Communication Soul to Soul | Nicky Hamid

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Nicky Hamid

Communication Soul to Soul.


You cannot know what is right for anyone else.

Can you really make this Shift?

I So Love You


PS And by the way, stop telling your story about others (to yourself and to others) then you will live life and it will be your own. You will be able to treat the other as they present themselves to you in that moment, with open Heart and Mind.

I was asked: “Just how far can we trust our feeling, our inner voice about what others do or say?”

We hear but are often do not listen or heed our Knowing.

All of us know immediately the feeling and intention behind words, and gestures. And we can even hear the gossip and whispers about us even when we are not physically present when we are open and in tune. Just remember that this is about them not about you so pay it no mind.

For me I hear the whispers all the time even through an apparent innocuous comment to me on FB, or a stranger in a mall who takes a second look at me behind my back, and is unconscious of their own thought (it is so quick). I have been consciously aware of this since I was a teen. The “put down”, the envy, the diminishing of me, have been but a mere reflection and I learned quickly that this was not who they were, nor what I was.

You too have always had this capacity but did not remember to see beyond, and not heed the ‘reality’ in which most were operating.

‘First thought, right thought”, I always say.

I must trust my heart feeling. That is my navigation point and where I sing my song. The song of innocence and deep “Goodness” of Who I AM.

And thus where I can hear the song of others. The song of SOUL rather than the noise of unconscious, subliminal mind.

The more I Trust and Love the Truth of me (“I”), the more authentic I become. Then I can use my Knowing to guide my response to the other without preprogramed constructions of how I or they should be.

Communication Soul to Soul.

So my answer to “how far” at this point would be, as quickly and deeply as you will listen to your Knowing before mind construction or reaction kicks in.

In fact as far as you will allow, as far as you can surrender to what Is.

AS far as you can own the “Goodness” you ARE.

As far as your Love can extend.

I So Love You


PASS THIS ON. There is always someone you know who needs to Know it.
Communication Soul to Soul | Nicky Hamid Communication Soul to Soul | Nicky Hamid Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/17/2023 06:42:00 AM Rating: 5

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