Don't be Afraid of your Weakness | Liberty

Don't be afraid of your weakness

You came to Earth to test yourself in both strength and weakness.

Hello, dear ones, - Krayon greets you and admires your magnificence... You are magnificent, dear ones, you are beautiful - oh, how we sometimes regret that you yourself do not see this. You have to take our word for it. But you believe, right? Believe, although you cannot verify this from your own experience, because you cannot see your own majestic radiance.

You shine brighter than the world's most precious diamonds. You shine billions of times brighter! Or rather, your radiance cannot be measured at all in human systems of measures. This is a radiance beyond what you call the earthly world. This radiance spreads throughout the entire Universe.

You illuminate the entire Universe, dear ones, and the light of each of you is visible from anywhere in the Universe. That's how great you are, and no one can take your greatness away from you.

You cannot see your own greatness for the same reason that your eyes cannot see themselves. They can only see their reflection in the mirror. You created gods and religions precisely in order to see at least a reflection. But you have forgotten that this is your own reflection! Please remember this - the time to remember has come. There are no external gods above you.

All your power is within you. The only God that exists is your Divine essence. This is the part of you where you become one with the entire Universe and with the entire universe. This is the part of you that creates our common Divine home. See your own greatness in your own eyes - and not the reflection of some alien, invented external greatness. There is nothing external, everything external is just an illusion, but everything real, real, genuine is present in you.

Dear ones, it is no coincidence that I talk so much about your greatness. I want you to understand well that your Divine greatness is your essential essence. This is something that no one can take away from you and will never take away.

This is your eternal and inviolable property. Each of you as a Spirit has always been, is and will be great, beautiful and powerful. This does not depend on what roles you play in your earthly incarnations. You can show any weaknesses, you can be anything. You can play these games if you want, you can even believe that you are actually weak.

But even this will not shake your true strength and your true greatness. It is with you always and everywhere, regardless of whether you remember it or not.

Today I want to tell you one important thing:

in your journey on Earth you should not be afraid of being weak, or vulnerable, or helpless.

You shouldn't be afraid of falls and mistakes. You should not be afraid to face those facets of yourself where you are not strong and invulnerable. You as Spirit are still strong and majestic. And if your Spirit did not want to test itself not only in strength, but also in weakness, it simply would not come to Earth.

Imagine that you can do anything, no matter what you want. You can create anything and become anything. There are no barriers or restrictions for you. This is how you feel in the Divine home, on our side of the veil. There you manifest all your qualities and abilities of the Divine Spirit.

The energies of the Divine House not only do not interfere, but contribute to the manifestation and realization of your greatness. You spend a lot of time there - much more than on Earth. You enjoy this existence, you are in a state of constant delight and enduring love...

But from time to time you ask questions: “What if I find myself in a different environment - not so friendly, not so loving, but on the contrary, in an environment that is resistant, and maybe even aggressive?

What if I find myself in a place where my abilities as a Spirit are limited?

How will I feel there?

How will I act there? Will I be able, despite the resistance, to still realize my qualities of the Spirit there?

Will I be able to temper and strengthen there the energy of the Divine Home that I will bring with me?”

Having asked these questions, you can no longer, relatively speaking, sit still. You are rushing into the unknown, into an alien environment, in order to test your energies in it. This is how you get to Earth. And believe me, when planning your journey on Earth, you do not set yourself the goal of always being powerful, great and beautiful.

When you go to Earth, you understand that it is simply impossible to demonstrate only these highest qualities here. You don't even strive for this. When you go to Earth, you say to yourself:

“I already know how strong I can be, and now I’m interested in knowing how weak I can be. I already know how powerful I can be, now I want to know how helpless I can be. I already know how invulnerable I can be, now I want to experience for myself what vulnerability is. I already know how to act without mistakes, now I want to know what mistakes and failures are.”

Yes, dear ones, you are coming to Earth for all this! You want to see and experience yourself from different sides. You want to know yourself not only in strength, but also in weakness. Many of you go to Earth in order, relatively speaking, to reach the very bottom, in order to know the limits of your possible fall...

Although we don't like the word "fall". This word was invented by people, not by the Spirit. There is no fall, there is simply an experiment in which you experience all the possibilities of the Divine energies that you bring to Earth with you. Many of you are experiencing how far you can get separated from God, so that you can still gather your strength and return.

