Twelve Signs of the Zodiac and Twelve Journeys of the Spirit: Taurus | Liberty

Twelve signs of the Zodiac - twelve journeys of the Spirit. Taurus

Taurus: Creator. "You are the one who unites Spirit and matter"

Sun's passage through the sign of Taurus:

April 21 – May 20

Dear ones, I am now addressing you, those born in this incarnation under the sign of Taurus. You can be proud of your unique mission, which is to transform matter, create material things by putting the seeds of the Spirit into them. You are thorough and patient, calm, reliable and practical, and these qualities were not given to you by chance: after all, any interaction with matter requires time, patience, painstaking and sometimes difficult work. You have everything you need for this.

You are the beloved children of the Earth, but you need to invest the energies of the Spirit into everything earthly!

Don't forget about this when earthly and material things attract you too much! Stand strong on your feet as best you can, but remember that you are Divine children, called to bring Divinity into materiality. In past incarnations, you have already been sowers and reapers, peaceful townspeople and artisans, as well as poets, artists, artists. You have accumulated extensive experience in the spiritualization of matter, as well as experience in sensory-emotional comprehension of the world. This experience has led you to your current incarnation, where all your inclinations and gifts must be realized.

Ask yourself questions.

? Are your goals too mundane?

? Are you content with too little—material well-being—forgetting the grand tasks of the Spirit?

? Do you remember that you know how to transform matter - do you not blindly obey the flow of events, do you actively strive to build your life with the help of the power of your Spirit?

Your task in the current incarnation is to organize matter so that it becomes a conductor of the Spirit. Not just to create material things - but to spiritualize matter. Completing this task will free you from karma and allow you to reach higher levels of embodiment of the Spirit and spiritual self-realization.

Characteristics of a Taurus not awakened in Spirit

A Taurus who is not awakened in the Spirit and carries out a lower level of self-realization is usually a materialist in the sense that he generally denies the existence of the Spirit and does not accept the Divinity of all creation. Such materialism sooner or later leads him to a feeling of the meaninglessness of life, since earthly everyday joys, without supporting them with spiritual content, satiate him and begin to make him sad.

Worldliness is a property that stems from the denial of everything spiritual. Taurus, who is not awakened in spirit, lives only by urgent material needs, and his life essentially turns into survival, since he does not create anything, but only consumes.

Taurus, who is not awakened in the Spirit, often suffers from phlegmatism , he is prone to apathy, and this is due to his lack of clear life goals. He drags out his existence sluggishly, and his interests do not go beyond satiety, prosperity and basic comfort.

Far from higher goals, he is usually characterized by lack of will . There is no driving force in his life that would help him set goals and achieve them.

Consumerism is a characteristic feature of the unawakened Taurus. He can behave as if the whole world owes him something, and shamelessly enjoy the benefits created by someone else, without giving anything in return.

It often happens that Taurus gets bored with everyday life, while he does not see the meaning and high goals in his existence, and then he begins to look for this meaning in the pursuit of luxury . He begins either to make money for the sake of enrichment, or to look for rich and powerful patrons who will provide him with luxury and maximum comfort. But since he does not follow the goals of the Spirit, such a life leads him to degradation.

Taurus, deprived of higher goals, is lazy , because he does not see the point in working hard. He works only to ensure his own survival, and if his survival is ensured by someone else, he will not work at all.

The tendency towards melancholy and apathy stems in Taurus from the lack of meaning and creative purpose in life.

Narcissism is a characteristic feature of the unawakened Taurus. This is how his unrealized desire to create harmony and beauty manifests itself. Energy not wasted on creativity is directed to narcissism, and Taurus claims increased attention to himself, demands that others also admire him and give all sorts of honors.

A Taurus who does not fulfill his highest mission often suffers from boredom, and in order to get rid of it, he tries to brighten up his life with various types of destructive behavior , such as overeating, smoking, gambling, etc. In some cases, destructive tendencies manifest themselves so clearly that that Taurus, instead of fulfilling his creative mission, begins to destroy what was created by others or even by himself (for example, good relationships, traditions of the family, clan, coziness and comfort in the home, etc.).

Most unawakened Taurus show inertia , lack of flexibility where they should change their usual behavior and adapt to a changing situation. They often live in the past, outdated ideas about how to act, and therefore become victims of the changes taking place around them. His inertia often affects the area of feelings - he gets “stuck” in any emotions for a long time, unable to free himself from grievances and experiences of the past.

