Self-realization, search for purpose, discovery of talents
How can you determine in which direction to look for the best opportunities for self-realization?
Dear One, this direction is known to your Spirit. There is no need to define it - you are already there. Just listen to the Spirit before you take the next step... And then you won't take a wrong turn. Then you will confidently walk along the path destined for you.
You are a creative Spirit, don't forget that. You are endowed with all the capabilities of the Creator. Creativity is your destiny.
You create your life, you create a new Earth, you are constantly creating. Because you are already on your way. This path leads you to ever greater self-realization. On this path you must identify your strengths, reveal your talents and abilities. Then you will find the direction in which your creativity can flourish most brightly.
You can create works of art or material things, harmonious relationships or a space of light and love around you, you can create a new you, your new qualities and new, more effective ways of behavior. All this is creativity.
Everything you do on Earth is creativity. Do what your abilities lead you to. Do what interests you, what brings you joy and makes you feel happy.
Don't do things that make you feel unhappy. Simple rule, isn't it? But for some reason there are many people who do not follow it. And they don't understand why they are unhappy.
Here's the answer: get out of the place where you're unhappy. Close the door behind you. And open another door - the one where your heart takes you. Do what your heart tells you. Many people expect a more complex answer and do not want to see the simple truth. Do what your heart tells you to do. This is the key to happiness, to fulfilling one's destiny and to the fullest self-realization.
Verbal formulas for entering the path of the most complete self-realization
? I am endowed with a creative spirit - powerful, strong, unbending. I know that the creative spirit living in my heart is capable of bringing about any, even the most fantastic, changes in my life. I trust my Divine nature and allow it to guide me along the most favorable path where I can most fully realize my gigantic creative potential.
? I listen to my heart and trust the voice of my intuition. I know for sure that the voice of intuition is the voice of my Divine Spirit. I follow the signs and signals of the Spirit, enter opening doors without fear or doubt, and follow the path of creative self-realization that leads from success to success.
? I know that I am currently in a place that is best for me. I accept the challenges that life throws at me with dignity. I have enough strength and capabilities to solve the problems facing me. I learn lessons, gain invaluable experience and thank life for it.
? As the Ray of God, I enlighten the Earth and illuminate my own life with light. My creative potential as a Divine being in human form is inexhaustible. I am the creator of my life. I create prosperity, happiness, and open the most favorable opportunities for myself and others.
How to find and reveal your talents?
Don't look too far for them. They are close. There is no need to go anywhere. Your talent lies in what comes very easily to you - so easily that you sometimes don’t pay attention to it. You think this goes without saying. That everyone can do this. But if you look around more carefully, you will see that other people do not succeed as easily and simply as you do.
Remember everything that you do easily. What is natural to you, like air. List all the things in which you have been or are successful. Then see how others deal with the same thing. You will see that you are better at some things than others. This is where you look for your talent.
Would you say that this is too easy a path? Do you think that discovering talent is a matter of great work and enormous energy? No, true talent reveals itself. He does not take away your strength, but gives it to you.
The only question is to see this talent, notice it, stop ignoring it. And you won’t have to carry out long, grueling excavations in the name of finding talent. Talent itself will guide you, it will allow you to easily soar on the wings of creativity and creation. Know that you are talented.
Everyone is talented - God did not create untalented people.
There are no mediocre people - there are those who do not see their talent or do not want to see it. Look - your talent is visible, right in front of you. Follow him boldly. This is the path of happiness.
Verbal formulas for revealing talents
? I was created in the image and likeness of God, and I have all the Divine qualities of the creator. Creativity is my natural ability, given to me by nature, and I realize my creativity every moment of my earthly life with joy and pleasure.
? I, like other people, have my own unique talent that requires implementation. I listen sensitively to myself, listening to the voice of my Spirit, which helps me understand what my unique talent is and begin to discover and develop it.
? I accept with joy and pleasure the fact that I am endowed with the gift of creativity. I treat myself as a creator with care, attention, understanding and warmth. I do not allow myself to be influenced by other people's negative opinions and unconstructive criticism. I am immune to disapproving remarks, I cut them off from me. I listen only to those who love and approve of me and my work, because even critical comments from these people are constructive and benefit me.
? By opening my creative channel, I get closer to God the Creator. In this way, I open the source from which creative ideas, plans, as well as the creative energy and strength necessary to realize my plans and fulfill my creative desires come to me.
