Lessons from Ascension: Ascent Along the Path of the Spirit | Liberty

Lessons from Ascension. Ascent along the path of the Spirit.

All channelings that you read are a personal refraction of the truth, which is inevitable to one degree or another. Therefore, listen, first of all, to yourself - how the information responds in YOUR HEART. My job is to pose questions that you might think about. And everyone will find the answers themselves. ...

El Michael of Nebadon, answer me.
We are together. I'm listening to
The next questions that were sent to me.
Ask, I'm ready to answer.

Are 12 densities of consciousness nothing more than 12 levels of illusion?

12 game levels, 12 illusions created for your learning. 12 characteristics of a space designed for your learning.

So is this space being created for us, or are we creating this space with our thoughts?

Both. They create the characteristics of the space for you, so to speak, the tools that you can use. Space is plastic, but it is plastic to varying degrees at different levels. The denser the level, the less plastic the space, the less plastic the matter or ether. The more difficult creation is. Like soft or hard plasticine. Like hard or soft clay.

Why is it so difficult? If we are just learning, then the child is first given soft plasticine, otherwise he will not be able to sculpt, he simply does not have enough strength.

Perhaps I expressed myself incorrectly. There is no division into levels. And at the same time it exists. You create on all levels at the same time. You play at all levels. Every step you take, every thought and action you take on one level resonates on another level. Can be compared to your kinetic energy transfer device.

Several metal balls, each of which is attached by a rod to the crossbar; the balls are lined up and touching. You hit the outermost ball, and it transmits the movement to all other balls in steps. And the movement reaches the last ball. If you give the first ball a weak movement, then the energy will not reach the last ball.

It's the same with levels. You perform an action on a dense physical level. If this action - or thought, or word - does not have sufficient power, then the energy of this action, word or thought will dissipate through the stepwise transmission between levels. She will give part of her energy to each of the following levels, and thus the energy itself will not reach the 7th or 12th dimension.

Thus, on the one hand, you train the strength of your impact, like athletes train muscles. The next step is that you must learn to control the strength of your influence in order to create different configurations of energy movement, different ways of transmitting it.

Another comparison can be found. 12 levels and 12 creation programs. Like computer programs, the first levels of programs are simple and have few alternatives. That is, in these programs you are given the right to choose commands, but their number is limited, since you are still mastering the simplest skills. When you move to the next level, you get additional features, additional menu items, additional keys and master them. All of these are programs of creation, and these programs are given to you for use. With their help, you create your own realities, practice as if each of you were painting your own picture, or your own fragment of a picture on a common canvas.

Everyone paints his fragment according to his imagination and inspiration and does not know how his fragment of the picture is connected with other fragments, how his plot is intertwined with others. You paint a beautiful garden, but someone else paints a war. But all this is the general picture of humanity. And you are its authors. All fragments of the picture are connected. Sooner or later, all the interconnecting parts will also be written and discovered by you.

You can compare this to a text editor in which you write. First, you master the simplest functions of typing words, then you complicate the functions: you can format the text, choose the font, its type and size, you can color the text and mark fields, enter different intervals. And then a program appears that can draw along with texts and insert images, videos, and so on. As you master the program, new opportunities appear. It’s like a quest game: you find one key, and it leads to another. And when you find the next key, you understand that this is only an indication of the path to the next key, while the cherished goal is still far away.

Is it possible to name the main characteristics of each of the 12 levels?

We have already given you the characteristics of seven levels. It doesn't make sense to give anything higher. You just won't understand. Can you now understand me in another language that you don’t know? Can I explain to you the concepts of higher mathematics if you are not familiar with the basic terms and concepts? Everything has its time. At each level, there is a mastery of concepts and terms that you will encounter later. And gradually you will master all the qualities of all levels and go through all 12 classes of creation.

If everything exists at the same time - the present, the past, and the future - then perhaps we have already graduated from the school of the Gods?

The School of Gods is limitless. And I also go through it at a certain level. But at the same time I’m trying to teach you at your level. The school of life never ends. Or rather, it ends when life ends.