The slowness of the unawakened Taurus manifests itself in literally everything - in work, everyday affairs, and even in events that determine his fate. He is able to miss all favorable chances simply because he has no incentive to mobilize his strength and take active action.

Taurus's slowness is closely related to his indecision - he also makes decisions extremely slowly and with great difficulty. If there is even the slightest possibility of not deciding anything at all, he will not make decisions, preferring to go with the flow in the hope that everything will somehow work out by itself.

An unawakened Taurus is capable of remaining dependent all his life, suffering from a feeling of his own helplessness , like a child. This infantilism is explained by the lack of experience in setting and achieving goals and the expectation that others will provide everything necessary for life.

If Taurus does not get everything he wants from life and other people, he may become prone to whims . Demands, claims, emotional outbursts, discontent - these are its characteristic features.

Taurus, who does not know his highest goal, has the habit of running away from problems , hiding from them, or putting them on the shoulders of others. He does not understand why life creates difficulties for him, he does not see that problems can be transformed into his strength if he sets out to solve them on his own, learn from them and gain experience. Therefore, if there is even the slightest opportunity not to solve the problem, he does not solve it, and if it is impossible not to solve it, then he tries to do it with the wrong hands.

Karmic tasks of Taurus

The first karmic task of Taurus is to discover spiritual values.

Taurus is a born creator of material values, but he is characterized by a mundane nature that must be overcome. By ceasing to prioritize everything material, Taurus will be able to begin to put their soul into their work, and not just work for money. Thus, he will increase the vibrations of matter, thanks to which he will move to a new level of his development.

While material values are the main thing for Taurus, he is too down-to-earth, which is why even with prosperity and wealth he experiences dissatisfaction, the reasons for which he himself does not always understand. His melancholy and apathy occur precisely because he does not fulfill his task of spiritualizing matter. Having discovered the values of the Spirit and putting them first, Taurus will discover new layers of existence and a huge field for creativity, which will give his life new meaning.

The second karmic task of Taurus is to learn to listen to the voice of his Spirit, to trust intuition, and not just logic, and also to develop creative abilities and the ability of the right-hemisphere perception of the world.

The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for intuition, for the work of imagination, for figurative perception. Too earthly Taurus are sometimes too practical and rational. These, in principle, good and useful qualities are still not sufficient to become a full-fledged creator. If Taurus limits himself to logic and rationality, he turns into a businessman. Such a person knows how to handle money, he can make great fortunes, be truly rich, but without the use of intuition, imagination, and imaginative thinking, it is impossible to create anything truly spiritual. Money aimed only at servicing material needs simply turns into dust. Wealth acquired only through sober calculation devastates the soul.

Only what you put your soul into brings real value. Only money spent on goals dictated by the Spirit pays off in full and brings worthy fruits. Taurus, awakened in the Spirit, becomes a real creator and creator, each of his actions is aimed at the benefit of himself and other people, thanks to which his best qualities are fully manifested.

The third karmic task of Taurus is to overcome his characteristic consumerism and the desire to shift his problems onto the shoulders of others.

Taurus, who is too materialistic, sometimes does not think that he has a Spirit, and does not know the power of his Spirit. He does not know his own strength, and therefore very often he is not confident in himself and seeks help from other people even in matters that he could handle himself. His helplessness is imaginary, but he often considers it his true quality and indulges it, behaving like a victim.

Taurus's dependent mood weakens him even more, but this can be to the advantage of other people who want to gain someone else's power. Unawakened Taurus, not knowing his own strength, easily gives it to other people, sometimes for some small services or for solving problems that he could easily solve himself, and in a much better way.

Find inner support within yourself, believe that you already have all the strength you need! You have enough energy to build a prosperous and happy life, but indecision and apathy stemming from a lack of self-confidence are hindering you. Take responsibility for everything that happens to you - and you will take back your power!

Meditative exercise for transition to the path of the Spirit and overcoming karma

Take off your shoes and stand barefoot on the floor. In summer, if the weather is favorable, perform this exercise in the fresh air, where you can stand barefoot on the ground. If you do it indoors, imagine that you are standing on the ground.

Breathe evenly and measuredly, step your feet one at a time, trying to press your feet into the floor or ground as tightly as possible. Feel this tight contact with the earth. Then shake your whole body slightly, keeping your feet firmly planted on the floor.

