Getting rid of Suffering, Solving Problems, Overcoming Difficulties | Liberty

Getting rid of suffering, solving problems, overcoming difficulties

How to learn to live without suffering?

You don't need to learn this! You know how to do this. Living without suffering is your natural state. You have been taught to live in misery for too long. But you can unlearn it very quickly. This can happen even in an instant if you express the appropriate intention and address it to your Divine Self.

Express your intention to take a new path in life that eliminates suffering! Do you have the right to this, and do you know why? Because you don't need suffering anymore. Suffering has already fulfilled its function in your life: after all, it was they who pushed you to the search for God, to the development of the Spirit, to the path of enlightenment...

If it weren't for the suffering you've endured, you might not have taken this path. So thank all your past suffering for helping you find yourself. They helped you discover your Divinity. They are worth thanking for this. Thank you - and let go of yourself forever.

When you know who you really are, when you know that you are God, that is, an immortal, powerful, invulnerable being, you understand that all suffering was just an illusion. They came from your lack of understanding of the true nature of the world and from ignorance of yourself. Now these restrictions have been overcome. Now you can go beyond the illusion simply by dispelling its fog.

Do it. Suffering is unreal.

If you realize this, you will not need to learn to live without suffering. Because the very ground for suffering will disappear from your life.

Verbal formulas for reaching a life path that excludes suffering

? I am a beautiful being of Light - a particle of God. I am the Divine Spirit acting in a material shell. I walk the path of Love and Light. I am moving in an upward spiral of evolution.

? I'm leaving suffering behind. I thank the past for all the lessons that I had the opportunity to learn. I thank the pain and suffering - they were given to me so that I could gain the experience of transforming dissonant energies into the Love and Light of God. I'm letting go of the past. Now I am walking a different path - without suffering, without pain, along the path of Divine grace and the acquisition of all the gifts God has prepared for me.

? I deserve to live in peace, tranquility, and prosperity. I am worthy to create my own happy destiny.

? Every moment of my life I radiate the beneficial energies of Love and Light and thereby create for myself a prosperous, peaceful, happy present and an equally prosperous, peaceful, happy future.

Dear Kryon, there is a lot of darkness and evil around us. How can it be that this does not concern us? Shouldn't we become too indifferent and insensitive for this?

Dear one, not accepting dissonant energies does not mean becoming insensitive. Do you know that it is precisely the energies that you call evil that make you insensitive? When you encounter some manifestations of dissonance and fall into this dissonance yourself, you find yourself cut off from the energies of love, light, compassion, care... These energies simply block your soul.

Therefore, I urge you: when you hear bad news, do not let it drag you into a state of despondency, depression or irritability, aggressiveness. This will mean that evil has defeated you. No matter what happens, even if you see pain and suffering, keep light, peace within yourself, keep love in your soul. This is the only way you can help those who are suffering.

Do not fall into this suffering yourself, but give them an example of love, give them light, give them faith and hope. Even if everyone around you is moaning and complaining, continue to persistently carry your light. Keep shining light into that darkness - don't let it dim your light. Compassion means understanding the pain of another, it means helping him relieve the pain, but this does not mean suffering with him. If you start suffering, there will be more suffering in the world. But if you, without letting suffering into your soul, help those who are suffering, you will reduce the amount of suffering in the world.

You can become invulnerable to evil, even in the deepest darkness. Bring light there - your Divine light. This light will not only make you invulnerable - it will disperse the darkness. It's within your power. Don't be afraid of anything and don't doubt yourself. Know that evil and darkness are not omnipotent. And light is omnipotent. Because this is the light of God, and this light is in you.

Verbal formulas that help rid life of evil and darkness

? I am a beautiful, perfect being of Light that no darkness can touch. With one touch I transform any dissonant energies into Love and Light.