Then what is life?

Life is a manifestation of consciousness. Conscious or unconscious.

But if everything exists at the same time - the past, the present, and the future - does it mean that in some branch of reality I am still in the 1st grade, and in some - at the 12th level?

Past, present and future are simply marks of the files of your lives. Files with information about fragments of your path and your training, which are stored simultaneously in the computer of the Universe and which you can access at any time. But you haven’t created some of the files yet; you still have to do this.

I don't understand. It’s clear about the past. I have lived a thousand lives, a thousand files are stored in the universal computer, and I can return to them. What about the future?

You are multidimensional. Do not forget about it. There are many parts of you that are experiencing different dimensions at the same time. And the experiences that you go through in other dimensions are what you understand by the future.

What about the past?

The past is your experiences, your part of you, your personality.

But what about the theory that even now, in this dimension, I have several doubles who are going through different parts of my experience?

This is a complex theory. But let's try to figure it out. Let us roughly divide those whom you call doubles into “vertical” and “horizontal.” These doubles are part of you, your reflections. But they are also parts of you as a whole. When you decided to undergo incarnation on the earthly plane on this planet, in this area of the Universe, you were divided into parts that began to exist in parallel. But this cannot be called complete separation. You are all interconnected, and often your sensations, your thoughts, your memory intersect. You have a vague feeling that you have already seen this somewhere.

Or you have moments when you suddenly fall out of the current reality and forget part of the time. You have an expression: absent-minded. This is literally true. This is scatteredness throughout the worlds. You are with your consciousness simultaneously in different realities and at different levels.

But at this level, where you and I communicate, you don’t have enough energy to remember this. Relatively speaking, your brain-computer does not have enough power and special software to read these files. It turns out that this process is not completely parallel. But he is also not consistent. This is a simultaneous process.

Somewhere in a higher dimension you can observe yourself in the lower dimensions. But from the current dimension you cannot observe your higher self, you do not have enough energy. Or rather, the resistance to the density of the level environment is so great that your energy is not enough to overcome it. Well, as if you don’t have enough strength to erase the sediment layer from the glass in order to make the glass transparent and see what is there, behind it.

So, your consciousness is on many levels at the same time. From the point of view of higher levels, at the lowest level you are in the past. You, who are at the highest levels, are the future from the position of your current self.

These parts of the past and future seem to exist and not exist at the same time. Horizontal doubles go through various experiences with you in your density. Vertical doubles go through your experiences with you at different levels of density. Each level can have up to 12 horizontal doubles. So, 12 levels and 12 doubles give that very cherished number - 144 doubles with you. That is, there are 12 you at each density level. For you, all doubles that are not at your current level are vertical doubles. And at each density level there are 11 more copies of you, and these are horizontal doubles. Of course, the words “horizontal” and “vertical” are very arbitrary and are needed only so that you can imagine this matrix of doubles. But this matrix is also multidimensional.

If we take the third level, where you are now, then it has three dimensions, three directions. On the fourth there are already four of them. On the fifth - five, and so on. Therefore, the matrix that I drew for you is not flat, but spatial, multidimensional. From a three-dimensional perspective, part of this matrix appears to you in the form of an infinite cube. In the fourth dimension - a more complex figure, there are already four directions. And so on.

The configuration of the twin matrix itself is quite complex. The entire matrix is twelve-dimensional, but at your current level you are only able to perceive three dimensions. As you rise higher, you get an additional dimension, an additional characteristic, an additional direction of development. And thus, as they reunite, all doubles open up new levels and characteristics, dimensions and possibilities. For example, you, as a double, discover in yourself additional possibilities at a new level, an additional direction. Which?

Well, if it is not width, height and depth, then I think it is the direction inwards from which breadth, depth, height and infinity also exist.

Right. You are opening a new direction. You see the world from the outside and master the vision from the inside. You hear the world outside and master hearing from the inside. You feel the world from the outside and master the worlds from the inside. And you do this with the help of dreams.

