(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
I do not put energy into conspiracy dramas, even though I recognize that in our present experience they are playing a significant part, and I now consciously clear my field a least daily.
If you want to be immersed in that “mine (mind) field” yourself then that is fine but you will be disappointed at getting much response in detail from me.
There is a huge re enactment of the Trauma of Atlantis playing out in the minds of Humanity through individual lives at these times. And the “dark agendas” love to place (mind and emotionally charged) entities within the shadows of our auric fields to keep us in the fear of the old “matrix”.
It is a World War going on at these moments in time. A War of mind. The war of power over your mind. By controlling your mind and keeping it in fear (and self-doubt) IT thrives on your Life Force.
Each has to discern what makes sense for themselves.
I am focussed on our empowerment, the Love of Self, and the Mastery of taking the fullness of your courage to face your own vulnerabilities (fears) and to transform them into deeper Knowing of who you are and what you are capable of.
IT is THE LOVE OF GOD that you ARE, that is the Almighty power that you seek on the one hand, and that the forces that appear to control you are afraid of, on the other.
We have all experienced the Fearfulness of this control Power via various histories of trauma, pain, shame and destruction.
It is time to rise to claiming back your innocence in the fire of your courage to embrace fully your Godhead through the facing of your fears (doubts) and transmuting them through your treatment of yourself.
The HUman Soul Tribe Remembers who they truly are and it is Magnificent, Holy, Sacred, and Fearless in the Knowing of what it is like to be Truly HUman and Free.
I So Love You.
The War | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/02/2023 12:39:00 AM