Am I Worthy to Ascend? – Part 1/2
December 19, 2018
By Suzanne Maresca

If we were to ask a hundred people right now if they feel ready for the Event we’ve been preparing for, chances are that we’d get close to a hundred different answers.
Perhaps no answer would be so different as to be unrelatable, but we each are individual creations of the Divine.
As such, we have a unique set of experiences that shape who we are and how we see ourselves in this unfolding.
This Human gig is not an easy one and we accumulate any number of wounds and resulting character armor through our myriad incarnations as a result.
Perhaps for most of our lives (and even in past ones), we’ve been given messages that we’re not good enough, or, for whatever other reason, we have no chance of succeeding on our chosen path. There’s no need to recount all the negative feedback we’ve been subjected to, sometimes originating from our own thoughts.
It’s time to shed all the lies that we’ve taken in about who we are and embrace the changes to our beings with a clear heart. This requires us to be responsible with our thoughts as well as our actions.
Imagine, if you will, a world of great and exquisite Beauty and Creation. This world is populated with marvelous creatures and organisms both great and small…all emanations of the Divine.
Humans here are free of manipulation and they know in every fiber of their beings that they belong here and to one another. They live in harmony with the planet they inhabit as well as all other creatures sharing the space.
This gorgeous and abundant world attracts the attention of beings with a different view of life and what life is for. These beings take on the work of using this abundant world and her denizens to gain power and resources in service to self. They implement a mind-blowingly intricate and long-term plan and the Divine Plan gets delayed.
It’s only a delay, though. Not a shelving. Not a distortion. And the bottom line is that it isn’t strictly our fault that Gaia and the life she supports have been twisted away from the Divine Blueprint.
Yes, it’s true…this is our story, more or less. We’ve all heard the theory postulated that our planet Earth is a school, an Experience Ship, as it were. And we live it this way. Prime Creator is constantly gathering experiences through each and every one of us.
This Earth Journey has been an exceedingly long one. Some of us have only a handful of Earth Walks behind us…and others have been here on the incarnation cycle since the beginning.
Maybe our first ride on Gaia was spending our time in Mu and Lemuria, when our form may not have been completely Human. Perhaps we were summoned here to help prevent the fall of Atlantis…
Whatever the case and however we each arrived at this particular time in the history of Earth, our presence here is quite purposeful. We all have a role to play.
(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
December 19, 2018
By Suzanne Maresca

If we were to ask a hundred people right now if they feel ready for the Event we’ve been preparing for, chances are that we’d get close to a hundred different answers.
Perhaps no answer would be so different as to be unrelatable, but we each are individual creations of the Divine.
As such, we have a unique set of experiences that shape who we are and how we see ourselves in this unfolding.
This Human gig is not an easy one and we accumulate any number of wounds and resulting character armor through our myriad incarnations as a result.
Perhaps for most of our lives (and even in past ones), we’ve been given messages that we’re not good enough, or, for whatever other reason, we have no chance of succeeding on our chosen path. There’s no need to recount all the negative feedback we’ve been subjected to, sometimes originating from our own thoughts.
It’s time to shed all the lies that we’ve taken in about who we are and embrace the changes to our beings with a clear heart. This requires us to be responsible with our thoughts as well as our actions.
Imagine, if you will, a world of great and exquisite Beauty and Creation. This world is populated with marvelous creatures and organisms both great and small…all emanations of the Divine.
Humans here are free of manipulation and they know in every fiber of their beings that they belong here and to one another. They live in harmony with the planet they inhabit as well as all other creatures sharing the space.
This gorgeous and abundant world attracts the attention of beings with a different view of life and what life is for. These beings take on the work of using this abundant world and her denizens to gain power and resources in service to self. They implement a mind-blowingly intricate and long-term plan and the Divine Plan gets delayed.
It’s only a delay, though. Not a shelving. Not a distortion. And the bottom line is that it isn’t strictly our fault that Gaia and the life she supports have been twisted away from the Divine Blueprint.
Yes, it’s true…this is our story, more or less. We’ve all heard the theory postulated that our planet Earth is a school, an Experience Ship, as it were. And we live it this way. Prime Creator is constantly gathering experiences through each and every one of us.
This Earth Journey has been an exceedingly long one. Some of us have only a handful of Earth Walks behind us…and others have been here on the incarnation cycle since the beginning.
Maybe our first ride on Gaia was spending our time in Mu and Lemuria, when our form may not have been completely Human. Perhaps we were summoned here to help prevent the fall of Atlantis…
Whatever the case and however we each arrived at this particular time in the history of Earth, our presence here is quite purposeful. We all have a role to play.
(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Am I Worthy to Ascend? (Part 1/2) | Suzanne Maresca
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/19/2018 08:17:00 PM