Wait, not so fast. Are dreams and levels the same thing? Do I dream about the experiences that my doubles go through?

Yes exactly. You dream about the experiences that your doubles go through. Or you can say it differently: in a dream you go through an experience as your own double. But doubles are not separate parts of you, they simply make up your consciousness, which, like the waters of the ocean, is directed into different channels and studies these channels.

But then why do I mostly see myself in my dreams? My current personality in various situations that are similar to me, the same as my real life, real reality? I don’t see myself, say, as a shaman of some tribe or an SS officer.

There are such dreams. But most of the time you don't remember them. You don't have enough energy. Remember that when you wake up, you often remember that there was a dream, but you just can’t remember its plot. Your “software” in the current reality is not enough to remember to unpack this file.

OK then. This means that I see in my dreams the experiences of my doubles who exist on my third level. Or can I have dreams involving my doppelgängers on lower or higher levels?

Dreams involving lower levels are rare. Because the soul, as a rule, has no desire to go lower: it is no longer so interesting there. But some darker and more frightening dreams come from the lower levels. Some of the sensations of disturbing dreams come from there. A feeling of constriction inherent in levels of higher density. Dreams of higher densities most often cannot get through to you because of your qualitative state: when your brain - your “computer” - is loaded with unnecessary programs, it simply cannot unpack a dream of a higher level, and therefore you do not see it.

As soon as you remove unnecessary, unnecessary, unused files from your “computer” and prepare to receive higher waves, you will begin to see dreams from higher levels. But these will be mostly dreams of the 4th and, possibly, 5th levels, because your current energy does not yet exist to get higher.

Therefore, if you remove unnecessary thoughts and concepts, unnecessary feelings, evaluations from your head - in other words, you remove at least low-frequency thought forms to begin with, you will already make room for receiving dreams and information from higher levels. In fact, you receive information from your own doubles from higher levels. This is what you call the Higher Self, or intuition.

So now I’m not talking to you, but to my double at one of the highest levels?

...Who talks to me and gives you information from me.

Let's understand further. So, the main part of my dreams is mainly the experience of my counterparts on the same level?

And that's why you can't control dreams. Because this experience represents the experience of other parts of you. They have the right to make choices in their realities, and you cannot violate it.

But there are practices that allow you to control dreams. So-called lucid dreams.

Lucid dreams are dreams in which you are aware that you are dreaming and observe the dream from this position, consciously realizing that this is a different reality and that you are in a dream. Regarding the practice of dream management, we can say that it exists in the tradition of dream yoga, which you are now becoming familiar with.

But this is a completely different level. Here you seem to connect with your double in a dream. You connect with it with your consciousness, and this is what dream yoga practices are aimed at. And then you can use the capabilities of your double. You can "multiply" yourself or grow to the size of a planet, and so on. You can fly. By the way, many of you fly in your sleep. These flights are the experience of one of the higher dimensional doubles.

What if I dream that I am flying in my usual form?

This is not what you are dreaming about. But your consciousness, waking up and unpacking the dream, produces images that are more understandable to you. However, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the goal of dream yoga is not to control the dream, but to achieve the Clear Light of Awareness. Achieving such a high awareness of perception that will allow you to break out of the wheel of incarnations in the afterlife. Actually, all yoga is aimed precisely at this, and it has no other goal.

Therefore, dream management in dream yoga is just a stage that you just need to go through and not dwell on it, because the goal is more global. The dream of other realities is the same illusion as the illusion of the third dimension, and there is no point in exchanging one illusion for another.

If I no longer have negative dreams, but only positive ones, what does this mean? Shouldn't all types of experiences go through my consciousness in different parts of me in different doubles?

This just means that the corresponding part of your doubles has already undergone experience and risen higher, that is, united with their higher part.

Let's start from the beginning. Imagine a 12 × 12 matrix, and in each cell there is your double, and you start everything. The general trend is reunification at every level. You will be able to rise to a higher level when you connect all 12 of yourself at the current level. This is what happens in dreams. Gradually, in your dreams, you reconnect with different parts of yourself.

