Twelve Signs of the Zodiac and Journeys of the Spirit: Aquarius | Liberty

Twelve signs of the Zodiac - twelve journeys of the Spirit. Aquarius.

Aquarius: The Inspirer. "You are the one who determines the future of the Earth"

Sun's passage through the sign of Aquarius:

January 21 – February 20

Dear ones, I am now addressing you, those born in this incarnation under the constellation Aquarius. You, even as people on Earth, are like the Spirit, you are so light, airy, so great are your abilities to penetrate into the Divine spheres, so perfectly you know how to capture and deliver ideas from the highest levels of reality to Earth.

Oh, dear ones, you are often called idealists and dreamers, you are reproached for being out of touch with the Earth... You are simply ahead of your time. But this is not a mistake - this is your task.

Your task is to bring new ideas to Earth, the time for which is about to come!

Your task is also to help people master these ideas. You inspire humanity to take steps forward - onwards and upwards, towards its spiritual homeland, towards the Divine home, towards heaven on Earth. You are the one who actively brings everything high and spiritual to Earth. You remind people of their spiritual nature and help them actively manifest this nature. Your task is to bring the powers of the Spirit to Earth, and not just to Earth, but specifically into the consciousness of people. You do everything in your power to ensure that the Spirit awakens in people, so that they feel its power and use this power in action.

In past incarnations, you were already humanists, you stood up for a more just society, you carried the ideas of equality, brotherhood, and freedom. You are still freedom-loving, you still remain great humanists. And now the time has come to convey your ideas to people, to help people feel themselves to be great and powerful spiritual beings, and also to realize themselves as one humanity.

Free spiritual development of everyone for the benefit of all - that is your motto!

Don’t be discouraged, dear ones, even if you seem misunderstood and unaccepted by society. You are not alone and you will never be alone. Your time is coming. Your ideas are already being actively accepted by humanity. You, real guests from the future on Earth, have come at your appointed hour.

The time for the triumph of the Spirit is your time. Help others learn what you know. Help them to be rooted in the Spirit and filled with faith in their own strength.

You are inspirers, but you are also active participants in the process of the Spirit’s work on Earth! You not only work for a wonderful future, you define and decide what that future will be like. Continue your wonderful work, carry out your wonderful mission, believe in yourself and your strength, and you will live a wonderful life.

Characteristics of an Aquarius not awakened in Spirit

Unawakened Aquarius is often distinguished by passivity and submission to fate . He sluggishly floats with the flow, seeing neither the meaning nor the purpose of his existence and being subject to a variety of influences, not always positive.

Mood swings, emotional instability, and a tendency toward pessimism are characteristic of Aquarius, who does not follow the path of the Spirit, due to dissatisfaction with the world around him, which does not understand him. He often experiences disappointment in people and in life.

Self-doubt is characteristic of an unawakened Aquarius, since he does not know his mission, has no purpose or meaning in life, and all his ideas, talents and abilities seem to him worthless, inappropriate, and useless to anyone.

An Aquarius who has not worked off karma is in a state of constant nervous tension. He is irritable and prone to outbursts of anger , although in general he does not give the impression of being an emotional person.

Aquarius is usually modest, but if he does not follow the path of the Spirit, then he is characterized by hidden claims to exclusivity . He secretly dreams of fame and recognition, of being the center of attention, craves praise and approval, and because of this he cannot tolerate the slightest criticism or disagreement with him.

An Aquarius who has not worked off karma can succumb to the chaos and anarchy of his thoughts, which is why he becomes prone to meaningless, thoughtless, ridiculous or insane actions .

Unawakened Aquarius is subject to illusions . He does not want to know reality, does not want to face the truth about himself and his life, and therefore does not understand his real capabilities and sets goals that are unattainable for himself, strives for what is inaccessible to him. The result is a constantly haunting feeling of collapse, failure, failure.

Touchiness and painful sensitivity are characteristic of Aquarius if he has not found his highest mission, and his gifts remain unrealized. This is a typical “unrecognized genius”.

An unawakened Aquarius does not have his own clear system of views and beliefs, and therefore is subject to influence and is inclined to suddenly change his principles to the exact opposite.

Selfishness , fixation on one’s own person is a characteristic property of Aquarius, who does not follow the path of the Spirit. He constantly demands understanding and attention from others, but he himself cannot give this to anyone.

An Aquarius with unprocessed karma often has a feeling of his own weakness and helplessness . He easily gives in to difficulties and does not see a way to realize himself and his ideas.