So, your experiment showed that there are no holes so deep that it would be impossible to climb up from them. No matter what bottom you reach, your connection with God is never interrupted. And you can grab this thread at any moment to remember your Divinity and return.

Accept and do not judge imperfections - neither yours nor others.

Dear ones, when you see those who, from your point of view, have “fallen very low” - the poor, or the homeless, or people subject to harmful addictions, all those who have sunk to the very bottom - do not rush to condemn them. Perhaps it is among them that the highest souls and the most daring experimenters reside. They were not afraid to go to the very bottom to experience their Divinity. They do the hardest, most menial work so that other people don’t have to do it.

And some of them do it to show you what it looks like when someone hits rock bottom. They show you an example of how it happens so that you know it without having to experience it yourself. You no longer want to experience this yourself, because you know from the experience of others that it does not give the most pleasant sensations. Yes, you people are also wonderful because you constantly learn from each other, show each other this or that experience, so that each of you can decide for yourself what experience he needs and what he doesn’t.

Dear ones, please do not forget that you come to Earth to receive a variety of experiences. You don't have to always be strong, confident, fearless and infallible here. You came here to make mistakes and not be afraid of it.

Oh yes, we understand very well that in the depths of each of you lives the memory of your perfection - how perfect you are in your Divine home. Therefore, you are sometimes embarrassed by your imperfections that appear on Earth. They even cause condemnation - both your own imperfections and the imperfections of others. We understand you and once again assure you that you are truly perfect, were, are and will always be so.

On Earth, you play a game in which you pretend to be imperfect. So accept these imperfections with warmth and a smile. Accept them as something inevitable on Earth and as something that can easily be forgiven.

Look at the children, remember yourself as children. Children are not afraid to be weak and vulnerable. They are not afraid to show this weakness and vulnerability. This is forgiven for children, because they are not adults yet and cannot be as strong, wise, infallible... But who told you that when you become an adult, you must always and everywhere be exactly like that - strong, wise and infallible?

On Earth, you are all like children, always, regardless of age. On Earth you do not have the experience and knowledge, as well as the strength and power that you have as Divine beings.

Or rather, you have all this everywhere and always, but in earthly conditions it cannot fully manifest itself. In this sense, you are like children. Children have potential that has not yet been revealed. You, as humans, also have the potential of the Spirit, but it is not fully realized when you live on Earth.

So try to be gentle with yourself, just as you are gentle with your children when they fall and hurt themselves, or cry and show weakness, or look and feel vulnerable. Be gentle with yourself and others. Take this experience calmly. Accept everything in yourself as it is - both strength and weakness.

If you do not deny your weakness, if you do not pretend that it does not exist, if you do not put on masks of omnipotence, then you will go through your weakness and emerge through it to strength.

Yes, don’t let this seem paradoxical to you. The path to strength in your earthly world is through weakness. Accept it and don't fight it. And remember that you have come to test yourself - to test the entire range of properties available to you, from weakness to strength, from insignificance to greatness, from complete ignorance to the highest wisdom.

Try not to tell yourself in the future: “I must be strong, brave, wise.” Dear ones, there is no such thing as “should”. You experience the energies that you bring to Earth and can allow yourself to manifest in a variety of ways.

Instead of “I should,” start telling yourself:

“I wonder what I ’ll be like here? How will I show myself in this? What about that? What will I feel and who will I become in these circumstances and in these? Where will the energy take me? What will I end up with and what will I be able to do in the end?”

This will give you freedom, it will free you from the rigid framework that you set for yourself with the word “should”. This will give you flexibility and the ability to experiment without fear, to choose new paths and new ways of doing things, without fear of making mistakes or showing weakness.

Remember that you are not to blame for anything and there is nothing to forgive you for. Why forgive if there is no guilt? You experiment with energies, and in these experiments any result is good and worthy of respect. You can choose those experiments whose results suit you, or you can not choose them. You have the right to choose what makes you happy, but if you choose something else, that is also your right, and no one will judge you for it.

A punishing God simply does not exist! Nobody ever punishes you.

Everything that happens to you is the result of your own experiments with energies. If some result does not suit you, you have the right to conduct a new experiment and come to a result that you like.

