(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
Time to Face up. (Part 2)
Some uncommon common sense for the faint hearted.
People lose their natural intelligence when they take their ideas of Truth from the television propaganda, and mobile phone and social media’s constant distraction.
It has dumbed people down enough so that their own body systems stop working properly and have become vulnerable to invasion of all different kinds including spiritual invasion.
They have been conditioned to live in subtle and subliminal fear.
And there are spiritual entities at all lower levels of all frequencies that can find those cracks in your spiritual armor through knowing that you are holding a belief in death and sickness.
There is no judgement here, but be aware of that when you get frightened, it acts as a beacon in your auric field for “shadow” to enter and beam its “malware” into your thoughts.
Where shadow is present and active “self-doubt” is present, your guidance system will tell you that you’re off track, that you should be feeling good and that you should be feeling excited now in these times.
Every time you feel bad stop and ask yourself how am I playing the victim here.
An essential part of ascension is letting go of all conditioned programs that are fear-based and fear-driven.
Letting go of limiting thoughts and ideas that minimise you and make you feel vulnerable to physical harm and demise, rather than the amazing eternal Creator Soul Being you are. Soul Being you are, is impeccable and constant.
The only question left is “HOW QUICKLY CAN YOU RESPOND TO YOUR OWN TRUTH KNOWING?” and make your Choice…Light ON or Light OFF.
When you feel bad you have gone down in frequency and you’re looking at things as if you are a body rather than so much more. When you feel excited you feel the Creator of your reality.
You always have a conscious Choice in any given moment. It is your thoughts , your feelings. There no one else in there but You, when you take your power.
“I choose Light, I choose l Love, I choose Freedom, I choose self-expression.”
And some ARE saying to themselves “I can’t see my way out of this”
When you are in 3d programmed thinking you can’t see your way out of it because you’re down in the trenches and the shadows have you.
Move to higher ground first.
Pause, Hand on Heart, breathe. Be still just for a moment. Visualize going to the top of a hill and looking out over the horizon to the sun above a shining sea.
You give your consent to your governments when you refuse to take your own internal knowing and options first.
Go to the highest law.
God’s laws are always true and immutable.
Government rules are puny in comparison.
Look for the “open door” that will give the “escape” (or better, “access to Freedom” really).
Love will find you a way even when there appears to be no way.
You are Love Incarnate and as you know this andTrust it (YOU), step by step, will be shown or led through a route or the alternative.
When you can let go and follow the “golden nuggets” that will be presented to you, you will be amazed.
So be Excited and with the Knowing that the Universe always has your back and is totally Benevolent.
Stand Tall Beloved Warrior/Angels.
I So Love You
Time to Face up (Part 2) | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/02/2023 11:15:00 PM