Unawakened Aquarius is often distinguished by emotional coldness and detachment from the world. Deep down he is sensitive, but at the same time he tends to live only by intellect and does not realize the important role of feelings.

An Aquarius who does not follow the path of the Spirit is not capable of positive self-realization, and therefore, for the sake of self-affirmation, he can begin to oppose himself to society and other people, demonstrates his isolation, and does not want to convey his thoughts and ideas in an understandable language. He is characterized by unjustified expectations that others should understand them without explanation, which only leads to disappointment.

Empty daydreaming and head in the clouds are characteristic of Aquarius, who has not found his mission. He does not know how to move from ideas to action, and therefore remains unfulfilled.

Karmic tasks of Aquarius

The first karmic task of Aquarius is to learn to convey their ideas to other people in a language they understand, or, in other words, to find a common language with other people.

Aquarians are very often ahead of their time, and also feel their connection with the Spirit more keenly than other people. Therefore, their ideas about reality, their ideas and ideals, those rules of life that seem true to them, very often are not shared or not fully understood by other people.

As a result, Aquarians begin to feel alienated from people and may become disappointed in people and in life. Their pessimism, and sometimes depression, even their reluctance to live, is connected precisely with this alienation. To overcome it, Aquarius needs to realize: yes, he is the bearer of new truths that people do not yet understand, but his task is not to go into his shell and put on the mask of an incomprehensible genius, but to help people comprehend these truths .

To do this, you need to take the first step towards people, try to understand them - understand the language that can be perceived by them, and “translate” your ideas into this language.

Aquarius's arrogance often prevents him from doing this - he believes that people should try to understand him anyway, even if he broadcasts from the sky-high heights, where no one sees or hears him. We must throw off the mask of pride and arrogance, descend from the top to the people and master their language.

Don’t be afraid that your ideas will suffer from this: becoming clearer and more accessible does not necessarily mean becoming more primitive. You can live in two worlds - the world of Spirit and the world of people. Become a “translator”, establishing understanding between these two worlds. You will definitely succeed.

But to do this, you must understand that your ideas are not your property. They are the property of people, simply given through you. These ideas came from the Divine worlds. Therefore, you must share them, and you are given the high mission of finding the form in which these ideas can be conveyed.

The second karmic task of Aquarius is to learn practical actions.

Living in the world of ideas, Aquarius very often turns out to be far from their practical implementation. He expects that someone else will understand these ideas and implement them, but these expectations most often turn out to be in vain. Aquarius himself must take a step from his ideas to understanding them by others, and then to their real implementation.

Think about what you have been meaning to do, say, create all your life, but never got around to. Decide on this, and the sooner the better. Start by at least writing down your thoughts - those that seem most important and interesting to you. Then think about how the same thing can be written in another language, more understandable and accessible, and do it. Or maybe you want to express yourself in drawing, graphics or other symbolic language?

Aquarius is very close to the languages of signs and symbols. He knows how to understand them and use them. Use any language to express your ideas. This will already mean a transition from ideas to practice. Show or tell what you've done to other people. Listen to their opinion.

Do not rush to deny even what you do not agree with. Learn not to be offended by criticism - it is inevitable when you make your thoughts, ideas or creations public. Remember that everyone, without exception, cannot unconditionally accept what you do, what is close and understandable to you. But you will definitely find like-minded people. Let them be few, but together you can already do something real, practical, based on ideas close to you.

The third karmic task of Aquarius is to restore order in their life, to get rid of the tendency towards anarchy and chaos.

Having not worked out karma and not having found a higher goal, Aquarius very often rushes through life without any plan or meaning. He feels misunderstood, in some way an outcast, and in order to assert himself and at least somehow express himself, he begins to commit meaningless, chaotic, and even crazy actions. He does not have clear convictions, he has not developed his own system of values, he essentially has no brakes holding him back, and therefore he can succumb to some instant impulse or mood and do something destructive, or even irreparable, including With myself.

Only a powerful inner spiritual core will save you from such, sometimes fatal, tossing and turning. The chaos in your life and in your soul will cease if you firmly know your purpose and mission. Then you will not have problems with self-realization. You will find a form of manifestation of yourself in the material world that is accessible and understandable to others.

Thanks to this, you will lose the desire to stand out at any cost, even at the cost of madness or harm to yourself. You will be able to develop your own system of values that you have been missing. You will have inner support, self-confidence and a solid understanding of yourself, your capabilities, abilities, as well as goals and objectives.

Your mission is not easy, because you bring spiritual values to a world that is not yet quite ready for this. But this is not a reason to become despondent and pessimistic. Your ideas are truly new and promising, your vision of the world is true, and the future is yours. Remember this and don't give up, even if you encounter obstacles along the way.