When all 12 doubles of the current level are reunited in you as one, and you become complete at this level, you will be able to rise higher. But this also does not mean that the movement you imagine is linear. That is, there is no such thing that 12 points gather into one point, and then this point rises one cell up. Everything is more complicated.

Your first double, having completed its experience, one of your 12 experiences at this level, reunites with you and at the same time merges with your 1st double on the fourth level. Your second double at the third level, having completed its part of the experience program, merges with you and at the same time rises to the fourth level, filling your second double at the fourth level, and so on.

When each of the 12 doubles of the third level connects with you and fills its corresponding “number” double of the fourth level, you...

Will I kind of wake up at level 4 in my 12 options?

Or rather, all parts of you will move to the 4th level in all 12 options. Now, some of your doubles have already passed through the experience of three-dimensionality and united with their parts of the fourth level. But some of them are still here. You're close to finishing. This is why you no longer have negative dreams. This experience has already been worked out. It merged with you, and the doubles who worked it off moved to a higher fourth level. As you can see, both horizontal and vertical development are taking place at the same time. But in reality, everything is more complicated. Because you are multidimensional, but for now this model will be suitable for your understanding.

Does this all mean that if a person has negative dreams, then he has not yet gone through most of the experiences of three-dimensionality? Why? Why negativity? Why is this an indicator of development and rising higher?

Because going through the full experience of each level is a degree of reconnection with unity. Because this is the experience of overcoming separation from the Unified Consciousness, restoring one’s connection with it. Therefore, the more you reconnect with your unity on every level, the less fear and negativity you experience. Because in unity there is everything and it can give you everything. And how you understand at every level your unity with which you reunite.

And in fact, you are reconnecting with parts of you, that is, with yourself. Having gathered all your third-level doubles, you reunite the unity of the third level and again find yourself in another degree of separation into 12 doubles, at a higher level, and again begin to gather yourself into unity, but with a new quality, according to the quality of this level. And then, having gathered yourself at the fourth level into your unity of the fourth level, you find yourself at a higher, fifth level and again fall apart into 12 parts of yourself, again beginning to overcome separation, but at a higher level, in a different quality of separation. And again you reunite yourself and gather the unity of the fifth level.

Does this mean that other doubles are also dreaming of me, my experience?

Certainly. You all dream of each other, and you dream all of this as a whole. All these are your games and your dreams, your lessons and your experiences. And your creativity. Your steps in comprehending Creation.

It seems clear. But how do our seven bodies correspond to the 7th and 13th levels? I mean, if I collect myself at the third level, is that the lower chakra level? And on the fourth level I will collect myself as astral doubles and as sensory perceptions? And on the mental I will collect myself as mental images?

Or is it something else?

All seven or more qualities are simply characteristics of each level. But at each level they are presented differently. That's why I say that the model I described to you is highly adapted for your three-dimensional understanding. At the first three levels, the quality of life has the greatest power, that is, the red glow - this way it will be clearer to you in color. At the first level, only the red quality, the quality of life, is included.

At the second and third levels, the orange quality, the quality of desire, is also included. At the third level, the quality of aspiration appears. All other qualities are still included to a small extent. That is, as the illusions of different levels of consciousness, 12 levels of consciousness unfold, different qualities are included to varying degrees. We can also say that when the quality of a level has been worked out to the maximum, a transition occurs to the next level, where the task of maximizing the next quality also lies ahead.

Wait, I don't have time. So, the 3rd level is the one that mainly includes the quality of life, the quality of feeling, the quality of aspiration (red, orange, yellow).

This means that at the first level I once worked out the quality of life in 12 doubles and therefore rose to the second level, where the quality of desire was turned on. And having completely worked out the quality of desire, I rose to the third level with my twelve doubles and now I’m working on the quality of aspiration. So?

Almost. In the sense that you work on not just the quality of each level, but the combination of existing qualities in its entirety. At the first level, you fully develop the quality of life, the red quality. At the second level, you work out not only the complete quality of desires, but also the combination of the quality of life and the quality of desires. Fully.

