(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Aurora Ray
For millennia, humanity has been engaged in a struggle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. Many spiritual traditions and belief systems speak of an epic battle occurring in the unseen realms, with the light seeking to uplift humanity towards truth, unity, and higher consciousness, while the dark aims to spread fear, separation, and lower vibrations.
Though this conflict has long seemed abstract, over the past decade, more and more people around the world have begun sensing and experiencing the tangible effects of shifting planetary energies.
In line with predictions from various indigenous cultures, a significant shift is about to happen very soon, marking the end of an old era and the start of a new one. Humanity has unquestionably witnessed massive changes on all levels in recent times!
While the darkness is desperate to maintain control, the light has gained significant ground. Astrologers observe that Earth has entered a new astrological era emphasizing unity and connection!
Climate change, social upheaval, and the c@ronav!rus p@ndemic have accelerated humanity’s awakening. Many leading visionaries and spiritual teachers report that forces of darkness are losing their hold on the collective consciousness. The planet is undergoing a “dimensional shift,” preparing to enter a New Earth vibrating at a higher frequency!
As we detach from limited 3D paradigms and awaken to our divine potential, we manifest the prophesied Golden Age. The long-foretold Ascension is here!
We’re transitioning from the 3rd dimension to the 5th-dimensional frequencies of peace, love, and harmony with all life. Dark energies are dissipating as the light infuses hearts and minds. The time has come to co-create Heaven on Earth. Our work now is to collectively dream the New Earth into being!
We’ve felt the presence of dark energies and forces that wish to limit our growth and empowerment. But over time, the light has been growing stronger. Now, the war against the dark is nearing its end. The light has triumphed!
This doesn’t mean that darkness has been eliminated entirely. But its influence and impact have been greatly reduced. The light’s victory means that positivity, love, and higher consciousness are ascending. Whereas before, individuals may have felt alone in standing up to the dark energies, now there is a powerful collective force of light that cannot be defeated or deterred!
Lightworkers and spiritual seekers have made great progress in reducing the impact of dark energies. Through inner work, meditation, energy healing, and collective action, the light has gained ground. There is now more space for higher vibrational energies of love, peace, unity, and compassion to take root.
The reduction of dark energies has created openings for people to awaken to their true spiritual nature. No longer drowned out by disruptive fear-based frequencies, the soul’s light can shine brighter. Where dark energies once clouded perception and judgment, clarity is returning.
While pockets of resistance remain, the overall environment is becoming less conducive for dark energies to thrive. This improves the opportunity for light to illuminate every heart and mind. As more people continue to raise their vibration and consciousness, it further diminishes the influence of dark energies.
The decrease in dark energies is a cause for celebration and renewed motivation to anchor the light. With darkness receding, the space opens for the brightest souls to come together in service of the planet’s Ascension. There is still work to be done, but the tide has turned in favor of the light.
The win of the light is an energetic shift. Imagine a scale that has had heavy weights placed on the dark energy side for ages. Those weights are now being steadily removed, ounce by ounce. The light energy is rising higher and higher. This affects life here on this planet in profound ways. Things that used to seem impossible or very difficult, like creating peace, harmony, and abundance, are now within reach!
This is a time for hope and optimism. The darkness and negativity that once prevailed are giving way. There is momentum now toward greater unity, compassion, and awakening. Where we choose to place our focus and intent going forward will shape our reality and collective future. This is a turning point in the ages-long struggle between dark and light. If we continue upholding the light, a new world free from darkness awaits!
Now, the great war has come to an end. The army of light has emerged victorious after eons of struggle. The dark forces that once held sway on our planet and in the universe have been defeated and driven back. Their malevolent grip on humanity has been broken.
While pockets of darkness may still remain, their overall influence has been dramatically reduced. The collective vibration of humanity and the Earth has risen to a point where it is no longer a hospitable environment for these lower energies to thrive. Like shadows vanishing in the presence of light, their power has diminished!
This turning of the tide has opened up new possibilities for humanity. With the clamp of evil loosened, our higher natures will have room to grow and flourish. We can each shine brighter and fulfill our soul’s purpose. An era of peace, harmony, and awakening is dawning!
So rejoice, for the light has carried the day! This victory belongs to all beings of goodwill across the Earth and cosmos. However, we must remain vigilant – the defeated darkness may look for any opportunity to regain ground. Our continued collective choice for the light ensures that the new Earth and heaven that is being born will come to full flower!!
We love you dearly,
We are here with you,
We are your family of light,
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Dark Forces Defeated: Victory of Light Promises the Imminent New Golden Age | Aurora Ray
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/17/2023 06:41:00 AM