Meditative exercise for transition to the path of the Spirit and overcoming karma

This exercise can be performed in any position - standing, sitting or lying down. Close your eyes, breathe evenly and measuredly, freeing your mind from any thoughts.

Enter a state of inner peace, stillness, silence. Imagine that you are listening to sounds - but not to the sounds of the surrounding material world, but to the sounds of the Universe.

Internally, freeze and focus only on hearing the message of the Universe in the form of pure, unearthly beauty of sound. This sound should come to you through the curtain of the material world from there, from your Heavenly home, from the Divine Universe.

Freeze, turn into hearing, remain in absolute inner silence. Imagine that this sound is born somewhere in the spiritual Cosmos and reaches you. At first it is barely audible, it is somewhere in the distance, but gradually it gets closer, becomes clearer, more sonorous, louder...

This is a note, just one note, but it is the purest, most beautiful sound, as if extracted from an unearthly, cosmic musical instrument. Its vibrations are harmonious and very pleasant for you. Its volume is exactly what seems pleasant and comfortable to you. This sound carries the beauty and harmony of the Universe. It fills all the space around you and then enters your body and fills you to every cell. Your whole body is singing, your whole being is singing. This sound tunes every cell of your body to the harmony of the Universe, heals, pacifies, and leads to balance.

Take a deep breath, imagining that you are absorbing these harmonious vibrations even more deeply. Exhale slowly, exhaling all inharmonious vibrations, all dissonant energies corresponding to the qualities of unprocessed karma.

Take several such inhalations and exhalations. Then imagine the sound gradually fading away. But its harmonious vibrations remain within you. Breathe calmly a little more and open your eyes.

Perform this exercise 2-3 times a week, each time working out exactly those karmic energies that are most clearly manifesting themselves at the moment.

Characteristics of an Aquarius Awakened in Spirit

An Aquarius awakened in the Spirit is characterized by depth and subtlety of feelings , which he does not try to hide and hide even from himself, as does one who does not follow the path of the Spirit. His special sensitivity is realized both in relationships with people and in the work to which he devotes himself.

Love of freedom and independence of thinking are characteristic features of Aquarius, who follows the path of the Spirit. He stands up for freedom for himself and others, goes beyond any restrictions, and his free mind generates new original ideas that no one else can think of.

An awakened Aquarius is always friendly, peace-loving , never enters into conflicts, and is able to reconcile those at war. He is endowed with kindness and love for people.

The calmness of an Aquarius who follows the path of the Spirit is not only external - he is deeply peaceful within himself and is endowed with peace of mind.

Optimism, love of life, cheerfulness are the characteristic features of an Aquarius awakened in the Spirit. This is essentially a very positive and bright sign, but only if karma is worked off.

Aquarius, following the path of the Spirit, is characterized by rare altruism . He is capable of selfless love and is always ready to help those who need it, shares the latest and never expects a reward. Cares about the common good more than other signs.

Aquarius's sincerity attracts people to him; he is always honest, frank, and incapable of cunning or deception.

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by loyalty, devotion to loved ones, friends, causes, ideas.

Aquarians, awakened in the Spirit, are open to everything new, advanced, progressive . They are committed to the bright, advanced ideals of the world order and strive to implement them in reality, and also support innovations in the world of technology, science, worldview issues, literature and art.

Aquarians are endowed with sociability , they are collectivists, they know how to establish relationships and work in a team - but provided that they follow the path of the Spirit and are able to convey to people and implement their ideas.

Aquarians are distinguished by a sharp mind , and they have an original mindset, they know how to see the unusual in the ordinary, they can invent and come up with things that do not occur to others. Sometimes they think brilliantly, but only among representatives of the sign who are awakened in the Spirit, high intellectual talent finds practical application and recognition.

Aquarians are distinguished by rare modesty , they are very unpretentious in everyday life, money means little to them, and they almost completely lack any dependence on material values.

Representatives of the Aquarius sign are characterized by constant internal work aimed at self-development. This is a sign very capable of spiritual growth and self-improvement.

Aquarius is always a fighter for justice, for the ideals of goodness . But if in an unawakened Aquarius sensitivity to injustice manifests itself in irritation and outbursts of anger, then an awakened Aquarius puts the laws of justice into practice and does everything to bring the earthly world order closer to these ideals.

The Highest Purpose of Aquarius

The highest purpose of Aquarius is to determine the prospects for the development of humanity.

