There you Call it Love | Steve Beckow

New Zealand


By Steve Beckow, December 12, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

The missing piece for me – maybe for you – is this sense that nothing can be accomplished by merely thinking about it, intending, sending out love, affirming, invoking, etc.

I myself am guilty of thinking within the limits of empirical materialism – the belief that only what we can sense (taste, touch, feel, hear, etc.) is real.

I recently “got” (or saw, realized) the power of the collective consciousness. But I hadn’t “gotten” the power that lies in our individual thoughts, intentions, and other non-material energies and forces, which materialism simply ignores. I needed to turn up the power of the microscope.

When I say:


I mean nothing less than the ending of the movie, the advent of the Ring of Fire, and the exit of the dark ones from this setting. St. Germain very recently (Dec. 10) assured us that that was indeed happening:

“Yes, you are coming to the end. You are coming to the end of the movie, the end of the show, the end of the old third-dimensional illusion.” (2)

I’ll take the exit of the dark without the Wave of Love, but the world would be far better off acting after it.

Then we’d be universally loving. Now, we’d dish out vengance and punishment, saying they deserve it, but soiling our entry into the Golden Age.

And, besides, after the Ring of Fire, many of the dark, as we’ve heard, will leave. Remember Blossom:

Blossom: Will the dark ones still be able to function after this Wave of Love has taken place?

Federation of Light: No. … That which is coming, Blossom, that which ‘This Event’ will bring with it, is of such Light, such Energy change … for/of … ALL THAT IS. Both on and off Planet. This is why we have said ‘All eyes are on your Planet’ as it is part of the upliftment of everything … for everything is connected.

This LOVE LIGHT that is to sweep over, through and within, is of a magnitude that has not yet been experienced in such a way. … The souls of many of such Beings will leave immediately via ‘disintegration’. … Yes, Blossom, it shall be as if their physical Being literally crumbles and disintegrates.

B: For real?

FoL: Yes, for real Blossom. For the Energy that is carried within the entire body and soul of such ‘naughty folk’ is so ‘dis-eased’ that the Wave of Love … the Strength within it … will cause such Beings to crumble, for it cannot possibly survive within the Vibrational Frequency that the Wave brings. … We understand that it all may sound farfetched … for your programming has been so ‘normalised’ and all thought of such happenings leads you to believe such things are only make-believe. (3)

To those who survive but leave on a timeline not destined to ascend, it’ll be as if we exited from the setting. Nothing will change for them.

It’s for us that everything will change.

OK, we’re past the Ring of Fire, Wave of Love, Singularity, Event, etc. Everyone now knows what sages have all been talking about. Consistently. Over and over and over again.

We now know love.

Not what we used to call love, which was like orange powder crystals to Florida orange juice. Oh, make that crepes suzette!

The cat is out of the bag! The jig is up! REAL love! THIS is what they’ve all been talking about! I never knew!


Now anything is possible!

Now we love our neighbour, passengers on the bus, the store clerk. Now no other thought arises for us but to find a new way to share this wonderful love. Where we used to be clever, we’re now entertaining – inventing new ways to say “I love you.”

It flows through us now in a constant stream. All money relationships having been ironed out some time ago, money is no subject, as a recently-arrived friend used to say. (4) What we grow, what we have, what we do, we share. Back and forth. Back and forth.

Now, we’d call that a barter economy. There you call it love.

But the missing piece is the role of getting from here to there by intending, invoking the universal laws, meditating on it, etc. I don’t think we factor in the power of our thoughts, individually and collectively. And I know we don’t factor in the power of love.


(1) “From Santa to Satan: Today’s Lockstep is to Shut Down Christmas (Revised),” December 10, 2023, at

(2) “Saint Germain: New Beginnings,” through James MacConnell, Dec. 10, 2023, at

(3) “The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, July 25, 2021,” July 24, 2021, at

(4) The idiom is “money is no object,” barrier, or consideration. We never made money a subject with him and everyone laughed.
There you Call it Love | Steve Beckow There you Call it Love | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/12/2023 10:27:00 PM Rating: 5

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