At the third level, you fully develop not only the quality of aspiration, the yellow quality, but also all sorts of combinations of the quality of life, the quality of desires and aspirations, red, yellow and orange. And it’s not for nothing that combining yellow and red gives you orange: everything is connected.

But if in this life I or some other people have not yet fully experienced all desires, what does this mean?

This means that their consciousness is still or partially stuck at the second level, at the level of developing the quality of desires. Most people have not yet worked out this quality and its combination with the quality of life. Many are just working on combining the quality of life with the quality of desires, and the quality of aspiration is still in its infancy, undeveloped state.

This is the part of people who pursue in their lives mainly only sensual and carnal pleasures and pleasures in various forms. Part of humanity has already included the quality of aspiration and is striving somewhere: to make a career, learn more, develop, travel, and so on.

It turns out that if a person has not yet worked out sensual pleasures, then not all of his doubles from the second level have yet reunited with him and ascended to the third level?

You learn quickly. Exactly. I just want to remind you that I am still describing to you a simplified model, because you cannot yet understand a more complex one. But this model is close to reality. As your and our lessons progress, we will complicate the model as your abilities for awareness and perception increase.

But still, I haven’t figured out what we call past, present and future, and the fact that it all exists at the same time.

All these are conventions, if we consider the entire matrix of your doubles. Some of them are at different levels. Let's take the average person. Some of his doubles are still at the first level of vital needs. Some of its counterparts are at the level of second-level sensual desires. And some of his doubles are on the third level. And a very small part of it is at the fourth and fifth levels of development.

Wait, you said that only after working out all the qualities of a certain level can you rise to the next one.

Yes, climb to the next one entirely, whole. But for now, the doubles of each person are scattered across different levels. Everyone's proportions are just different. For some, up to 50 percent of doubles are at the second level, a third at the first and the rest at the third. Those whom we call light workers basically have no doubles left on the first level, about a third on the second level, half on the third, and the rest on the fourth level. Those whom you call saints no longer have doubles on the first level.

There are very few of them at the second level. On the third - about half, the rest of the doubles have already been understood higher up at different levels. The highest practicing yogis at the first two levels have no doubles left, at the third level there are several of them, the rest of the doubles travel up to the buddhial level. And all these doubles are perceived to one degree or another by the current consciousness.

When you have not yet developed consciousness, that is, your consciousness does not rise above the 3rd level, you can connect with your doubles, communicate with them and participate in their experience only through dreams. When you rise higher with your consciousness, then at the fourth level you can consciously communicate with your lower, and sometimes even higher, counterparts. If you are talking to me now, this means that some of your doubles, namely two, have risen to higher levels of consciousness and are transmitting information from me through themselves.

As you develop your consciousness, you clear it of unnecessary files, that is, you expand and develop it; this means that your doubles are rising higher, or some other doubles have reached a level higher than the third. And you get access to wider information and can cover it. The higher your counterparts rise, the clearer the information that you, as a current person, can receive from them. Now your doubles are one on the mental plane, the other on the causal plane. You haven't risen any higher yet. This is where you get information from.

I still didn't understand. If higher counterparts can consciously review the experience of lower ones, then should I be able to review the experience of my lower counterparts, who are on the second level?

This is exactly what you do in your sleep.

But why only in a dream, and not consciously with your intention?

You can do this with your intention. You just don’t know how to do it yet, you haven’t learned how. This is why intention practices are given to you. You can also consciously contact counterparts of your current level and gain their experience. You call this a review of past lives; you have such practices.

Then explain what the etheric body is and what all the other bodies are in this concept. There are 13 levels. At each level there is an inclusion of a certain quality. What does it mean that on the third level we have seven bodies?

At the first level there is only the physical body. At the second level there are physical and astral bodies. But this is if you take one double. If we take all your doubles together, then this will give you different bodies. This means that doubles of different people are undergoing experiments on no more than seven levels.

Don't all people have all seven bodies?

