Saturday, July 29, 2023

Let me Get Back to you on that One | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, July 28, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

I wrote the other day:

“As far back as 1970, Michael diverted electricity that blew a hole in my scissors and did not harm me. Later, he neutralized a toxic chemical I’d imbibed in what turned out to be an injurious if not fatal quantity. He made heavy objects weightless. He put out two potential housefires. Etc. I do not need more miracles.”

Hey, never stop the miracles! But I don’t need more convincing.

But even miracles, with the realizations they bring, could not carry the weight with me of … love.

I passed a street performer at the Vancouver fireworks last night who told me, “The most common element is air.” I turned back to her and said – and I consider this to be absolutely true – “the most common element is love.”

Just think of it for a moment. Everything is made from love. What then is more common than love?

But wait a minute. We also say that God is everything. … Hmmm…

If A = B and B = C, then A must = C. …. If God = everything and love = everything, then God must = love.

Yes, intelligent, always-expanding love. …. I’d have to say that my God is love. As we’ll see below, the Mother supports these statements.

Jophiel invites us to visualize love as particles of light:

Archangel Jophiel: Love is simply particles, specks of energy, what you often see as light. (1)

That’s helpful for visualization. Send love; send light.

I know love is intelligent. It leaves me the moment I forget about it. An intelligent and jealous god indeed.

Hmmmm…. Then sending love out is awakening the love that we all are made of, causing dormant cells to spring into life perhaps? (Help me out here.)

Does it have far more impact than just touching another’s heart? Healing and awakening power perhaps?


You know, I just get that there’s so much out there we don’t know that it makes no sense to try to fit you all, celestials and galactics, into our thought structures.

Somewhere the Mother said that her (2) essence was far beyond our ability to know, at this stage anyways! Where’s that quote?

“My being, … my essence … is far beyond what you can imagine,” she explained. (3)

And yet in another place she says that her essence is love.

Divine Mother: Love … is the only essence; that is the only substance; that is the only fiber there is. So everything that takes form comes from Love, comes from my heart and my essence. (4)

See what I mean? The minute I think I have a handle on anything, the apple cart tips over.

The only handle that seems to last and promises to last, the only eternal handle I know of, is love. The only safe harbor. The only thing no one has memed to death. The only thing that people universally seem to respect and defer to.

I’m ready to bet the farm on this one. I hear you saying “well, what about truth?” Let me get back to you on that one, after I’ve fully realized and enjoyed love.


(1) “Archangel Jophiel: Dust to Dust, Ashes to Ashes, Love to Love,” October 8, 2022, at

(2) Why not “Her”?

We do not want anything capitalized. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 12, 2016.)

(3) “Transcript of the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel, May 7, 2012,” at

Divine Mother: Think of it as a rule of thumb that the percentage, the element, the experience of my love is but a small percentage or quotient of my essence. And I have done this and I do this because I have no desire to electrify, overwhelm, or electrocute any of you. My plan is not to wipe the planet clean of humanity. Quite the contrary…it is to awaken, revitalize, reconstitute, recalibrate. (Universal Mother Mary, Saturday Conference Call, “Allow Yourself to Float on My Love, May 21, 2017, through Linda Dillon, at

(4) “Transcript: Universal Mother Mary Discusses the Law of Completion and Continuity on Heavenly Blessings, December 3, 2013,” via Linda Dillon, at