(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
You wanted to know how the world will change.
It is simple and it is working NOW.
Every time someone Consciously Chooses to do something from Love, it works.
This IS the New Energy, the embodiment of Soul choice of New Human Consensus.
A Divine Triangle of the Higher LIGHT You, the Collective and Mother/Father Gaia, Descending (coming into) as ONE. This has never been done before in all the Galaxy, as a Collective. WE are doing it through ME and through YOU.
No wonder there is great excitement throughout the Higher Spirit (multidimensional) realms and a great gathering here and Now. Do you feel it?
Just look about you with Heartmind. And every time we combine with others to express our Joy and Loving Kindness, it will create the change that will fire others into self-empowerment.
Unity through Love is a Creative force and anything is possible.
Love it all and watch the Miracles. Especially the ‘little” ones that are happening every time you look with the “Eyes of Love”.
This is the change we have asked for and we are creating it.
No Saviour, no Gods, Star Beings or Masters who will lead the way or do things for us.
Just many Big Friends cheering us on and offering help, only when asked, and only if we have the Heart (intent, sincerity, and determination ) to take the responsibility for what is offered in our own unique blending of 3, 4, through 5D.
The Choice to Love.
We are creating something as yet unknown, undreamt of, but flying from the Fires of Creation, the Fires of our Love and through Conscious Creating.
Shine On
I So Love You
PS. Take your own Divine Beautitude.
The LIGHT that you are and pours into to you freely, if you Will it.
Stand in IT, own IT as yYours, and It will radiate brilliantly through all you do and wherever you walk.
PPS: And why not give yourself a “Chuckle Day”.
A day when you choose, in any given moment to chuckle over the “movie” that you have created, right in front of you, in this very moment. A day, an experience for you to reflect on and develop your own capacity to allow for, and to Love, Being Yourself.
Day to simply enjoy being YOU in whatever comes your way.
How the World will Change | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/18/2023 01:36:00 AM