Believe me, if the result of the experiment does not satisfy you, makes you sad, or prevents you from feeling happy, this is not a reason to punish yourself, lament and worry about how supposedly “bad” you are. Instead of all this, show yourself as a researcher, say: “Yes, this is not what I would like - well, let's try again!”

If you made a mistake, showed weakness, showed yourself to be not as perfect as you would like to be (and as deep down in your soul you undoubtedly feel yourself), this is not at all a reason to kill yourself, consider yourself worthless and indulge in self-abasement.

Instead, look at yourself through the eyes of the Spirit and say, “Yes, I can be like that. I may be weak, I may be wrong, I may be imperfect. Now I know more about myself. Now I see all sides of me. Now I don't hide from what I don't like about myself. Which means I can change it.”

Dear Ones, you can change anything you want to change. You can do whatever you want to do. But to do this, you must look boldly and directly at what needs to change. To do this, you must see yourself and know your capabilities as they appear on Earth.

You have come to experience these possibilities - so do not hide from their manifestations.

Remember that you are like children in that you are still learning. When you learn, mistakes and imperfections are not scary. The experience of mistakes and imperfections will gradually lead you to greater perfection. None of you learned to walk right away. None of you immediately learned to skate or ride a bicycle. It took experience of falls, bruises and bumps, didn't it? What is happening now are lessons for your Spirit, which is learning to walk the Earth. For the Spirit, this is not at all an easy task, but it is an extremely exciting task.

And you have already succeeded, dear ones. You are a master, but a master does not have to be perfect in everything all the time. You are masters who continue to learn, and this is your strength, and with this you give us a reason to be proud of you more and more!

The path to strength comes through knowing and accepting your weaknesses.

We know what each of you has gone through, dear ones. We know all your tears - and please give us the opportunity to wipe them away! We know that you have experience of mistakes and humiliation, experience when you felt weak and helpless in the face of life.

When going through an experience like this, please don't let it bring you down. You may come out of an experience like this stronger, not weaker. I want to show you now how you can do this. This is not difficult, dear ones - with your abilities to transform energies it is not difficult at all!

Remember yourself as Spirit. Connect with your Divine Self and say to yourself: “I am a beautiful Divine Spirit in a human body. I am the great and powerful Divine Spirit. This is me as I am." Then think of a situation in which you as a person felt weak, small, or worthless. Tell yourself: “And this is me too - as I am.”

You will feel that you have both greatness and strength and weakness, and one does not contradict the other, one does not exclude the other. You will be able to accept both in yourself and reconcile this apparent contradiction. You will be able to say: “I have this in me - I have that in me. I have everything, and now I know it and accept it calmly, with a smile, without judgment, for granted. I have everything, and I came to Earth to find out. Now I know this and accept it, and this new experience helps me move further towards light and love.”

Dear Ones, you will feel that admitting your weakness gives you strength. Calmly and with a smile, forgiving your mistakes gives you experience that will allow you to make fewer and fewer mistakes in the future... Dear ones, while you live on Earth, you will make them, you will show weaknesses and imperfections, and this is normal! Please accept our smiles. You are doing everything right. Make one more mistake and immediately forgive yourself for it, and you might hear us applauding!

Not being afraid to be open and vulnerable, to make a mistake and forgive yourself for it, and also to forgive others, accepting any experience, even unpleasant, even the experience of mistakes and humiliation, as it is - this actually means being strong, not weak. You know that the strong are not always the ones who look strong. Real strength is internal, it is the strength of your Spirit, and it is very often hidden in those who seem meek and vulnerable.

The meek will inherit the Earth , dear ones, you remember these words brought to you by Master Jesus. This is the truth that never fades. Let it shine for you. Don't be afraid to be meek. Don't hide behind a mask of strength. We know how strong you really are. You constantly manifest this power in your life on Earth.

Each of you has power, and it is because of this that you are where you are today. Otherwise you simply wouldn't be here! You are strong and it is undeniable. And in moments of your weakness, you are also strong if you do not push weakness away from yourself, if you calmly meet it and calmly accept it.

We love you always, we love you as you are, strong and weak, protected and vulnerable, brave and timid... We love you always, for we are one family. Oh, dear ones, we don’t just love, we adore you in ways you cannot imagine. We admire you and are happy to help you on your path.

I, Krayon, am always next to you, at your first call.

