized? Or do I just want to earn someone’s love and understanding in this way?”
Realize that there, in others, from the outside, there is not that source of love and understanding that you need. Other people's sources will not give you happiness, they will not relieve you of thirst. Find this source within yourself. Find what you love - for yourself, not for recognition from others. Find what makes you happy, even if no one sees or knows you.
Find what you actually think and feel on different occasions - find your attitude and perception, and not how you are “supposed” to think and feel, and not how others think and feel about this. Find something that is close to you, understandable, interesting, something that you want to do. Free yourself from fear of someone's opinion. And you will become yourself, which means you will become happy.
Meditative exercise for transition to the path of the Spirit and overcoming karma
Stand up straight with your feet firmly planted on the floor to feel stable. Close your eyes. Breathe evenly and measuredly.
Take a deep, slow breath and imagine how the force of the Earth enters your body through your feet and fills it. Exhale slowly and imagine how the light of Heaven flows into your body through the crown and fills you completely.
Take another breath and exhale, imagining how the power of the Earth and the power of the Sky mix inside you, giving you great strength and power.
Breathe evenly and measuredly, imagine that you are a rock. Powerful, strong, motionless and beautiful in its strength, power and stillness. You connect Heaven and Earth. The rock stands firmly on the Earth with its base, grows out of it, and reaches the Sun with its top. Feel like such a rock connecting Heaven and Earth.
Feel great inner peace. Feel the stillness—the stillness of the body and the stillness of the mind. Feel what enormous power lies in this peace and in this stillness.
Take a deep breath and imagine how you breathe in power and that power multiplies within you. You, rock, become even stronger, more monolithic, more holistic. Exhale, imagining that you are breathing out all the dissonant energies corresponding to the qualities of unprocessed karma.
Imagine these dissonant karmic energies rolling down a cliff like pebbles and sand. Take several such inhalations and exhalations. Then take another deep breath, imagining that you are inhaling power. Exhale, releasing tension.
Breathe a little more freely, relax, feel your body. Then open your eyes.
Perform this exercise 2-3 times a week, each time freeing yourself from the karmic energies that are most clearly manifesting themselves at the moment.
Characteristics of Capricorn Awakened in Spirit
Representatives of this sign are reliable and faithful in love and friendship, as well as in following their calling; you can always rely on them.
Capricorn, following the path of the Spirit, is distinguished by crystal honesty ; he categorically does not accept lies, falsehood, insincerity, and is always direct and frank.
The directness and frankness of Capricorn, who follows the path of the Spirit, captivates those around him, as they are usually combined with tact . He is free from categoricalness and excessive straightforwardness.
Capricorn is one of the most disciplined signs; he is always precise, neat, follows all the necessary rules, and has everything under control.
Capricorn, awakened in the Spirit, is very hardworking , a true selfless worker who makes every effort to do the best job in any task he undertakes.
Capricorn is distinguished by stamina, endurance, and endurance . A Capricorn awakened in the Spirit will follow his goal to the end, no matter what the cost, and will not break, no matter how life hits him.
The determination and determination of a Capricorn awakened in Spirit is exceptional. He knows what he wants and will get it slowly but surely.
Capricorn, following the path of the Spirit, discovers the depth and tenderness of feelings . He is capable of loving very deeply and strongly.
The stubbornness of a Capricorn awakened in the Spirit is not at all the same as the stubbornness of an unawakened Capricorn. A representative of this sign who follows the path of the Spirit will not stand his ground simply out of stubbornness, but will persistently pursue the goals and values that are important to him.
Capricorn, awakened in the Spirit, shows increased responsibility in everything . He is always responsible for his deeds and actions, honestly admits mistakes and does everything to correct them.
Capricorn, who follows the path of the Spirit, is endowed with a large supply of energy , and this supply is replenished over the years.
Representatives of the zodiac constellation Capricorn are marked by great potential for development , which allows them to change their character for the better over the years, as well as become more energetic and younger.
The great self-control of a Capricorn who follows the path of the Spirit allows him to find a way out of the most difficult situations, never lose control of himself, and thanks to this achieve goals that are unattainable for others.
Capricorns, awakened in the Spirit, are endowed with wisdom and prudence . They know how to accurately define their tasks, find the best ways to solve them, and calmly, measuredly take thoughtful steps that lead them to victory.
The Highest Purpose of Capricorn
The highest purpose of Capricorn is to introduce the laws of the Spirit into the very depths of matter.
This is not just the spiritualization of matter and the grounding of Divine energies - this is human activity on the basis of the highest Divine foundations. Capricorn does not develop these systems of laws, he does not formulate them, he does not even create new forms for the manifestation of the Spirit on Earth. It operates within traditional forms. He is included in spiritual systems organized by others. And he gradually, step by step, drop by drop, introduces spiritual principles into the old, traditional earthly structures.
