Meditative Exercises to Gain Strength and Energy | Liberty

Meditative exercises to gain strength and energy, adjust the energy system

Kryon: “Everything is light, and each of you is the light of Divinity”

Dear ones, each of you is not only a body, but also a flow of energy. You know that? Just as an elementary particle is both a wave and a particle at the same time, so is each of you. Your energetic, wave, light nature is your essence. The body, which only seems dense, is given to you for temporary use. And your true essence - the essence of the flow of energy - is what you were, are and will appear always and everywhere, this is what never disappears and cannot disappear.

While you live in a three-dimensional material world and experience illusions of density, it is difficult for you to imagine this. And yet, each of you can remember your true essence and feel like a stream, a wave, a light. You can help yourself gain more energy, become more flowing, and take in more of God's love and light. In this way you will restore your Divinity. In this way you will return to your true nature. In this way you will significantly improve the quality of your earthly life.

The material, three-dimensional world is plastic, it is subject to your will, it depends on what exactly you do with the energies that you pass through yourself. Become a pure, bright, flowing Divine stream! And you will see how your health problems, as well as those troubles and difficulties from which you may have suffered, will begin to disappear. It all depends on the state of the energy you hold and the energy you pass through. Remember this - and open up to the pure light of Divinity, let it into yourself, become it. This is your task on Earth.

Exercise 1. Flow of Divine energies

This exercise will help you learn to pass Divine energies through yourself and gradually bring this process to automaticity. First read the text of the exercise, then put the book down and complete it.

It is better to start training standing (later you can perform this exercise in any position). Close or slightly close your eyes, keep your back straight, straighten your shoulders, pull them back and lower them. You can place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly for stability.

Take several deep breaths and slow, smooth exhalations. As you inhale, imagine a bright white ball of energy flashing directly above your head. As you exhale, imagine how the energy from this ball flows in a thin stream into your crown and flows down along your spine, reaching your tailbone.

Take a deep breath again and as you inhale, imagine a bright white ball of energy flashing at the level of your tailbone. As you continue to inhale, mentally draw a thin stream of this energy along your spine up to the ball that you visualized above your head.

When the energy returns to this upper ball and the circle closes, imagine that both balls flared up even brighter and from both of them two more powerful streams of energy simultaneously rushed towards each other. At the same time, from the upper ball, a stream of energy rushed upward, into infinity, and from the lower ball, downward, towards the center of the Earth.

Now these are no longer trickles, but rather streams, and they move quite quickly. Visualize how, having met at the level of the heart, the energies of these streams mix and begin to spread smoothly, filling your body in all directions, and then leaving the body and forming an energetic cocoon around you. At the same time, do not lose the feeling of the simultaneous flow of currents up and down.

Tell yourself: “ I am a flow of Divine energy. I accept and give. The energies are strong and flowing. The stream never dries up ."

Breathe a little deeply and open your eyes.

You can do this exercise as often as you want until you begin to feel the currents moving at any moment according to your desire.

Exercise 2. Breathing exercise to tune the energy system

Breathing is one of the simplest and most universal ways to tune your energy system. After all, it is with the help of breathing that we set energies in motion and fill ourselves with them - this happens both on the physical plane and on the subtle planes. Kryon approved this exercise, making some tips according to which we use the symbol of the eight, or the sign of infinity, which allows us to connect together the energies of the earth and heaven, connecting our Divine and human nature.

In addition, studies have shown that in ordinary life we do not breathe fully enough - or rather, fully for our physical nature, but inadequately for other, higher levels of our energy. To bring together the higher parts of ourselves that we have “lost”, it is not enough to simply inhale and exhale through the nose or mouth. To do this, we need to pass the energy higher, then it will connect us with the Divine plans. Therefore, in this exercise, the center of breathing is not the nose, but a point in the center of the head, at the level of the eyebrow – the sixth chakra, or “Third Eye”.

First read the text of the exercise, then start doing it.

This exercise can be performed both standing and sitting (to begin with, it is preferable to stand - this way you will get a clearer feeling of the movement of energy). Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and slow, smooth exhalations, breathing as usual. Then mentally direct your gaze to the center of your head and focus on a point inside your head at the level of your eyebrows. Imagine that you are looking at the world not through your eyes, but from this point.

Take a smooth breath in through your nose, and as you exhale, imagine that it’s as if a small fountain or spring has flowed from this point, only it’s not water, but white fluorescent energy. On your next inhalation, imagine that you are directing the energy from this source in a thin stream, similar to a fluorescent tube, inside your head, along the back of it, up, then out over your head and direct it as high as possible.

