Source: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/perekhod-v-pyatoe-izmerenie-vtoroy-yetap-aktivatsii-tretyego-glaza/#ixzz8NZ2EZM95
We are now moving into the second stage of activating your third eye.
And now you have to learn not only to feel it, as discussed in my previous message , but to purposefully influence your consciousness and your crystalline body through it.
From now on, in all your practices and meditations, along with the Higher Powers to which you are accustomed to turn, call on your third eye for help.
Always remember that it is a Portal connecting you with your own higher aspects - the Higher and Divine Self, as well as the Mother Soul, which will now take an active part in all your meditations.
This will give you extraordinary strength and self-confidence: you will feel like a God-man, capable of performing real miracles.
And since this Portal is located within you, you need to try to make the most of it both to transform your own consciousness and physical body into a light crystalline one, and to help other people do this.
And here's what you need to do for this.
Call on the energy of the Fifth Dimension as often as possible and imagine how, pouring into your seventh chakra, it slowly descends into the sixth - your third eye, thereby activating it to the maximum.
You will definitely feel a warmth spreading throughout the top of your head, including the back of your head where your pineal gland is located, which is the mirror image of your third eye .
And only after these three Divine points are filled with energy, becoming almost hot, can you begin to work on transforming your body.
First you need to visualize your higher subtle bodies - atmic and buddhic, which sometimes reach enormous sizes.
Imagine your atmic body in the form of a very voluminous purple cocoon.
Inside it, the buddhic body is indigo color, the causal body is blue, the mental body is green, the emotional body is yellow, and the etheric body is orange.
Then visualize your chakras, starting with the seventh, also by color.
In the fourth green chakra you will see how your huge Love Crystal, activated at full power, shines and sparkles.
Then begin to slowly lower the Divine flow of the Fifth Dimension through your seventh, sixth and fifth chakras into the Crystal of Love, which itself will take the shape and dimensions that are necessary to allow this flow into itself.
All this will happen by itself.
All you have to do is mentally ask your Love Crystal to accept the energy sent to it by your Higher aspects through the Third Eye Portal.
How is this practice different from others?
In this case, you yourself, as a Divine being, initiate the process of transforming your body into a light crystalline one, using your Higher aspects through your third eye.
Now you yourself create your reality - your new body of the Fifth Dimension, connecting to the eternal and inexhaustible Universal source of energy of Unconditional Love.
And the Portal that gives you access to this source is located in your sixth chakra, called the Third Eye or the Divine Eye of a person.
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
Transition to the Fifth Dimension: Second Stage of Activation of the Third Eye | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/02/2024 02:56:00 AM