? I allow myself to create! I believe in myself as a creative person. I believe in my unique talent and know that it is my responsibility to God to realize it. By realizing my talent, I serve God, helping Him to express himself in the conditions of the material world. By realizing my talent, I bring to Earth as much Light and Love as I can pass through myself.
Dear Kryon, I just can't find my purpose. Could it be that I don't have it?
Darling, asking such a question is the same as asking: “Could it be that I have no heart, soul, consciousness, feelings, thoughts?” Purpose is given to every person by birthright. You would not have come to Earth if you did not have a corresponding purpose. You are already fulfilling your purpose by living. Yes, it is, although you may not think about it.
Do you want to realize your purpose more fully? Do you want to complete all the tasks of the Spirit? Do you want to know what abilities and talents you should discover in yourself? All the answers to these and similar questions already exist.
You have these answers.
The Spirit knows them.
Your heart knows them.
And nothing stops you from recognizing them!
Ask yourself what your heart is drawn to. What are you interested in? What do you dream about? No one will force you to do what you don't want! No one will force you to give up what you like for the sake of some non-existent duty.
Remember: Spirit always wants happiness for you. Do what makes you feel happy. Put your soul into it. Bring light and love into everything you do. This will be the path of your destiny. You're already on it. Just take the next step boldly.
Verbal formulas that help in finding and fulfilling your purpose
? I am a Divine being of Light operating in a human shell. I treat myself, my true Spiritual essence, with great love and immeasurable respect. I bring my love and my light into everything I do, everything I touch.
? It is with great joy that I fulfill my purpose on Earth. I share my love and my light with others and light their way.
? I bring light to even the darkest corners to dispel the darkness and bring joy into my life and the lives of others.
? The Spirit has prepared for me the most favorable opportunities to fulfill my destiny on Earth. Doors are opening before me, behind which awaits me the highest happiness of realizing all my talents and abilities for the benefit of me and all people.
Dear Kryon, I am an artist, and it seems to me that I am following my calling. But it gives me a very meager means of subsistence. What needs to be done to ensure that the calling also provides material benefits?
Dear, your problem is typical for many people in creative professions. For many generations, their souls were ingrained in the idea that creativity in itself is a reward that does not require material reward.
You've probably heard (and maybe even said) more than once the words that an artist should be poor. And many of your comrades say that they are ready to work even for free, just to do what they love. Understand that the time for such beliefs has passed. Material remuneration for work is not a luxury, it is a necessity, and a person of any profession has the right to a decent remuneration. Cleanse your creation from installations that do not work for you. And realize that reward for your work is normal. This does not mean that you should work for money, and not at the behest of your heart. Work as before, according to the dictates of your heart! But if there are no attitudes in your mind that prevent a worthy reward, then it will begin to come.
There is another possible reason for the lack of reward: if you use your talent as an artist for purposes that contradict the goals of the Spirit. Check yourself before each creation to ensure compliance with these goals.
Allow the Spirit to create with you and through you. The Spirit will not leave anyone penniless who follows its tasks. This is a truth confirmed by practice.
Verbal formulas that open the way to creativity and abundance
? From now on, I allow the qualities of the Divine Creator to manifest themselves. I believe in my powerful creative powers and accept them as a gift that is rightfully mine. I form the intention to direct these forces to transform reality in accordance with the Divine plan and my own purpose.
? I turn to my heart to find the work in which my Divine essence will blossom, in which my soul will sing and rejoice. I listen sensitively to the voice of my heart and receive an answer from it. My heart knows what the path God has for me is, and I joyfully allow myself to begin to follow that path.
? I let go of all my fears and doubts to step onto my own creative path. I free myself from all prejudices and restrictions and allow all my talents and abilities to unfold in order to do the work destined for me by God.
? I open my heart to God, I dedicate my talents, abilities and my creative work to God. I allow Divine abundance to enter my life and accept it easily and joyfully, because I know that I rightfully deserve it. I thank God for His great gifts given to me: the gift of joyful creative work and the gift of abundance, which allows me to easily receive everything I need, and even more, every day of my life.
I just can’t find something to do with passion and joy. What do i do?