Make light shaking movements with your arms, shoulders, knees (slightly springing them), and hips. In this way, free yourself from tension throughout your whole body, feel how the energy flows have revived and come into motion. Then do a few light jumps, lifting your feet just slightly off the ground. The body remains as relaxed as possible.

Imagine how all the dissonant energies corresponding to unprocessed karma leave the body through the feet into the ground. Then stand quietly for a while, breathe evenly and measuredly, you can close your eyes. Then repeat the series of jumps, again thus freeing yourself from karmic energies, mentally bringing them out through your feet into the ground.

Do several such series of jumping intermittently until you feel a sense of tension relief, lightness and freedom in the body due to the release of dissonant karmic energies.

Then stand quietly again, closing your eyes, and breathe evenly and measuredly. You can sway slightly in time with your breathing without lifting your feet off the ground - this will help you maintain a state of release from tension. Take a deep, slow, long breath and imagine that at the same time as this breath, a flow of energy and force from the Earth enters your body through your feet, rises up your legs, along your spine and through the top of your head rushes up into infinity.

As you exhale, just as long and slow, imagine how the energy of this flow smoothly spreads throughout your entire body, filling you from the inside to the tips of your fingers and toes. This pure neutral energy replaces the karmic energies that you have freed yourself from. Take several breaths like this until you feel empowered.

Perform this exercise 2-3 times a week, setting yourself the task of cleansing yourself of dissonant karmic energies.

Characteristics of a Taurus Awakened in Spirit

Taurus, awakened in the Spirit, has internal stability and constancy . This is a reliable person you can always rely on. He will complete any task and always keep his promise. Everything he undertakes, he does very thoroughly. He will never abandon or betray his relatives and friends (whom he usually chooses once and for the rest of his life, being constant and faithful in friendship and love). Taurus also usually serves his life’s work with full dedication, very rarely changing his once chosen type of activity.

Awakened Taurus is a model of calm . He is endowed with deep inner peace, which comes from understanding himself, his goals and objectives, confidence in his mission and a sense of the highest meaning of his existence.

Friendliness and peacefulness are important properties of Taurus, manifested in the fact that he always strives to peacefully resolve all conflicts, reconcile those at war, and he treats everyone around him in an extremely friendly manner.

Taurus knows how to feel deeply, he is strongly affected by any emotions, in the power of which he remains for quite a long time. If he follows the path of the Spirit, he is able not to get stuck for long in destructive emotions, such as resentment, because he is generous , knows how to understand and forgive others.

Patience , characteristic of Taurus, takes on a positive color if he moves along the path of the Spirit. He takes on difficult tasks that require great endurance and patience, and works on them with unrelenting zeal for a long time. He can withstand heavy loads and long periods of hard work thanks to his patience.

An awakened Taurus is hardworking , he works with his inherent constancy and patience, but if he has a higher goal, this becomes the most important incentive in his work, giving him activity and filling him with enthusiasm.

Warmth and tenderness are fully manifested in an awakened Taurus. He understands the world through feelings and emotions, he knows how to appreciate the best qualities of other people, he knows how to sincerely love, show his feelings and be truly attentive to the feelings of other people.

An awakened Taurus is always responsive , he knows how to sympathize and will never refuse to help others, and he will do it selflessly, without even expecting gratitude in return.

Taurus, following the path of the Spirit, is characterized by great creative capabilities and abilities . He loves and appreciates beauty, knows how to create it, strives for harmony in everything.

Taurus is thorough in everything he does; with his characteristic thriftiness , he knows how to arrange the space of his life with maximum expediency, convenience and comfort. He brings order wherever he finds himself, as well as in any business he is involved in.

An awakened Taurus is characterized by willpower . He will act slowly, measuredly and calmly, but if he wants something, he will certainly achieve it without letting any obstacles break him.

Sanity is a characteristic feature of Taurus. If he follows the path of the Spirit, then his desire for common sense is organically combined with following the voice of intuition and spontaneous creative work. In this case, sanity helps him strictly follow his tasks, not take on what he cannot do, and not waste energy on empty dreams and unrealistic undertakings.

Spiritually awakened Taurus has enviable self-control . Destructive inclinations, weaknesses and bad habits no longer have power over him. He is in perfect control of himself. He is balanced and always knows exactly what he wants.

The Highest Purpose of Taurus

Taurus, who has taken the path of the Spirit and freed himself from karma, acquires a higher purpose - he embeds the seeds of the Spirit into matter. Taurus is alien to abstract ideas and concepts; he needs the concrete, material, earthly.

