Saturday, July 29, 2023

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self | July 28, 2023

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

The problems upon Earth are far from diminishing and depending where you live, are causing widespread damage, and considerable concern to maintain normal living standards. Given that this period of change was anticipated you rightly question why more action was not taken to avoid the disasters now being experienced. The problems have for most of you perhaps come up at much faster rate than expected, consequently adequate precautions have not been taken. Temperature changes are difficult to cater for particularly when they have proved to be exceptionally greater than previously expected.

The changes are forcing you to re-access your approach to the problems, and you are seeing the first signs of a worldwide effort of different countries coming together to combat them. Anything less would have been more much disastrous than it has been so far. However, it seems that some countries are suffering much more than others where the temperatures are so high that normal life is impossible. We urge you to focus your energy upon those who are in greater need of assistance. In general terms Humanity has been kept down for a long, long time and the shortcomings are seen as preventing adequate action being taken. Sooner or later there must be a worldwide effort to combat the changes so as to lessen their affect upon the people.

The resources of the world are greater than realised and if used sensibly should enable you to combat the changes so as to keep damage to the minimum. You must know what is needed and a combined approach by the major countries should enable you to keep some measure of control over what is taking place. The right approach now will ensure that the outcome is satisfactory and will pave the way for new ways of living to be introduced. The groups who rule the world and dictate what is allowed must be forced to allow advancements to be made that raise the living standard of life. The “know how” exists already and there are efforts being made to introduce them now.

The Earth is passing through new energies in Space that are lifting everything up and as it increases the negative ones are being reduced in their affect upon you. Therefore in the long term matters will take a turn for the better and you should start preparing for this period now. Think ahead and think progress because the changes will give you the opportunities you need to make headway. Realise that we are doing our best to influence you to make the right decisions, and giving ideas that will enhance your progress. Your destiny is written in the stars and the way home is laid out before you. Think new and let the old ways fade away into the past as they have served their purpose very well.

We do not stand idly by and are forever prompting you to take the right action that will benefit you and continue to advance Humanity. You could say every cloud has a silver lining but how do you get at it. You are to be credited with a determination to be successful and it is this approach that will bring you victory. The people as a collective are hardy and resolute and determined to overcome the challenges that are before them. Many know the score and work hard to guide you along the path leading to success. You can achieve it and many of you have been chosen to help Humanity through this very trying period. Do not lose heart as many souls are with you on this journey with you, giving you the help and strength to carry on knowing that all the effort you put in will prove to have been well worth it.

Most of you were fully aware of the challenge you would face, and your part in the action would have been discussed before you incarnated upon Earth. So matters are not as bad as they might appear, and many souls are engaged in the battle against the dark forces and well equipped to win. As you cannot see the whole picture it is difficult for you to gauge the exact position you are in, but be assured that you are supported by us. We see the whole picture and outcome and best able to guide you safely through such periods.

We see your victory so keep on believing in success as it is not that far away. The joy and happiness of leaving the darkness behind will be so uplifting and most of you will still be here to witness it. These are historic times and you are privileged to be part of them. Many souls desired to be part of the story that will in the future be told many times over. The victory of the Light over the darkness will honour those who were part of it and were successful.

We have looked ahead and given you some insight into the future, hoping it will strengthen your resolve to see this battle through to the end. One day you will look back at this period and marvel at your determination to achieve victory over the dark Ones. You will also see the future that was assured by your success. It was always meant to result this way but you still had to achieve it without knowing the real outcome. You had great faith in those who supported you all through the challenges that greatly tested you.

In reality you are persevering with a strong passion and determination to win this battle. Logically the Light will always win over the dark Ones, but not before they have tried every trick to win the battle. It has given you of the Light a stronger belief in your own ability to face and beat them and you are to be commended for doing so.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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