Exercise 1: Reconciling the contradiction between strength and weakness

Very often, when we make some mistake or wrongdoing, we begin to consider ourselves weak or bad people, and cannot imagine that we are actually perfect, strong, and powerful. It seems to us that words about the great Divine Spirit cannot in any way apply to us - maybe we were once, but now everything is different...

But it is no coincidence that Kryon says that the contradiction between our strength and weakness (like all other contradictions) is only an appearance caused by the peculiarities of the world in which we live.

There are no contradictions in Divine reality, because there are no opposites, no different poles, everything is one, and everything is one - God. We can bring this consciousness of unity to our earthly world - in fact, this is one of our main tasks.

We can reconcile the contradictions and feel that in reality there are no contradictions. Everything that happens to us, all our manifestations are the essence of manifestations of energy that may seem contradictory to each other, but in fact they balance each other and together create harmony.

Combine within yourself what seemed contradictory and restore your inner harmony, the harmony of a balanced Divine Spirit.

Stay alone for a while in a calm environment. Close your eyes, focus on the heart area and mentally immerse yourself in your inner space, connecting with your Divine Self. Remember that you are a member of the Divine family, that you are loved immensely. Remember that no one can take away your Divine dignity from you. Tell yourself this out loud or silently, in any words that sound convincing to you.

Remind yourself that you are empowered by the Divine Spirit. Tell yourself that you have great untapped potential for strength and power.

Then remember some situation in your life when you succeeded in everything the way you wanted, you showed your best qualities, felt confident, were strong, and all your actions, as well as your behavior, were perceived by you as correct. Remember yourself then. How did you feel? Having recreated this feeling of strength and confidence, mentally place the corresponding image to your left.

Then remember some situation in your life when you felt weak, vulnerable, insecure. Mentally place the corresponding image to your right.

Feel these two opposing manifestations of energy on both sides of you. Reconnect with your Divine Self, feel yourself at the center. This center is the center of neutral Divine energies. Imagine that you are in the flow of these energies. You are inside a beam of light, or the energy of unconditional love, which can neutralize any other energies.

Imagine that this flow becomes wider, larger and embraces those opposite energies that you felt on both sides of you. Finding themselves in the general flow, these energies merge with it and lose their polarity. They also become neutral, turning into the energies of love.

Feel yourself as the center where all energies converge, merging together and becoming one. You can neutralize in this way any opposing energies, merging them together and restoring harmony within your being.

You can repeat the exercise again if you were not able to immediately achieve the feeling that opposite energies merge, ceasing to be opposite. Repeat until you find yourself in a state of balance, peace and tranquility.

Exercise 2. Verbal formulas for a positive attitude towards yourself

Our own mistakes, miscalculations and weaknesses very often prevent us from feeling positive about ourselves. The right attitude that we need for a happy and successful life is one when we give ourselves the right to mistakes and weaknesses and they do not in the least detract from our sense of Divine dignity. These verbal formulas will help you set yourself up in exactly this way - so that you stop doubting your Divine dignity, no matter what happens to you and no matter how you manifest yourself in your human life.

You can say them in any situation and at any time, both out loud and silently, and especially when you need to regain your confidence and sense of your own worth.

I am the Divine Spirit experiencing life on Earth. I belong to the Divine family, living by the laws of unconditional love. No one and nothing can break my connection with the loving Divine family, the connection with which I feel constantly and continuously, no matter what happens in my earthly life.

My Divine Family loves me for who I am and accepts me for who I am in all my manifestations. I am learning to bring this unconditional Divine love to Earth. I accept myself as I am, with weaknesses and shortcomings, with mistakes and imperfections, which are integral conditions for passing lessons on planet Earth.

As the Divine Spirit, I am perfect and powerful. In order to live on planet Earth, I voluntarily agreed to limit my strength, my power and my perfection. I remain essentially perfect, but I give myself the right to imperfections, mistakes and weaknesses. I treat them calmly in order to learn from mistakes and move on, towards light, towards love, towards ever greater perfection.

Everything is right in my life. There are no mistakes - there are only new steps towards perfection. I live, I learn, I deserve approval, happiness and joy from my earthly journey.

I am the Divine Spirit, and I am beautiful, loved and perfect in the eyes of God in all my aspects.

( translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Don't be Afraid of your Weakness | Liberty Don't be Afraid of your Weakness | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/18/2023 07:20:00 AM Rating: 5

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