Saturday, July 29, 2023

You have Taken the Red Pill | Saint Germain via James McConnell

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by James McConnell

I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these momentous times of change, change happening everywhere, all around you, up until recently.

Those changes have been largely unseen, but they are beginning now to come more and more to the forefront. Changes that you have been visualizing, that you have been creating for some time now. Actually going back lifetimes you have been creating this new reality.

But now, more and more in these moments, light is filtered through into all areas of the planet. The light of truth. The light of oneness. The light of the I AM presence within each and every being on the planet. Even those that would shy away from the light cannot withstand the light. They cannot hold against it and, if they tend to do so, they will indeed be consumed by that very light. So know this.

Know that as these changes continue to develop across the planet, and more and more people were coming awake, all of you, each and every one of you have taken the so-called red pill. Each of you have been red-pilled. And more and more people across the planet are also beginning to take that red pill. No longer can you take the blue pill and fall back asleep. That is no longer possible here as you move beyond that as if there was a line drawn in the sand and you have all moved across it, never to go back again.

For you are in the process of ascension, moving from one level of consciousness to another level of consciousness. Awakened, each and every one of you awakened to the I Am Presence within each of you. And that I Am Presence is forever there with you, has always been there, and now you are awakening to it, awakening to the higher level of consciousness that the I Am Presence brings to you, and that connection to your Higher Self. Many of you have been connecting with your Higher Self and your higher level guides that have been working with you diligently to bring you step by step along the ladder of love and oneness.

This is the time, my friends. This is the time to reach for freedom within each and every one of you, and freedom for all of those around you. Freedom for the state you are in, the country you are in, whatever it is. It is all about coming to the freedom so that you are free to love and share, and be one with each and every one, with no thought of fear, no thoughts of anger, or hatred, or jealousy. All to be replaced by love and light.

And the truth shall indeed set you all free. For you have been coming more and more to that truth, the truth of the connection of all, because of the one.

You have heard many times to be the one. This is not just a few words, but words that have deep meanings. Be the one. Be the one consciousness, the one understanding, the one light. Be the I Am Presence, which is the one.

Nothing, and no thing, can stop you now, stop you as the collective you from gaining more and more momentum as the dominos begin to fall, and will continue to fall more and more rapidly across the entire planet.

And the catapult, or the catalyst of all of this is you, especially those of you in this United States for America, and the New Republic that is being born again. And you all are a part of that new republic of bringing it forward, bringing it to the next level of consciousness. A level of consciousness that was envisioned by those of your forefathers who envisioned a great state, a great country, a great planet. For all, indeed all are created equal, and are one with the God presence within them.

So allow yourselves now through these times coming to not fall back, even an inch. To keep moving forward. No matter how many times you might fall, pick yourself back up and keep moving forward again, and again, and again. And reach out to your fellow neighbors and assist them along the way.

Just as you have received assistance, now it’s time to give others assistance. Whatever way you are guided to do, simply trust in that guidance.

I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness, and the battle, the battle for freedom that was begun in this country so long ago. The battle that you are all winning and are bringing forward indeed the New Republic of Light.