By Steve Beckow, October 2, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Next day.
If my litmus test is the Divine Mother’s “Is it of love?” (1) then that cannot be taken as an idle, romantic, or superfiicial statement. She’s not talking about what passes for love in the 3rd/4th Dimension. She’s talking about higher-dimensional, transformative love.
Is it of that love?
It seems to me that, if I want to take the measure of the action I’m contemplating, I have to be in the space of that love to see what’s so.
I wouldn’t be surprised to find that I’ve always in the past used 3/4D love as my litmus paper. And that might explain why my gunnysack lingers to this day. A lack of forgiveness and character reformation.
So I breathe transformative love up from my heart. And, as I do, I encounter the results of the thoughts I’m having while I reflect on various situations in my life. I experience them as an obstruction in my throat muscles. I have to breathe through it to reach love on the other side. And breathing through it, I see, is laborious.
Hmmm…. I’m not cut off from the love in my heart, but my thoughts are making it difficult to draw it up and experience it. Hmmm……..
This condition is great for concentration. Good for secret agents and commandos. Not so great for a lightworker or loveholder.
Let me revive a term much in use in the early Sixties to have a way of speaking about this obstruction in my throat. Let me call it the results of dragging around my “gunnysack.”
I’m dragging around a gunnysack of issues and upsets, resentments and ill designs. And it obstructs the flow of energy at my throat chakra. My experience of it is that it weighs on me like a wet blanket.
Dragging around my gunnysack of resentments leads to lethargy, which Hindus call “thamas.”
The word “lethargy” derives from the River Lethe in Greek mythology. It was the River of Death but also the river of forgetfulness of our past mortal life. (2)
We’re blanketed in lethargy and don’t notice a fall in our awareness. We’ve lost awareness and we have no awareness that we’ve lost awareness. This is what makes devolution – a fall in thought and behavior – usually invisible and so insidious.
This blanketing mechanism is used to turn us away from any thought we have that, for whatever reason, we’re not meant to follow through on. We’re blanketed in thamas or lethargy and utterly forget our intention. We’ve crossed the River Lethe and forgotten about our earlier life; i.e., intention.
Either we blanket ourselves to stop our forward motion or someone on the other side, who has our permission, does it. For me that would be the Mother, Michael, the Lord Arcturus, my Higher Self, and my guides.
I think blanketing us with lethargy is part of the steering mechanism we give our circle permission to use with us.
So I’m right down here in the hard wiring – the stop-and-go button.
The price I pay for dragging around my gunnysack, my Morley’s chain, (3) is me blanketing my own awareness with lethargy, forgetfulness, causing obstructions to the flow of love at the throat chakra, all the while being unable to see what just happened.
Therefore, if I want to experience that love without obstruction, I need to drop the gunnysack. Ho’oponopono. Total forgiveness. Whatever works! Message in a bottle: Help! Help!
By the laws of intention, sacred purpose, and elimination and with the aid of the Divine Mother, I drop all issues, upsets, resentments, ill designs, and everything else that calls down lethargy on me, has me forget my intention, and obstructs the flow of love from my heart to me.
(1) Following on from the discussion in “The Walk Out of the Cycle of Conflict,” October 1, 2023, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=348418
Divine Mother: We’re not talking about even doing an analysis because, dear heart ,your societies tend to analyze things to death. We are talking about heart discernment. Does it feel like love? It is a very quick yes or no. …
Did it come from the highest place of love? If the answer is no, then go back to what you were doing. (“Heavenly Blessings: The Universal Law of Change with Universal Mother Mary, Part 2/2,” September 8, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/08/heavenly-blessings-the-universal-law-of-change-with-universal-mother-mary-part-2-2/.)
(2) Lethe.Death.
In Gr. myth.: The personification of oblivion, a daughter of Eris.
The river of oblivion, one of the streams of Hades, the waters of which possessed the quality of causing those who drank of them to forget their former existence. (My emphasis.)
(3) In A Christmas Carol with Alistair Sims, the ghost of Morley is depicted dragging around a long chain of sins and missed opportunities.
The Blanketing Mechanism Called Lethargy | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/02/2023 11:20:00 PM