As the Divine Mother Wills | Steve Beckow

As the Divine Mother Wills

December 19, 2018
By Steve Beckow

Way back in 2014, when I asked Archangel Michael why financial assistance had not shown up by then, he revealed: “It does not mean that we can not put money in a bank account because we can.” (1)

That got my attention right away and ever since I was inquiring into why it is, therefore, that we’re kept in a position of having to appeal to our readers.

If the royals wanted to share, if some people have been given abundance, if there are many wealthy people in the world, why cannot we, by the Law of Attraction, draw one to us?

Then in 2015, the Divine Mother told the GAoG team: “You have agreed that you are on, can we say, the receiving end.” Why is that needed? To help people “express gratitude, generosity and unity and to express what is valuable to them.” (2)

OK. Now I get it. I can do this.

I’d fallen into the same trap I’d judged others for. I’d assumed that everything in my life was about me. I wanted to be served rather than to serve.

I’ve practically never looked at my situation as being about a sacred purpose that was larger than me. I’d never considered that I was serving.

I was enmeshed in the self-serving bias or what we now call service to self.

In this instance the Divine Mother is asking for service to others. Our needing to appear before you is in the service of awakening and putting us back in touch with what may be dormant feelings of compassion and generosity.

There are lightworkers living in cars. There are folks like Wes Annac who cannot afford to fix their roof. There are people much worse off than us. If we extend the Mother’s comments to all lightworkers who have the same service contract, all of us have agreed to be on “the receiving end.”

That presupposes that others are on the giving end for this circuit of love to flow. And for it to flow is the purpose underlying the whole of the Plan, in my opinion.

Moreover, Post-Reval, we’ll be living in a largely donor-driven economy. Lightworkers will be feeding money and other resources into deprived areas. In light of this, I believe, the Mother wants us to exercise our generosity muscles and soften our hearts now rather than learn later.

Can we have some fun? May I play for a moment? I believe we go through a series of steps that lead to us actually donating (or not). May I?

(1) We rest in inactivity on a subject.

(2) We become aware of it as having value in itself or in the using of it; mostly we become aware of how we feel when we use it, watch it, read it, etc.

(3) We become aware that this thing which has value exists only as long as it’s financially supported.

(4) Seeing this awakens in us the feeling of compassion and wanting to give. We call this divine quality a variety of names – generosity, charity, applied compassion.

(5) The pleasurableness of this feeling moves us to rise up, go online, and actually make the donation and/or monthly commitment.

If we increase the power of the microscope, I think we’ll see a process something like that.

So a fleeting thought is not enough to cause us to act. The thought that we “should” act is not enough. Only a deep feeling of generosity or compassion will prove to be enough.

I believe that this is exactly the process that we as financial wayshowers will follow after the Reval when we’ve graduated from this level of giving to being humanitarian philanthropists on a global scale. The Mother is just trying to get us started.

And it doesn’t have to be through the giving of money. It can be through the giving of anything – helping, serving, loving. (3)

In sum, if you value us and what we bring to your table each morning – the information and the analyses, the love and the upliftment – we invite you to give us a one-time or monthly donation so that we can continue to serve you.

Thank you! We here at GAoG love you and love serving you.



(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 11, 2014.

(2) The Divine Mother, ibid., June 7, 2015.

(3) Our sacred mission is our passion. I love writing. But it’s also possible to love giving.

After the Reval, I predict we’ll all of us fall in love with giving. I know I’ve found it the most enjoyable activity of any (well, most) that I do.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
As the Divine Mother Wills | Steve Beckow As the Divine Mother Wills | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/19/2018 08:19:00 PM Rating: 5

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