When Michael appeared to me in a lucid dream, onboard ship, he had only half a body, like this
By Steve Beckow, September 16, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Would an archangel malign a human? People have in the past come to me with allegations that I’m a darkworker, Lucifer, the reincarnated Hitler. And they’ve borne out some of these accusations by reference to a reading with Archangel A through channel B.
I’d rather not use names. It’s the general point that matters. I apologize for the inconvenience.
It did not seem right to me that an archangel would malign a human. And I took the matter up with Archangel Michael.
The whole discussion is fascinating because it nails down the fact that an archangel would never malign another being. It’s not of love – and I’ve experienced a lower form, I’m sure, of the love he’s referring to so I know what he means.
An archangel is suffused with it. They are one with it. So an archangel would not be found doing something as low down as criticizing or blaming a human. OK, I get it now.
The moral of this story is don’t accept a channeling in which an archangel is made to say negative things about people. They don’t do that.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 2, 2016.
Steve: Well, I suppose I should just have a brief chat with Archangel A or, do I just ask you the questions.
Archangel Michael: You may ask me. We will both be in attendance. It is not a problem.
Steve: Well, twice people have come to me after having readings with B, channeling Archangel A, and said that he said negative things about me. D said that A had said that someone was holding up the E and she implied that it was me.
On another occasion, F had readings with A and again came back with negative statements about me, that I was practically a darkworker.
I don’t understand this. I have a hard time thinking of an Archangel saying negative things about a human. So could I have some explanation of what actually happened, please?
AAM: You are a human being and you have taken this form as an offering, a sacrifice, an undertaking, a service to the Mother.
So make no mistake about it. None of us – not Master or Angel or Archangel or Seraphim, in the true clarity of our beingness – would nay-say any being. [My emphasis, and in what follows.] Let us be clear about this.
Now the individuals have and can have influence, shall we put it that way, upon a channel and then there is the human translation factor as well. So in some ways there is a double whammy, if you would.
We do not speak in this way, shape, or form. It is not of love. It is not of wholeness. It is not of who we are.
Yes, when you are in harm’s way, when you are about to press the button on the war machine, there is intervention at times. (1) The intervention comes in the middle, not prior to.
But we do not give these dark, maligned readings. It is that simple. So if this impression was not present, both within the receiver and the channel, it would not come forth this way. So it is not of truth and it is not of love.
A, this bright Archangel, is an ally and that is how he wishes to be concerned and considered and treated. Not as foe, not as enemy, not as a naysayer, not as human, and certainly not as one that has need to be taken to task.
If there are issues that have need to be clarified, it would be with B or D or F. So when you hear – and you have heard a variety of things – this type of information, you have been correct to simply go to your heart, and your mind for that matter, and say, “Does this feel or ring true to me?”
It is not that you do not know yourself. It is not that you do not know your own shadow self. It is not that you have not done your work. So that is simply not an area that we talk about to a third or fourth or fifth party. It is not our way. And it is not the way of service. It is not the way of love and it is not what the Mother dictates.
This is a very good litmus test for you in many regards because you and I are also the gatekeepers of this beautiful platform [Golden Age of Gaia]. So when it does not feel as truth, as expansion, as love, then we would suggest that you simply dismiss, forgive, and continue on.
Steve: Okay, let me leave it at that then and thank you very much to you and to A for clarifying that for me.
AAM: We both give you our love.
Steve: Thank you very much. Thank you, A.
(1) Such as at least two occasions when I could have caused a housefire without intervention. Michael simply “put it out.” Or when I nearly electrocuted myself snipping into a live wire. He simply “diverted a few electrons.”
Would an Archangel Malign Another Being? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/17/2023 12:48:00 AM