As you begin to exhale, imagine how you round this tube, drawing the upper circle of a figure eight, pass it through the crown again inside the head, bring it to the point from which you began the movement, at this point you close the circle and then draw a line down, drawing a figure eight, along the back surface head, then along the spine, out through the tailbone and pointing down, as deep into the ground as possible - as deep as your exhalation will last.

Then, starting to inhale, you round your “tube” in the ground and lead it up, bring it to the surface at the feet, then lead it up inside the body along its front surface, round it to the intersection point inside the head, lead it up again, drawing a figure eight, etc. .

“Draw” two or three figure eights in this way, each time trying to extend them as high up as possible and as deep into the ground as possible. After this, breathe a little as usual and open your eyes.

You can do this exercise several times a day, increasing the number of eights to whatever number is comfortable for you.

Exercise 3. Balls of light: setting up the chakra system

Keep in mind: the chakras need to be adjusted one by one without interruption. That is, you cannot tune one chakra today and leave the rest for later. We are harmonious only when all our chakras are opened equally and evenly. When you visualize the balls of light, try to get them the same size.

You can adjust the chakras starting from the first and ending with the seventh - or vice versa, starting from the seventh and ending with the first. Listen to your feelings - they should be comfortable.

This exercise is one of the options for tuning the chakras. It is especially suitable for beginners because it is simple to perform and at the same time has a cleansing and healing effect. First, read the text as usual, then start the exercise.

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and slow, smooth exhalations. Continuing to breathe in the same way, as you inhale, imagine that there is a ball of bright, shining white energy above your head. As you exhale, imagine that you are getting rid of everything negative, and as you inhale, imagine that the ball is descending lower, to the top of your head, and its color smoothly changes to purple with golden sparkles. As you exhale, mentally cleanse your body of negative energy again, and as you inhale, imagine energy flowing from the ball into your body.

When you can clearly imagine this ball, imagine that while inhaling, you mentally lower it to the level of the middle of your forehead (so that your head is inside the ball). At the same time, its color gradually changes to a rich blue with golden sparkles. As you exhale, imagine that you are freeing yourself from negative energy, and as you inhale, imagine that your body is filled with this indigo-colored energy.

Then mentally lower the ball to the level of the base of your throat and imagine that it is painted a bright blue color with golden sparkles. Exhale negative energy, inhale the energy of the ball.

Then lower the ball to heart level. Here it takes on a bright golden-green color. Continue using your breath to cleanse yourself of all negativity and inhale the energy of the ball.

In the same way, move the ball to the level of the solar plexus, where it turns golden yellow, then to the level of the lower abdomen, where it turns pinkish-orange with a golden sheen, then to the level of the tailbone, where it turns bright golden red. Don’t forget to cleanse the energies as you exhale, and to absorb the energies of the ball as you inhale. Then imagine the ball leaving your body through the base of your spine and becoming pure white again. Mentally send it straight into the bowels of the Earth.

Breathe a little more deeply and open your eyes.

You can do this exercise once or twice a day every day. The effect of tuning the chakras will be stronger if, while visualizing a ball changing color, each time you silently pronounce the emotional-mental tuning for the corresponding chakra.

Exercise 4. Dancing flame

Our spiritual growth is nothing more than liberation, emancipation, self-discovery and the acquisition of our true essence. You can call this a universal beautiful dance of energies - and in fact, we wake up from hibernation and begin to show ourselves to the world in all our splendor. Our energies come to life, transform in the Divine light and move in a beautiful dance, which we enjoy ourselves and give pleasure to others. This exercise will help you feel like a beautiful dancing flame and thereby adjust your energy structure. As always, read the text first and, if you have the opportunity, follow it right away.

Stand up straight, stretch your arms above your head and gently swing them from side to side, imagining that you are a tongue of flame. But this flame is not scorching - it is cold and very beautiful, shimmering in different colors. Breathe evenly and measuredly, continuing your smooth swaying movements, and imagine how with each breath you change the color of your flame. You can choose any colors you like - except black, grey, brown and other dark shades. Make sure that these are bright, saturated colors, so that they shine, shimmer, and fluoresce. If you feel like some light is too dim, make it as clear and bright as possible. You can even imagine flames of all the colors of the rainbow.