But the essence of Taurus’ mission is not to simply come into contact with this material and earthly thing, not to use it, but to transform this earthly and material thing, transform it and create something new from matter - and not just a different type matter, but spiritualized matter.

That is, Taurus has a highly creative mission. This creativity can be applied to areas of art that deal with material substances - for example, painting, modeling, architecture, to all areas of activity aimed at creating beauty and harmony (for example, home decoration, garden), to needlework, tailoring, cooking , to all crafts where work with hands is required, to sciences such as chemistry, where some substances can be transformed into others, to any work on the land, farming, floriculture, as well as to areas of activity related to finance.

Taurus people know how to make money, like anything material, and sometimes even literally out of nothing. But they fulfill their highest mission only when they do not just make money, but spiritualize it. That is, they receive them for creating the values of the Spirit and direct them to good deeds inspired by the Spirit. Therefore, Taurus who are successful in material terms make good patrons of the arts and sciences, philanthropists who take care of artists, performers, and musicians.

Taurus, fulfilling his highest mission, is able to increase the vibrations of any matter he touches. He sows beauty and harmony around himself, creating, figuratively speaking, blooming gardens where only yesterday there was a landfill. This applies not only to activities, but also to human relationships. Taurus is given the gift of making material things spiritual, of creating miracles of goodness and light from low matter. When Taurus does this constantly and consciously, no matter what he does, he reaches the highest stage of his development. This means that he becomes a creator and creator, transforming matter.

Becoming a creator of the highest level is one of the most important tasks of an awakened Taurus. He can become a creator in the work in which he is engaged, but it is even more important that he participate in the work of creating life. Taurus, who is at the highest level of development, overcomes his inertia and tendency to go with the flow. He becomes the master of fate, since he can shape the events of his life himself. Just as from low matter he is able to create something high, spiritualized - in the same way he accepts life as it is, even if it appears in an unsightly form, and from this unsightly he creates beauty and harmony.

This is how Taurus fulfills its highest mission, the essence of which is creativity and the creation of beauty and harmony, guided by the Spirit.

Meditative exercise for entering the path of fulfilling the highest mission of Taurus

Take a comfortable, relaxed position, close your eyes, breathe evenly and measuredly. Imagine that right in front of you lies an endless field in which nothing grows. It's just black earth, or a desert, or a scorched steppe. Let it be any similar image that appears before your inner gaze. Imagine that you are holding a seed in your palm, like a small gem. It shines, radiates, shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. The rays and radiance emanating from it are the light of the Spirit.

Mentally direct a flow of love energy towards this seed, and then imagine that you are throwing it into the field stretching out in front of you. And now you see that in the place where this seed fell, a sprout is breaking through. He grows very quickly, like in a sped-up movie. Here the leaves appear, then a bud appears, which opens into a very beautiful flower. It can be a lotus flower or any other flower similar in beauty and luxury.

You see that the flower is surrounded by a glow that is becoming brighter and wider. And then the radiance flares up into a huge column of energy reaching to the sky. And immediately the entire field is illuminated by this radiance, and you see that sprouts and flowers appear here and there, and now the entire space in front of you is filled with flowers, and the radiance spreads over the entire field.

Imagine that you are stepping there, forward, and merging with the field, and with the flowers, and with the radiance. You become boundless, endless, like this field. You contain it within yourself, along with a sea of flowers and a bright fragrant radiance. Take a deep breath, imagining that you are inhaling this radiance and being filled with it. Exhale, imagining yourself filling everything around you with radiance.

Mentally or out loud say: “ I am a creator, I am a creator, I accept the highest Divine mission, which consists in the union of Spirit and matter. My creative possibilities know no limits. I create beauty and harmony from everything that life provides me. I create spiritualized matter every moment of my life. Dear Almighty, help me fully understand and worthily fulfill my highest mission in this earthly incarnation .” (The words may be different - the main thing is that the meaning is preserved.)

Take a few more deep breaths in and out, imagining that you are inhaling the power, energy of the earth, flowers, radiance and aroma emanating from them. Then open your eyes.

Do this exercise regularly, but not more than once a week.

(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Twelve Signs of the Zodiac and Twelve Journeys of the Spirit: Taurus | Liberty Twelve Signs of the Zodiac and Twelve Journeys of the Spirit: Taurus | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/18/2023 07:26:00 AM Rating: 5

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