It is possible to expand them. But not everyone's body is formed. As soon as one of the doubles rises to a higher level, the process of forming the corresponding body begins. And it ends when you become whole in this capacity. Therefore, most people have a complete physical body, an almost fully formed astral body of desires, and an almost fully formed mental body. But to a lesser extent than the astral body. Partially formed causal body. Poorly formed atmic body. And the buddhial body is almost in its infancy.

What about the etheric body?

This is your cast, allowing your consciousness to travel through levels.

So what are the past and the future?

The past is a completed experience at a certain level. The future is this unfinished experience at higher levels or at your level.

What about the present?

This is your memory of you as your personality in this double.

Are all personalities or all egos of all counterparts different?

Of course, because they go through different experiences and different qualities. But they have similar parts. All your counterparts, let's say, are distinguished by curiosity. By the way, curiosity is a quality of aspiration.

Why am I only aware of my personality? Or rather, I mean, each of the doubles has the memory of other doubles, each of the doubles has a past and a future? And do you talk to each of my doubles? That is, they are all autonomous and equal? Or am I like the main part with which everyone merges?

Your questions indicate that you are not yet able to grasp the concept of integrity. Because there are two answers to your questions: “yes” and “no.” All doubles are equal if we consider them separately. And they are all one if we consider them as parts of you. If you move your consciousness into another double in a dream, you unite with him and do not feel like you are the main one, but he is secondary. But if your personalities are divided, then you can ask this question.

Let's look at this differently. When you turn your head “left” or “right”, is the “straight” perspective the main one? No. This is just one of the angles of the direction of vision. Your back or your chest, which one is the main part of your body? Understand? It’s all one, and it’s all holistic. But from the position of separation, in conditions of division of consciousness into parts and fragmentation, this is perceived as different. But all this is you. If you look at one security camera or another, which one will be the main one? After all, there is simply you alone, looking at different cameras, or different windows, or in different directions.

Therefore, when you reunite your consciousness with all your parts, you will see the whole overview, so to speak, a 360-degree panorama. For now, you can only observe pieces individually. This is the answer "no" to your question.

But the answer “yes” to your question is that everything that you firmly remember now with your personality is the memory of reunion. There are those parts of experience that have reunited with you and become whole with you. All your knowledge and all your experiences are united in your memory. And all other doubles have the same memory. This is what you have in common, what you have in common - the memory of your combined experiences.

That is, if I don’t remember some of my experiences, this means that...

...That the experiences of these doubles have not yet reunited with you and all the other doubles. Because in fact, it is better to imagine not a matrix of doubles, but something reminiscent of a sea urchin. Its center is you, reunited, and from you there are, as it were, shoots-paths of all your doubles. 12 processes, which are segmented into 12 levels. And each such process, such a needle, is connected with you internally, with the center of the “hedgehog”, which is the whole you. And this core, this center grows as the doubles rise to a higher level. Therefore, it resembles not exactly a core, but a certain configuration of 12 processes, each of which is of different lengths, which characterizes the degree of growth of each needle twin according to the levels of perception. Have you seen this picture?

Yes, I understood your analogy.

And thus your ball, your sphere of awareness does not yet have a round configuration. But as soon as you go through all 12 levels with your twin shoots, it will be completed and will become like a ball or a sphere, because in all directions the rays of the experiences of your doubles, all your experiences will be completed and connected with you. And your integrity will be restored: you will appear as a perfect luminous being, having all 12 qualities of God in its fullness and perfection. And you will enter the classes of creation of new levels.

So all 12 levels were not yet creation classes?

Don't let it offend you, but this is almost elementary school. Or you can compare it to your schools' high school. But institute knowledge is still ahead: you need to reach this level and learn many lessons.

Thank you for the lesson. And I thank you for your aspirations. We are together. Selena

(Translation from “Lessons from Ascension. Lesson 19. El Michael of Nebadon. Ascent along the path of the Spirit.”)

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian

Lessons from Ascension: Ascent Along the Path of the Spirit | Liberty Lessons from Ascension: Ascent Along the Path of the Spirit | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/04/2023 04:44:00 AM Rating: 5

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