Then mentally make the flame white-golden, then just white. Imagine how it sways, shines, moves and shimmers. Smile and mentally fill the flame with the energy of love. Feel how it flared up brighter, stronger. Imagine that with the help of your body movements you are trying to make this flame even stronger, higher, wider. Imagine that your flame flares up sharply and millions of sparks scatter around. Then imagine that the flame covers the entire room, the entire house, the entire city, country, planet...

And now you are the center of the Universe blazing with an even white flame. Say mentally or out loud: “ Let there be Light!” » Repeat three times.

Imagine that this flame was taken up by millions of people around the world. Together with you, they joined in a beautiful dance of energies that transforms all people, the whole Earth, the whole world, the whole Universe... Imagine that you reduce your own flame, but the whole Earth and the whole Universe remain engulfed in this dancing Divine flame. Allow your body to make any movements that reflect the bright light of your flame. When you feel enough, stop, lower your arms, take a few deep breaths and rest if necessary.

This exercise is an excellent remedy against apathy, loss of strength, and bad mood. It gives a charge of joy and vigor. By the way, if you do not have the physical ability to perform this exercise where you are, do it mentally. This also gives a very good effect.

Exercise 5. Bathing in rainbow light

This exercise will help you improve your condition on all levels, harmonize your energies and also learn to manage your energy flow.

Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and slow, smooth exhalations. Direct your attention inward, focusing on the heart area. Mentally connect with your Divine Center, imagining it as a golden glow at chest level.

Take a few more deep breaths. Then imagine that you are in the center of a vast space filled with light. You see yourself in an endless field, over which stretches the full arc of a rainbow. It is brighter and larger than is usually the case in the real world. You easily fly up and find yourself right inside the rainbow, in its red layer.

Imagine yourself swimming, bathing in red waves. You dive into these transparent, weightless waves and breathe deeply, inhaling and exhaling red energies. You feel your entire body fill with a red glow. Each cell glows with red energies. You feel cheerfulness, joy, and a surge of strength.

Emerging from the depths, you find yourself in the next layer - orange. It is a bright, pure color with a subtle pink tint. An orange glow envelops you, you swim in it, dive into its depths and breathe this orange light. Your entire body is filled with orange energies and you feel rejuvenated and refreshed.

You find yourself in the yellow layer of the rainbow and again swim, dive, breathe yellow energy, allowing it to fill your entire body. Along with the radiant yellow glow, a feeling of happiness enters your body. It’s as if you are swimming in warm waves and radiating warmth.

Climb up again and you will find yourself in the green layer of the rainbow. It is a clear light green light that you float in, that you inhale and exhale, allowing it to penetrate every cell of the body. You feel yourself calming down, all stress and tension are leaving you, and you are in a peaceful mood. At the same time, your body begins to heal from all diseases and ailments.

Diving upward, you find yourself in a sky-blue layer. Diving and swimming here, you inhale and exhale these pure transparent energies and feel lightness, freedom throughout your body. You are open to the world, you are confident, you want to frolic, sing, laugh - do it!

Then find yourself in waves of deep blue (indigo). Feel how, by inhaling and exhaling it, you are tuning into some very thin string inside you. Peace and silence surround you, your mind works as clearly as ever, and you, as if listening to the world around you, begin to hear subtle vibrations, sounds, distant voices... The Universe itself enters into dialogue with you.

Having emerged into the violet layer, enjoy swimming in its waves here too. Breathe, inhaling and exhaling the violet glow. Feel how all remnants of discomfort dissolve inside you, all negative emotions and the corresponding dissonant energies go away. You feel one with the entire Universe and with your Divine principle. You are part of the Divine whole, which fills you with bliss to every cell of your body.

Imagine that you emerge upward again and find yourself at the top of the rainbow, at the very top of its arc, and you are surrounded on all sides by a pure white radiance, through which the golden rays of the sun break through. Inhale and exhale this golden-white glow. You can imagine that you are walking on a rainbow and straight down to earth. And if it is more convenient for you, you can imagine that you are easily jumping up and softly, smoothly soaring in the air, as if under a parachute, slowly falling to the ground.

Feel the solid floor under your feet. Feel your body. Take a few deep breaths and exhale and open your eyes.

The best time to do it is in the morning or first half of the day. It is not recommended to perform it before bed, because the exercise tones and fills with energy, which can interfere with sleep.

(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

To be continued...

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Meditative Exercises to Gain Strength and Energy | Liberty Meditative Exercises to Gain Strength and Energy | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/14/2023 01:47:00 AM Rating: 5

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