This is where his mission is manifested - not to reform, not to create new forms, but to introduce new, spiritual truths into old forms.
They say that you cannot put new wine into old wineskins. And yet Capricorn does just that. After all, if there are no new wineskins yet, the “wine” of the Spirit still needs to be poured somewhere. And only when the laws of the Spirit begin to work in old forms - albeit not fully and not in full force - then it will be possible to create new “skin”, but this will no longer be the work of Capricorn.
Since Capricorn includes in his work the laws of the Spirit within the framework of the most inert, low-frequency matter, not adapted to this, he acts very carefully, slowly and accurately, in accordance with his nature.
Revolutionary changes are contraindicated for him. He acts gradually, he prepares changes, preparing matter for them in its most ossified areas. He sets the stage for changes that will be brought by someone else. He must accept this role of his - modest, but honorable. And then he will receive a reward in the form of longevity, improved health, rejuvenation, increased energy levels with age and greater success in his mature years than in his youth.
Capricorn, not awakened in the Spirit, very often strives for a career, high positions, social status at any cost. We must try to avoid this mistake. The path of serving the Spirit is not so bright externally, but much more fruitful internally. It is better for Capricorn to remain in traditional places in society and traditional roles.
The most mundane professions and areas of activity are suitable for him. He can be an engineer and economist, geologist, builder, businessman, work in any profession where strict calculation, discipline and control are needed, and also realize himself in any traditional, widespread and well-known types of activities, where, it would seem, everything has long been familiar and no innovation is possible.
He can teach traditional disciplines, work in traditional genres of art and culture, in the service sector, he can be in any earthly, practical affairs, both a leader and a subordinate.
He realizes himself especially fully where it is difficult, where overcoming is necessary, where hard work is needed. Capricorn was created for such work, he is the most resilient and patient sign, and he will never break, no matter how much he is bent. He can introduce the Laws of the Spirit into any activity, but he does this gradually, not explicitly, without advertising what he is doing. To do this, he needs to perceive these laws of the Spirit, accept them within himself and build his activities according to them, without explaining anything to anyone or imposing his position.
Capricorn does best in such service when he finds for himself spiritual laws that have already been discovered and set forth by someone. He may belong to one of the already known and existing spiritual schools, philosophical or esoteric systems and follow these laws in his life and work, if they are close to his inner “I”.
Traditional family values are very important for Capricorn, and he can also introduce spiritual laws into them, but again do this gradually, very carefully and slowly, so as not to alienate those family members who may not be ready to accept these laws, but the main thing is to drastic changes in those who seemed close and understandable to them.
Any sudden changes, especially external ones, are contraindicated for Capricorns. They can lead him to loneliness. A minimum of external changes with intense internal spiritual work is his motto. By following it, Capricorn will fulfill his highest destiny.
Meditative exercise for entering the path of fulfilling the highest mission of Capricorn
The exercise can be performed sitting or standing. The feet should rest firmly on the floor or the ground. Close your eyes, breathe slowly. Imagine an ordinary stone - a pebble or a small cobblestone. It lies on the ground or on the banks of a river, sea, among other similar stones. But suddenly a ray of sun falls on the stone, and it begins to sparkle and shimmer. A ray of sun is like a column of light from the sky to the earth.
The stone soars in this beam, suddenly flashes with a bright light - and now it is no longer a gray stone, but a beautiful transparent crystal - for example, a diamond or rock crystal. It shimmers, shines, plays with all its facets. He hovers in front of you in a beam of light.
Imagine that you take a few steps forward and find yourself in this beam, or rather, a stream of light. Take a deep breath, imagining that you are breathing in this radiance. Exhale, imagining that you are merging with the crystal. Now this crystal is you. This is your true spiritual essence. Your Spirit is like the purest, shining, iridescent crystal. He is just as durable and strong, he is just as beautiful and bright.
Mentally or out loud say: “ I am a servant of the Spirit, I carry spiritual laws into the very depths of matter. I am transformed into the shining light of God, which is my essence, and I carry this light wherever and whenever I am and where I manifest myself as a servant and worker. I accept the highest Divine mission, which is to introduce the laws of the Spirit into the very depths of the material world. Dear Almighty, help me fully understand and worthily fulfill my highest mission in this earthly incarnation .” (The words may be different - the main thing is that the meaning is preserved.)
Take a few more deep breaths in and out, imagining that you are inhaling power, light, radiance. Feel your body, keeping inside the feeling of a shining, strong and beautiful spiritual core. Then open your eyes.
Do this exercise regularly, but not more than once a week.
(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Twelve Signs of the Zodiac and Journeys of the Spirit: Capricorn | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/04/2023 04:36:00 AM