(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Judith Kusel
At this momentous time all is a huge flux and transformation and transfiguration. The new Earth relationships will not be as known before, even in this lifetime. It will not be a physical merging as much as it will be a true soul merging and love with great trust, respect and indeed great tenderness.
Yet one will not need contracts, nor marriage vows, nor anything external, nothing binding, for this is not necessary. It is something which is solely between two souls, giving each other the freedom to be simply themselves, and thus allowing them to wander off if they wish or to walk alongside when on the self-same frequency, wavelength as each other, sharing the same vision, the same calling, moving along in the same direction.
One is not attached to the other. One has no expectations of what the other must be like, look like, act like. One does not project one’s own ideas, concepts, nor expectations upon the other. One does not bind each other.
One honors the sovereignty of their own soul. As much as one honors the sovereignty of one’s own soul. For indeed Divinity is already within, present in both as it is in all life and life forms and love is eternally present, in all existences and all parallel lives and universes.
Love is never ending.
When two souls truly love they know and experience the boundless – the infinite whole, and thus the exploration of the soul knows no end and no beginning, not what it can express, what it can co-create, what is can be and become.
So the boundless soul gives another boundless soul the bountiful infinite love it deserves.
That is true love.
It knows no boundaries.
It knows no possession.
It knows no limits.
It is infinite.
It is pure Divine energy.
It is Love.
All love starts with oneself for self.
“Love thyself, as you love the Divine within, as you love your neighbor even as you love yourself!”
Excerpt from a Twin Flame Soul Reading done by me
New Earth Relationships | Judith Kusel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/02/2023 12:40:00 AM