He receives from the subtle world ideas that can benefit people if they are implemented on Earth. But Aquarius is not just a receiver of these ideas. He must rework them and adapt them to the perception of others who are not so future-oriented and for whom these ideas are often not very clear.

Seeing that his ideas are incomprehensible to people, Aquarius should not make the mistake that is often found among representatives of this sign: he should not go into his shell and become isolated; on the contrary, he should go to people and communicate with them without arrogance, without alienation, without emphasizing his unique position - he must learn to speak their language, convince people of the promise of his ideas and inspire them to work together to implement their promising ideas.

Never give up, never give in to difficulties, believe in yourself even when no one believes in you, and move forward no matter what - that’s his task.

Aquarius must be prepared for the fact that not everyone will understand him and that difficulties and obstacles will arise along his path. He, despite all this, must believe in his high mission and promote his ideas into the world, knowing for sure that the future lies behind them. It is no coincidence that Aquarius is given the gifts of sociability, friendliness, the ability to build relationships and work in a team.

He is not at all a solitary thinker, he, being a thinker, is also an active creator and organizer of the creativity of other people, united by his ideas and his intended goal.

Aquarius must avoid the slightest arrogance, the slightest claims to his own exclusivity or to a special position among other people. He must realize that the ideas he puts into the world are not his property. These ideas, although they came into the world through him, belong to all of humanity.

And he is just one of many creators of the wonderful future of the Earth. His task is not simple, but beautiful, and can bring Aquarius a lot of happiness, because he lives in his beloved world of ideas, this is his element, he swims in it, as if in the sea.

In material reality, Aquarians ideally manifest themselves in the field of science, as well as art, culture, and in all humanitarian fields. They are focused on transforming society and can introduce new ideas in both politics and social activities. If their ideas are so fantastic for today's Earth that they cannot be implemented in practice, Aquarians can present them in artistic works, for example, in science fiction books. After several generations, descendants will be surprised at how accurately what was described in these books is realized.

But Aquarius is not a prophet, not a seer (that is, not one who sees an already predetermined future), he himself prepares and creates the future, prepares humanity for the introduction of new ideas, including by presenting them in books, which for the time being seem like fantasy.

The intellectual sphere of activity is the most suitable for Aquarius, but he can realize himself not only in work, but, for example, in family, in friendships, if he builds them on the higher moral principles of humanism and goodness, thereby showing the prospects for the development of humanity.

Wherever he is and whatever he does, he must carry in himself and through himself high ideas and principles, thanks to which humanity can be transformed and enter the earthly paradise that is now being built on Earth! This is the highest mission of Aquarius.

Meditative exercise for entering the path of fulfilling the highest mission of Aquarius

This exercise can be performed in any position - sitting, standing or lying down. Close your eyes, breathe evenly and measuredly. As you inhale and exhale, release tension from your body and allow all the thoughts that come to mind to flow freely, observing them from the outside until you feel silence in your own mind.

Imagine that you are standing on the seashore and see a large beautiful shell in front of you. Suddenly the shell opens by itself - and you see a beautiful pearl inside. It shines with a blinding white light. You carefully take the pearl with both hands and hold it on your palms in front of you. Take a breath, imagining that you are breathing in its snow-white radiance. As you exhale, imagine that the radiance has spread throughout your entire body. This is a cold, albeit bright light. It brings you a feeling of freshness, lightness.

You feel how your mind has cleared up, it has become easier to breathe, there is lightness in your heart, your body has become more alert and active.

Imagine that you carefully bring the pearl to your forehead and place it at the level of the third eye - in the ajna chakra, above the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows. Its light clears your inner vision. The world of Divine ideas is open to you. The future of humanity and all the best that needs to be realized in this future is open to you.

Mentally or out loud say: “ I am the inspirer of humanity, I am the one who builds a wonderful future, I am the one who selects the best to be implemented in the future and inspires people to do so. I take upon myself the highest Divine mission of an inspirer, bringing the light and power of Divine ideas necessary for the construction of a harmonious society on Earth, for the creation of an earthly paradise. Dear Almighty, help me fully understand and worthily fulfill my highest mission in this earthly incarnation .” (The words may be different at your discretion, but keep the basic meaning.)

Take a few more deep breaths in and out, then open your eyes.

Do this exercise regularly, but not more than once a week.

(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

To be continued...

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Twelve Signs of the Zodiac and Journeys of the Spirit: Aquarius | Liberty Twelve Signs of the Zodiac and Journeys of the Spirit: Aquarius | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/05/2023 04:20:00 AM Rating: 5

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