? I am immensely grateful to God for the happiness of living on this beautiful Earth. I am immensely grateful to life for the right to gain invaluable experience and the joy of being in a human body. I am immensely grateful to all the people with whom life brings me, for their help in passing the lessons and fulfilling my mission on Earth - the work of transforming the energies of materiality into Light and Love.

? I do important work for the Earth. My life is filled with the highest meaning. I am the active Spirit in human form. I am the Ray of God that came to Earth to dispel the darkness.

? I am happy to carry my Light wherever I step. I am happy to help other people find their Light.

Dear Kryon, I was raised in a very strict family, and I still have many internal prohibitions. I don’t feel like a free person, I’m afraid to do something new for myself, to show feelings, to be myself. How to free yourself from the restrictions of the past that prevent you from living?

Dear, your question shows that you are already taking considerable steps towards liberation from the limitations of the past. You already know exactly what prohibitions limit you and how these prohibitions operate. You do deep work to identify and understand these prohibitions. You see their manifestation in your present, you know where their sources are in the past...

Already thanks to this knowledge you are freed from shackles. You yourself see that many prohibitions no longer have power over you or have power, but not as much as before. Continue on this path. Identify everything that bothers you, creates uncomfortable states for you, plunges you into dissonant emotions.

And be sure to call on the Spirit for help!

Remember that your Spirit is free, it knows no restrictions. And he knows how to help you free yourself from everything that is not working for you. Just tell him your desire: “Dear Spirit, I no longer need these prohibitions, these restrictions of the past. In my present there is no reason for them. I have the firm intention of freeing myself from them and want to enlist your help. Nothing is impossible for the Spirit. I am now receiving all the strength and power of the Spirit to free myself from that which no longer serves me. Let it be so".

Carry out this kind of work, dear, whenever you again notice the effect of old prohibitions. This will work. The bonds will loosen, then fall away completely.

Verbal formulas for liberation from the limitations of the past

? I am the eternal, immortal, Divine Spirit acting in a biological shell. God sees in me a part of Himself - an eternal perfect being. I accept myself as God sees me. I'm starting to see perfection in myself. I am becoming perfect.

? I am grateful to life for the lessons it has taught me. I got the most out of these lessons, I learned from them and through the trials I gained new strength that helps me to be who I am - a Divine being of Light, an angel in human form. I give thanks for these lessons and let them go. I leave them in the past so that I can move on easily.

? I call on the Divine Spirit to renew me, to cleanse me of everything that hinders me and limits me, that does not allow me to realize myself on Earth as fully as my free Spirit requires. I live and act as a free Spirit, bringing Light, Love and freedom to the Earth and all people. I am free myself and I give freedom to others.

I really want to achieve enlightenment, but I have a huge number of problems. I simply don’t have time to deal with my spiritual growth; I solve these problems all the time. Is it possible to somehow resolve them all at once, and preferably quickly?

Honey, you asked a great question. I want to tell you that spiritual growth is not at all a compulsory lesson in the school curriculum, to which you need to devote so many hours a week and so much more time in extracurricular activities.

Do you really think that by solving your problems, you are not engaged in what you yourself called spiritual growth? You do this everywhere and always, and even in your sleep! Don’t be surprised, but you need your problems for the same thing – for spiritual growth. By solving these problems, you are doing nothing more than strengthening and training your Spirit.

Don't you give in to them? Are you solving them? Are you moving forward no matter what? I congratulate you: you are moving along the path of the Spirit at a gigantic pace!

But I understand what your question is. You feel that many of your problems are no longer needed. So tell the Spirit about it! Say: “Dear Spirit, I no longer need these problems, they have fulfilled their role in my life. I learned all the necessary lessons and understood everything they were meant to teach me. I know that each of my problems already has a solution. Show me how I can come to these decisions in the shortest possible way!”

All problems cannot be solved at once, but one by one they will be solved very quickly.

Together with the Spirit, work through each problem separately in this way. Don't try to solve everything at once. Start with the most relevant one. And then just don’t resist the nudges of the Spirit.