Darling, you have not even one, but several such cases! Just be more attentive to yourself and you will find them. You don't do what you love for various reasons, but that doesn't mean that what you love doesn't exist! Maybe you spend too much time on other people and their worries, when it’s time for you to take care of yourself? Maybe you are too tired because you devote a lot of time to unloved activities, because you think that you should do them? Try to give up at least some of them. And you will see that the world will not collapse and no one will get worse - on the contrary, all your loved ones will get better, because you will get better.
Put all your worries aside, at least for a short time.
Have a rest.
Dream on.
Think about what you've always wanted. Think about what you are missing right now. What emotions would you like to experience? What impressions will you get? What new thing would you like to learn, understand, try to do? What would bring you joy?
Do it. Even if it’s something very small... Spend just a little time on it. You will feel a quiet but palpable jubilation in your chest. This is your heart rejoicing, this is your soul rejoicing. This is a sign that you are on the right path - on the path where passion, joy, and happy self-realization await you.
To find something you can do with passion, you need to look for it. You have to take what you like, what attracts you, and do it. If you always do only what you don’t like, you are not looking for your favorite thing. And if you don't look, it's impossible to find.
So simple, right? Follow this simple truth. He who asks questions receives answers. He who seeks finds. This is the law. Follow it and you will find what you are looking for.
Verbal formulas for finding what you love
? I know who I am. I am who I am and I am who I should be. I am no worse or better than other people, but I have qualities that make me unique.
? I came to Earth to realize the qualities of my Divine Spirit. I have all the strength and capabilities for this.
? I embody the qualities of God - the qualities of the creator. I create my life and my world. From now on, I choose to do it with love. From now on, I choose only those activities that I do with love, in which I put my soul and to which my heart attracts me.
? Without a doubt, with complete confidence, I choose the path of the heart, the path of love, the path of joy.
? I choose what I can show passion and excitement about. I choose to live with love and embody love in everything I do.
? I choose to be happy, and my Spirit rejoices when I make that choice.
I know that only the path suggested by the heart leads to happiness. But I have a fear of error, a fear that the path will not be very reliable. How to stop being afraid and take the path of the heart?
Distrust of the heart is the same as distrust of the Spirit - it is the same as distrust of yourself. Now do you understand what your problem is? Remember the God who lives inside you. You don’t trust yourself, you consider yourself a weak, frightened person - but you can trust God, His strength and His fearlessness. Because His strength and His fearlessness can be yours. They will become yours when you realize your inseparable unity with God, when you understand that you and God are one.
There is no other way for God except the way of the heart.
Only in this way can God be realized in you. Remember your purpose: you came into the material world to realize God within yourself. The path is shown to you - this is the path of your heart. You have been given all the guidelines on this path - they are known to your heart. You have been given everything to make you feel confident and reliable on this path. One thing is required of you - to dare and take at least one step. The path will lead you further.
The path of the heart is the path of joy. This is the path along which your passion for what you love leads you. It's easy to follow this path. You will feel happy as soon as you step on it. Now do you understand that there is nothing to be afraid of? You should be afraid of something completely different: that you will never decide to take the path of the heart and thus miss the unique opportunities for happiness and joy that life provides you.
Imagine right now that you are already on your path, the path of your heart. Imagine that you have already found this happiness. This will help you actually be on this path and, casting aside doubts, begin to move in a happy direction.
Verbal formulas for setting the path of the heart
? I am the Divine Spirit who came to Earth in a human body with a special mission and special purpose. I am endowed with special, unique talents and abilities that no other person has.
? My task is to realize my talents and abilities in the best possible way in the work that only I can do. I always live in accordance with my heart, listen to its prompts and instructions in order to follow my destiny and do what I do best.
? Following the voice of my destiny, I find my and only my niche in the earthly world, I find my innermost calling, which causes a huge surge of joy in my soul. I do what I love with all my passion and dedication and that’s why I feel happy.
? Without a doubt, with absolute self-confidence, I follow the path that my heart suggests. I know for sure: only the path of the heart is true and correct. Only on the path of the heart can I bring the greatest benefit to humanity. This means that only on the path of the heart can I receive the reward that I deserve.
? From now on, I follow the path of my heart, the path of my true destiny. I am improving in my favorite business, making it better and better. There is no higher happiness than finding yourself and doing what you love, and therefore I am a happy person. Let it be so.
(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Self-Realization, Search for Purpose, Discovery of Talents | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/04/2023 04:34:00 AM