Source: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/perekhod-v-pyatoe-izmerenie-intuitivnaya-podskazka/#ixzz8NZ5YUj4b
So, let's continue the conversation about how you can learn to use your Divine senses in your daily life.
Surely many of you will be able to recall your own examples when instant insights from your consciousness, in other words, your intuition, led you to the right path, helping you make the most optimal decision at that time.
And other examples when you managed to “catch” these Divine glimpses of your consciousness, but then the Mind, “sound” reasoning, advice from loved ones and friends turned on, and you acted in accordance with them, and not following the prompt of your Soul.
Now compare the results of the first and second actions.
Which one brought you happiness and success, and which one brought you bitter disappointment?
Now, when your upper chakras – the sixth and seventh – are activated, you have everything for your Divine consciousness to give you not rare insights, but to become a way of life for you.
But you need to start with his “training”.
Just as you develop the muscles of your body to keep it in good shape, so your consciousness should become stronger energetically.
And now I will give you a practice that will be very useful to you at the initial stage of “development” of your new consciousness and will give it strength and depth.
Let's call this practice "Intuitive Hint."
And it will consist of the following.
Every time you need to make a decision, even the most insignificant one - a purely everyday one, turn all your attention to your sixth chakra.
Try to see with your third eye the best possible option.
Ask your Soul to send you a hint.
But it is very important to do this BEFORE your Mind has time to get involved in solving this issue, which will immediately “take into company” your Ego and all the programs of the three-dimensional world that have been developed over centuries.
You need to learn to catch the moment of thoughtlessness - the period of time between the question that arises and the inclusion of your Mind in its solution.
This is the moment “here and now”, which is outside of time and space and is the key to finding the most optimal solution for your Soul to any situation that arises.
It is at this moment that you need to concentrate on your sixth chakra.
Feel the response from your third eye...
And then imagine that he opens wide and sees the very essence of the problem.
Ask him to give you advice, to send that very impulse - the illumination of your Divine consciousness...
And... “catch” his answer.
It will definitely come in the form of words, a vision or clairvoyance, and maybe in some other way that is completely unexpected for you.
If you don't understand it the first time or have doubts, ask to repeat it again.
You can involve your Guardian Angel and your Spiritual Guides in this process, but IN NO EVENT not your Mind and your Ego, which at first will do everything to return your consciousness to its usual rut, giving you stereotypical thoughts and stereotyped decisions.
Turn this practice into a fun game - a magical training of your subtle senses.
Gradually, this will become a habit for you, and you will establish strong contact with your new consciousness, which will now be in the power of your sixth and seventh chakras, where no thoughts and emotions of the three-dimensional world can reach by vibration.
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
Transition to the Fifth Dimension: Intuitive Tip | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/02/2024 02:58:00 AM