Verbal formulas for solving problems in an accelerated manner

? I deserve the best in my life. I know that there are no unsolvable problems for me. Every problem has a constructive solution to which I will definitely come.

? With Divine Love and Light I dissolve all my problems and transform them into happy opportunities. I have the power to draw from every problem the potential to attract something beautiful into my life.

? I know that brilliant solutions to all problems are destined for me along the way. All problems have already been resolved in the best possible way. I see myself in a situation where everything in my life is going well. I am worthy of happiness, I am worthy of prosperity, I am worthy of love.

? I am worthy of free and happy progress along my life path. I give direction to Spirit. The Spirit leads me on a calm, happy path, and the freedom of the Spirit flows into every cell of my body. I breathe freely, I move freely, I live freely. Freedom dissolves all the shackles in which problems kept me. From now on, nothing holds me back. In love and peace, I discover my strength and my power, which the Spirit shares with me.

What is the best way to neutralize negative energies?

For the Spirit there is no concept of negativity, so it is better to talk about dissonant energies. Dissonant energies are everything that is not in harmony with the energies of Divine light and love. Each of you knows how dissonant energies work - they can manifest themselves with such emotions as resentment and condemnation, anger and irritation, fear and anxiety.

Without being neutralized, dissonant energies begin to attract unwanted consequences to you - such as illnesses and troubles. This is why it is so important to notice and neutralize these energies in time. Noticing, realizing, being aware of this is the first and very important step towards neutralization.

Each of you becomes a source of dissonant energies more than once a day. In addition, more than once a day you are “pierced” by someone else’s dissonant energies. Yes, this happens to every person every day, but you don’t need to judge yourself for it. These are the conditions of the game on planet Earth. You came here to transform energies. The very environment in which you live constantly gives you “material” for such work. This is what you intended. This is work, dear ones, do it instead of beating yourself up.

Simply notice when you have become a source or receiver of dissonant energies. Don't try to brush it off or pretend nothing is happening. Neutralize these energies as quickly as possible, preventing them from leading you to unwanted consequences. You can just send them into the ground. You can transform them into light using the cold violet flame. You can neutralize them with the energy of gratitude.

You can do this with intention, connecting the energy of the word. There are many ways. Find yours. Do this work without delay.

Verbal formulas to help neutralize dissonant energies

? I am the beautiful, majestic, perfect, immortal Divine Spirit. I am an integral part of the great Divine whole, the world of Love and Light, from the energies of which the Universe was created. I accept myself as a Divine essence acting in a human body for the benefit of the whole world, humanity, the entire Divine Universe. I immensely love and respect all manifestations of Divinity in myself and in all earthly existence around me.

? From now on, I discover in myself the ability to transform and transform the energies that manifest themselves in myself and the world around me. By full right, given to me along with the right to incarnate on Earth, I use my Divine gift of energy transformation. With the power of my love, the power of my light, the power of my intention, the power of my acceptance and gratitude, as well as the power of my word, I transform the energies into the pure substance of the Love and Light of God and thereby act for the good of my own and all humanity.

Dear Kryon, my loved ones constantly drag me into their dramas. How to stop participating in them?

Dear, look at your loved ones through the eyes of Divine love. Then you will see the truth. You will see the value of these dramas. You will see that they are just an illusion in which their souls are captured. If you are drawn into these dramas, then you are also in captivity of illusion.

When you see that everything that happens is just a game, that it is not true reality, that your loved ones are acting out roles without remembering that they are magnificent luminous beings, then you will stop taking these dramas seriously and stop being drawn into them.

I do not encourage you to preach your truths to your loved ones if they are not ready to accept them. I do not urge you to open their eyes to the illusory nature of what is happening. Their eyes will be opened in due course, when the appointed time comes.

Don't interfere in their destinies - take responsibility for your own.

You can become a spectator and observer of these dramas, it is important that you look through the eyes of love, no matter what happens. If you want, you can play along, not forgetting that this is only a role and that your true essence is love and light.

Dear, your loved ones are as loved as you are, despite their addiction to drama. We honor and respect their choice. You too should respect their choice. Don't judge. But your right is not to take drama seriously and not to participate in it.

Free your soul from this, if such is your will. Ask Spirit to help you. Your Spirit knows how to do this in the best way for you, it will tell you the way.

Verbal formulas for gaining the ability not to get drawn into other people's dramas

? I am the Divine Spirit experiencing life in human form on planet Earth. I have come from my Divine home, filled with peace and quiet. I am a piece of God, and I have brought peace and tranquility to planet Earth from my Divine home.

? In my deepest spiritual essence I am absolutely calm. I am peace, tranquility and love. At any moment of my earthly life, I can connect with my true Divine essence and be imbued with peace and tranquility.

? I carry peace and tranquility within myself. I spread peace and tranquility around me. No one and nothing can disturb my deep peace and tranquility. No matter what happens around me, I remain in a state of deep peace and continue to bring light and love.

? With my deep peace I am protected from any influence. No one and nothing can drag me into drama. No matter what happens, I remain balanced and find a peaceful, calm, spiritual solution to any problem.

I just can’t understand why I have to constantly struggle with difficulties in my life. What is this - a test or a punishment?

Dear, no one is punishing or testing you. There is no force in the world that would be capable of this. Your difficulties are planned by you yourself before this incarnation. You need them.

Do you know why? Because your Spirit is the Spirit of a warrior, but in this incarnation this quality of the Spirit is not yet fully manifested. Your Spirit wants you to realize yourself as a warrior, a spiritual warrior. A spiritual warrior is not one who fights, much less starts wars. A spiritual warrior is not someone who fights or defends. A spiritual warrior is not someone who solves all problems from a position of strength. A spiritual warrior is one who accepts any difficulty as a challenge.

Your difficulties are a challenge thrown at you.

And every time you accept this challenge and don’t give up, you take a step towards your true self, towards your essence as a spiritual warrior. You temper the warrior within yourself and become stronger. And every time you allow difficulties to break you, when you give up and give up, you take a step back along the path of the warrior intended for you.

I want to tell each of you! Your difficulties are given to you to strengthen your warrior spirit. You are all warriors, spiritual warriors. There are no others among you. Start honoring your problems and difficulties as a challenge! Make it a goal not to give up! This is the only way you can move forward step by step along the path destined for you.

Verbal formulas to help you accept any difficulty as a challenge

? I am the Divine Spirit who came to Earth to gain experience and solve any problems that the material world puts before me. I have enough strength to overcome any difficulties and easily resolve even those problems that seem complex and insoluble.

? I am a spark of God, and I am like God, omnipotent and invulnerable. Now I am gaining the fullness of my strength and power to respond to the challenge life throws at me.

? I accept the challenges that life throws at me directly, honestly and with dignity. There is no challenge that would make me give up and give up. If life sets a task for me, it means that this task is within my capabilities and I will solve it.

? I know that I myself chose the trials that befall me. I did this for my own good, because only these tests can give me the experience that I desperately need now. These tests are the most important lessons for me, and I pass them with honor.

? I am coping with all the difficulties and problems that are currently facing me. I have support and help from my Divine family. I have enough strength, knowledge, experience. My soul is filled with the light and love of God, and this is the guarantee of my strength, my confidence in victory.

? I boldly meet the difficulties and challenges that life puts before me. I follow the promptings of the Spirit and never give up. I'm going to victory. I'm winning. I find the best way out of any problem - for my own good, for the good of everyone.

(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

To be continued...

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Getting rid of Suffering, Solving Problems, Overcoming Difficulties | Liberty Getting rid of Suffering, Solving Problems, Overcoming Difficulties | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/05/2023 04:23:00 AM Rating: 5

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